search projects
projectile but accessible anywhere how does projectile store data? minimum cost to chanfe that location?
override projectile get and fetch functions to hit a cli tool
cli tool tracks all the information that projectile does, somehow
program launcher also queries this cli tool to get info
ideally we do something richer than cli eventually, like some sort of query system, but what can u do
search internet
i will:
search for a place where i can do something locally
search to find some articles or in-depth information about something
for a brief answer or definition to a question
for calendar and local availability [can i do this now? does this work?]
need to incorporate all of these into launcher - one os-native box should handle everything.
Continue writing that story set in Berlin after global warming. The heat is everywhere, everything is sticky; like Noir set in Los Angeles summer, but in Berlin in springtime.
Also: short story about going back to Argentina and realizing that Mariano plays his "very nerdy guy" character, AnΓbal, at university (when he teaches and interacts with other members of the faculty). It started when he played the character in Instagram, and he just kept at it. It got out of hand when he realized a future coworker followed him in IG. Scenes: I meet a common acquaintance and he reports him as being very serious and straight.
- An [[agora]] is a [[repository]] of [[ideas]].
uninteresting ideas are streamlined improvements to existing processes - a better messaging app, or a better task organization framework, for example. people can already do these things; you're shaving time off what they can do, but it's unclear whether your lifetime spent building the tool is worth the small process improvement you give to others, even though that imporvement compounds - and you'll spend so much effort marketing the tool to convince others to accept a minor process improvement. ultimately, though, other people will be solving these problems.
interesting ideas fundamentally change the way people interact with the world outside the application or business process or paradigm that the service operates in. uber changed the way that people navigate cities. airbnb (arguably) changed the way that people travel. accelerating shipping makes it possible for anyone to pass something off to anyone else. businesses can be built on it. ecosystems can be built on it. this is why craigslist is beautiful. shipping is a platform - it's infrastructure - transporting something from A to B. it's a world with far less ownership - where people can rent things to each other and return them by dropping them off at their nearest bodega.
Next step is just collecting data. How fast can we ship across NYC? How fast do people want to ship? Ideal pace is slower than
UX? either 'fun' -we enjoy giving things to our friends! - or business - most efifcient way to get things from A to B, no questions asked.
doc viewer
tool able to view just a subset of a webpage: i.e. for an article only view the text itself, the way the author intended, as the main body, separating it from the rest of the content.
incredibly painful experience onboarding and settuing up react etc.
it does not have to be this way. concretely: what's github? what's vscode? how do i open, view and edit files? what's the difference between github, github desktop, vscode, react native? what is nodejs for and what does it let us do?
some pitches from email
these are visible in the `ideas` top level folder. i would like a better way to track them; i'll definitely flesh them out in the wiki, but i really like being able to send email to an address to sketch them out. i would prefer sketching them out on paepr and just sending an image in, but honestly i want this idea period to support whatever medium is most flexible - i just have to make sure the whole idea is recorded and written down ads fast as possible.
redfin art
house showcase super interesting idea; get to know someone's life based on the house they left behind the house on bluefin, or redfin, road
- public document at
- video call at
2020 07 18
2020 09 21
2020 10 08
2020 10 10
2020 11 15
2022 04 23
2023 03 07
2023 03 08
2023 07 29
2023 12 08
3 agora
agora yaml
albin zollinger
climate leviathan
free annotations
guaranteed income
pay it forward
robofriend as socrates
robofriend is socrates
take a walk on the wild side
the shape of my heart
universal basic income
walk on the wild side