layout: post title: "Knight News Challenge prep in Vancouver: Digital Media Experiments to Innovate Journalism" created: 1222794124 categories:
- Knight News Challenge
- Raincity Studios
- Vancouver
- Drupal

Coming up next Monday, October 6th at the Raincity Studios offices is a Knight News Challenge info and prep session.What is the Knight News Challenge?
Want to win funding for a cool online community project? The Knight News Challenge is in the third year of a program that gives away $5MM a year to innovative online projects that support online news, community discourse and social media in specific local communities. Come to this meet up to find out how to apply, share ideas, and get a chance to talk to KNC evangelists.
This is an interactive, hands on discussion designed to give you the knowledge to apply with a great innovative idea. All ages welcomed.
The press release from the beginning of September details the program. $5M is available for "digital media experiments to innovate journalism".
Long time blog friend Susan Mernit is running these prep sessions -- Seattle and San Francisco are the next two places on the list. If you're accepted past the first stage, you can enter the News Challenge Garage for further mentoring and feedback.
A lot of code ends up being built in Drupal for this yearly challenge. Knight took notice of this, and also has the Drupal-specific Knight Drupal Initiative (KDI).
This is a really good way to get some funding to try a true R&D-style idea, which might just be the beginning of a whole new startup. If you have ideas about the future of news, come to the Raincity Studios offices to find out more next week. (and yes, please sign up on Upcoming or Facebook).