📕 subnode [[@bmann/garden and the gazebo]] in 📚 node [[garden-and-the-gazebo]]

My current setup for this site I'm calling the Garden and the Gazebo.1

The Garden is what you're looking at and browsing: inter-linked notes, the portion of my [[Second Brain]] that I keep public.

The Gazebo is where I keep my private notes. A day-to-day [[Worklog]], TODOs, notes from meetings, and various notes to self.


I haven't used my root bmannconsulting domain for things for a while. The [[Archive]] has 12 years of lightly pruned blog posts. I ran a separate wiki for a while, mostly about food and travel, but it was very useful for notes on [[ChromeOS]] and other non-food things, so the Garden is back to being a wiki-like interface for notes, concepts, and other snippets that aren't blog posts.

Calling it a garden because it's organic, messy, sprawling, and where things grow. It's also an area that people can "walk around in", much like a physical garden.

Wikis have fallen out of fashion these days, although their concepts in tools like [[Notion]] are perhaps bigger than ever. "wiki gardening" is a term that I've used and an activity I've practiced in the past, so that fits, too.

[[Ton Zijlstra]] wrote about his own digital notes on his blog as Planting the Garden of Forking Paths.2

[[Processing]] is where I'm stashing articles I intend to quote and keep and other snippets of information. I've got [[Working Copy]] on my phone, so I can copy / paste information and check it in. Right now, I have to get back to my computer to publish it, which isn't ideal.


Maybe locked garden shed would be another analogy, but Gazebo is what popped into my mind and what I'm running with.

I am mostly in the Gazebo, using [[LogSeq]], day-to-day.

I can't seamlessly move from private to public.

Blog posts vs Notes

What's the difference between a blog post and a note? When I say it like that, it seems simple. But, this note is a great example. I'm writing it for myself -- to figure out what I think -- and I'm writing it in public, so I can share it and point people at it when they ask about my setup.

But a blog post would never make it public in this shape. I'm playing with using the [[WIP]] tag -- for myself, so I can know which notes need some more work. Which is kind of like the [[Processing]] page, too. Lots of loose ends, but in a good way.


  1. The [[Colophon]] has the history of the site and some other setup details, for which the TLDR really is [[Digital Garden Jekyll Template]] for the public portion, and [[LogSeq]] for the private portion.

  2. Yes, that refers to the short story by Borges (Wikipedia).

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