πŸ“š node [[commons]]


[[I like commons]].

In a nutshell: 'a commons' is a shared thing between a bunch of people that they actively maintain together.

The idea is that they are "beyond market and state".

Commons can be found in all kinds of walks of life - the environment (grazing lands, fisheries, community forests), culture, digital realm, knowledge commons.

There's a lot to unpack. My favourite book on commons and commoning is [[Free, Fair and Alive]].

The logic of the commons is the logic of a common humanity that has realized that all humans should be equal participants and beneficiaries in society (see Dyer-Witheford 1999, 2007, 2009; Fuchs 2011b; Hardt and Negri 2009; Ε½iΕΎek 2010).

– [[Social Media: A Critical Introduction]]

What is a commons?

Also what's the difference between 'the Commons' and 'a commons'?

The Commons is a means of provisioning and governance that generally doesn't need the permission of legislatures or courts to move forward.

– [[David Bollier]], [[Stir to Action]] Issue 30

The commons are cared for by the those that directly inhabit and gain from its wealth.

– [[Seeding the Wild]]

Despite vivid differences among commons focused on natural resources, digital systems, and social mutuality, they all share structural and social similarities.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

So instead of conceiving of commons as closed systems of common property managed by a β€œclub,” it is more productive to see them as social organisms who, thanks to their [[semi-permeable membrane]]s, can interact with larger forces of life β€” communities, ecosystems, other commons.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

The commons is not simply about β€œsharing,” as it happens in countless areas of life. It is about sharing and bringing into being durable social systems for producing shareable things and activities.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

Commons are living social systems through which people address their shared problems in self-organized ways.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

The commons is a robust class of self-organized social practices for meeting needs in fair, inclusive ways.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

Each commons depends on social processes, the sharing of knowledge, and physical resources. Each shares challenges in bringing together the social, the political (governance), and the economic (provisioning) into an integrated whole.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

The elemental human impulse that we are born with β€” to help others, to improve existing practices β€” ripens into a stable social form with countless variations: a commons.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

How big is a commons?

In a commons, the resource can be small and serve a tiny group (the family refrigerator), it can be community-level (sidewalks, playgrounds, libraries, and so on), or it can extend to international and global levels (deep seas, the atmosphere, the Internet, and scientific knowledge).

– [[Understanding Knowledge as a Commons]]

The commons can be well bounded (a community park or library); transboundary (the Danube River, migrating wildlife, the Internet); or without clear boundaries (knowledge, the ozone layer).

– [[Understanding Knowledge as a Commons]]


the commons is not just about small-scale projects for improving everyday life. It is a germinal vision for reimagining our future together and reinventing social organization, economics, infrastructure, politics, and state power itself.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

The commons is a social form that enables people to enjoy freedom without repressing others, enact fairness without bureaucratic control, foster togetherness without compulsion, and assert sovereignty without nationalism.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

A commons … gives community life a clear focus. It depends on democracy in its truest form. It destroys inequality. It provides an incentive to protect the living world. It creates, in sum, a politics of belonging.”

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

The virtue of the commons as a mode of thought and action isn’t simply that it provides for the scaled management of pooled resources, but that it spurs us to envision a way of life founded in interdependence, mutuality and shared responsibility for the outcomes experienced by others. Any situation organized in this way offers us a way to get outside of ourselves, a scaffolding for the development of intersubjectivity.

– [[Radical Technologies]]

Where market logics generally seek to collectivize risk and privatize gain, adherents to the principles of the commons believe that the greatest degree of sustainable benefit is derived from resources when they are held jointly, and managed democratically for the good of all.

– [[Radical Technologies]]

Politics of it

The world of commoning represents a profound challenge to capitalism because it is based on a very different ontology.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

Difficulties for commons

Potential problems in the use, governance, and sustainability of a commons can be caused by some characteristic human behaviors that lead to social dilemmas such as competition for use, free riding, and over- harvesting. Typical threats to knowledge commons are commodification or enclosure, pollution and degradation, and nonsustainability.

– [[Understanding Knowledge as a Commons]]


β₯… node [[commoning]] pulled by user


The stuff [[commoner]]s do to enjoy, curate and steward a [[commons]].

[[commoner]]s are engaged in in "world-making in a [[pluriverse]]" because that phrase captures the core purpose of commoning: the creation of peer-generated, context-specific systems for free, fair and sustainable lives.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

commoning is primarily about creating and maintaining relationships - among people in small and big communities and networks, between humans and the nonhuman world, and between us and past and future generations.

– [[Free, Fair and Alive]]

See the [[Spheres of commoning]].

β₯… node [[elinor-ostrom]] pulled by user

Elinor Ostrom

Elinor Ostrom

a resource arrangement that works in practice can work in theory

^ In a very small nutshell that sums up Ostrom's huge contribution to the commons.

Building on Ostrom

Ostrom worked from the perspective of the rational-actor school of economics and a focus on resource management at small scales. So she worked within a limited analytic framework and did not engage with political economy.

– [[David Bollier, P2P Models interview on digital commons]]

To the extent that Ostrom and many other commentators, economists, and politicians focus on the Commons as chiefly a resource, it shifts attention to social and political questions of how a Commons organises itself into the background. It adopts the standard rational actor frame of Homo economicus and puts into the background the contestable, negotiable, circumstantial ways in which social governance emerges.

– [[David Bollier, P2P Models interview on digital commons]]

β₯… node [[frontiers-of-commoning]] pulled by user
β₯… node [[ontology]] pulled by user

Ontology is the knowledge of relations between subjects.

= [[2022-03-23]] on [[matrix]] I once published a review of most common categorization systems in Russian:

=> https://t.me/bpblog/1227

I found 7 different types of such systems

In short, translated:

#tags like this, one might call them hashtags Metatags? Classic wiki categories Forward indices Hierarchy Map of content None I didn't find any more categorization systems. Everything is a mixture between the seven

There's no distinction between linking to the topic and inclusion in the topic with the link+backlink combo

πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context
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