ecological civilization
A vision for a future society. [[Jeremy Lent]]'s idea, I think. I think it's a good one.
This is the fundamental idea underlying an ecological civilization: using natureβs own design principles to reimagine the basis of our civilization.
An ecological civilization would incorporate government spending and markets, butβas laid out by visionary economist Kate Raworthβwould add two critical realms to this framework: households and the commons.
Technological innovation would still be encouraged, but would be prized for its effectiveness in enhancing symbiosis between people and with living systems, rather than minting billionaires.
Manufacturing would be structured around circular material flows, and locally owned cooperatives would become the default organizational structure.
Online networks with scale, such as Facebook, would be turned over to the commons, so that rather than manipulating users to maximize advertising dollars, the internet could become a vehicle for humanity to develop a planetary consciousness.
Governance would be transformed with local, regional, and global decisions made at the levels where their effects are felt most (known as [[subsidiarity]]).
While much decision-making would devolve to lower levels, a stronger global governance would enforce rules on planetwide challenges such as the climate emergency and the sixth great extinction.
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