📕 subnode [[@bmann/2004 02 19 side discussions for increasing signal to noise]] in 📚 node [[2004-02-19-side-discussions-for-increasing-signal-to-noise]]

layout: post title: Side discussions for increasing signal-to-noise created: 1077180060 categories:

  • email
  • mailing list
  • QuickTopic

Found this over at the Planet GNOME pages, which seems to have similar bearing on the problem with lists:

Rather than fragmenting lists by "general topic", which seems not to work, why don't we fragment list traffic on a per discussion basis. Very few discussions will need this, but the few that do we can not destroy the public list's readability for the week+ it takes to run its course.

Seth Nickell: A Listy Dilemma

A solution for implementing Seth's idea (which were based around the same signal-to-noise issues that I thought of) would be to use QuickTopic.

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