Organising for Revolution With Rodrigo Nunes
A : [[podcast]]
Featuring : [[Rodrigo Nunes]]
Enjoyed a lot. Relevant to the question of [[Revolution in the twenty-first century]].
Gives nice overview of recent history of political organisation that is the backdrop to Nunes' book [[Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal]].
Nostalgic throwback to [[Critical Mass]]. I remember going on a couple in Leeds when I was at university in the early 2000s. (Nunes here mentions it as an archetypal horizontalist group in Porto Allegre in the 2010s.)
The ideas of [[intensive revolution]] and [[extensive revolution]] is very interesting. [[Temporary Autonomous Zone]]s being an example of intensive revolution. i.e. spatially and temporally local. Very radical but also short-lived and bypassing the difficulty of building something bigger. Extensive being a worldwide systemic shift.
Also very interesting: climate breakdown is a moment that needs extensive revolution. 1 million intensive revolutions would still not be enough to avert it. (Unless they all join up perhaps?)
Some of the podcast does break down in to a bit of old guys grumbling about horizontalist millenials. They come from a more vertical perspective I would wager. But I totally get the need for the [[synthesis of horizontalism and verticalism]], so if you take the grumbling as good faith critique then that's OK.
- public document at
- video call at