Journals for the last 31 days with entries

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→ node [[2024-04-06]]


→ node [[2024-04-05]]


→ node [[2024-04-04]]


  • I'm getting more into the groove with [[fish]] on desktop the more that I use it.

    • Still a slamdunk win on Termux.
  • I would just like to take a moment to lament the fact that I have received an email inviting me to become a Certified Generative AI Specialist.

  • Idle thought: maybe the world would be a better place if the de facto 'learn to code' tutorial was not a todo list (individual productivity) but a simple group poll (collective decision-making).

→ node [[2024-04-03]]
→ node [[2024-04-02]]
→ node [[2024-04-01]]


→ node [[2024-03-31]]
→ node [[2024-03-30]]


→ node [[2024-03-29]]


→ node [[2024-03-28]]


  • I've been picking up the [[guitar]] again regularly recently, for the first time in a long time. And I'm really enjoying it. Drop D tuning and finger picking. Still got the muscle memory for basic chords and picking patterns. Relistening to some [[John Fahey]] too.
→ node [[2024-03-27]]


→ node [[2024-03-26]]


→ node [[2024-03-25]]


  • Although in general it feels the same (possibly slower? because I didn't compile it myself?), one thing that is much faster in Emacs 28 is the parsing of my huge file for work. Thumbs up.

  • I'd like to tweak my garden a bit such that I have 'planted' and 'last tended' dates on each page.

    • I already have 'This page last updated: …' at the bottom of every page.
    • But I'd prefer it right at the top. Not too prominent/distracting, but I have some pretty old pages knocking around now and I'd like people to be aware that they might be outdated.
  • [[org-timeblock]] looks pretty good and like it'd fill my desire for a timeblocking tool for org-mode.

    • I used to use [[Goalist]] on Android and it was great, but I got annoyed that I couldn't sync it and make use of it anywhere else.
    • So… [[trying out org-timeblock]]. However, hitting a bunch of issues from the beginning.
→ node [[2024-03-24]]


→ node [[2024-03-23]]


→ node [[2024-03-22]]


→ node [[2024-03-20]]
→ node [[2024-03-19]]
→ node [[2024-03-18]]
  • [[work]]
    • lunch with the [[ER-CH]].
    • then some meetings and some focus time! pretty alright :)


→ node [[2024-03-17]]


→ node [[2024-03-16]]


→ node [[2024-03-15]]


→ node [[2024-03-14]]


→ node [[2024-03-12]]


→ node [[2024-03-11]]


  • [[Listened]]: [[Brian Merchant, "Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech"]]

  • [[Spam]].

    • Our website is experiencing an uptick in spam over the last few days.
    • Incredibly irritating.
    • With comments like 1*if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0).
    • We have Akismet and a honepot enabled. Adding a very noddy manual captcha (e.g. 4+8 = ?) helps. But if it continues, we'll probably have to enable ReCaptcha. Which I'd prefer to avoid if possible.
    • Seemingly emanating from the same IP address.
    • The host lists an abuse@ address. But when I contact that address, the mailbox is reported as being full.
→ node [[2024-03-10]]


→ node [[2024-03-09]]

Suddenly you become [[[[more [[aware]] of the [[nature of existence]]]].

  • I read about the [[multiverse]] and [[groups]] again after long -- this reminds me that I need to finish reading [[a rosetta stone]] :) I think I will find my paper print or print it again and read it at night.
  • Note [[Silverbullet]] is currently journaling at a different path, the Agora should show both in any date-matching nodes.
  • [[agora development]]:
    • pull silverbullet editor somewhere in the Agora
      • host silverbullet for people with a docker container + associated git repo (maybe automatically created at
      • write about social hosting :)
    • #pull [[index]] from now-index!
  • [[agora discuss]]:
  • write about the nature of existence :)
  • [[edit]]
  • [[agora development]]:
    • implement URL pulls, it's been on the todo for quite long! :)
      • this would make [[edit]] work (at least for me, for now) :)
      • this seems to almost work :)
    • look into the bugs that neil reported
      • finding them in [[agora discuss]] led to enjoying that space as usual! :D
  • [[what if we became better protopians]]?


→ node [[2024-03-08]]
  • [[AI]]:
    • I went to an interesting [[AI]] talk and learnt about a few new (to me) services/things that look interesting:
      • [[pikaso]] (a paint-to-image generation tool)
      • [[grok]] (a plushie voiced by [[Grimes]])


→ node [[2024-03-07]]
  • In the [[Agora of Flancia]], each node is an [[Agora]] -- meaning a fork of the Agora that is centered around the node in question and its [[context]].
→ node [[2024-03-06]]


→ node [[2024-03-05]]
