Read: [[The Hammer - Bill Gates wants your money]]
- [[Bill Gates]] and his climate fund - it's not a benevolent gift, it's an investment with an expected return.
- There is a [[Bezos Earth Fund]]!?
Picking out some choice quotes from [[The Left Hand of Darkness]].
Read: Working Around Post Kinds Plugin Lock-In – Interdependent Thoughts
- I need to do something like this, too.
Perhaps obvious but a nice little lightbulb flash for me, was that [[systems thinking]] appears to generally be a recent incarnation / labelling of (a particular part of?) [[cybernetics]]. Makes reading on cybernetics feel less like learning a dead language, and makes systems thinking feel a bit more weighty.
Whenever I get that stab of feeling like there's too many ideas to explore, too many books to read, too little time to do it in, I remind myself not to turn to productivity systems, efficiency improvements and the like, but to [[knowledge sharing]] and [[communities of practice]], and remind myself that you don't need to know it all, knowing things is not just an individual pursuit but a collective endeavour.
[[Biology of love]]
Listened: [[Ray Ison and Ed Straw, "The Hidden Power of Systems Thinking: Governance in a Climate Emergency"]].
- Politics is failing our home, the [[biosphere]], massively. The biosphere and climate change needs to be at the centre of [[governance]]. [[Systems thinking]] is a means to do this.
- Enjoyed this. Sounds like a good book.
I wonder if I should be using [[Org Cite]] in some way.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2021-08-15
- video call at meet.jit.si/2021-08-15