📚 node [[pipepunk]]

Pipepunk is an artistic movement related to the pipe aesthetic. I coined this term.

= Themes

  • Complex piping systems.
  • Wires, cords, ropes
  • Power lines
  • Brutalist architecture.
  • Monumental architecture
  • Living inside things that were not meant for living, such as big empty pipes

= My drawings See [[pipepunk gallery]] for the gallery of my pipepunk drawings.

[[Solinopolis]] is where most of the pipepunkery happens.

= A thread from the [[Fediverse]] @bx@tiny.tilde.website

i had no idea there was a word for this style! id often see one or two scenes in a cartoons as a kid that kinda matched this look and they really stuck with me, ended up doing allot of doodles like this

I'm glad you liked it! I coined the term. Will you share your doodles?


sadly most of them are in old books or loose paper that isn't at all well organised... I do kinda feel like doing some new ones though!

Maybe it's time to organize them?


I've definatly tried, before but gur best i have is them being semi chronological, but it doesnt really make it easy to search. and theres also those doodles that just get lost

P. S. They did share: [[https://tiny.tilde.website/@bx/107917592616829307]]

= Fitting works Other peoples' ideas I find fitting the idea of //pipepunk//. Of course, they didn't intentionally try to fit my view, they just liked pipes too.

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        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
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⥅ related node [[pipepunk_gallery]]