📚 node [[2021 11 21]]



  • [[Elinor Ostrom]]: "a resource arrangement that works in practice can work in theory"

  • This is how I read:

    • pirate e-book
    • if I enjoy it, support the author as directly as possible, e.g.
      • buy physical book via: a) author; b) indie publisher; c) local bookstore
    • give physical book away to: a) friend; b) [[infoshop]]; c) stranger
  • Apologies to society if this is not strictly legal / hegemonic. But I feel it works well with regards to a balance of idea dissemination / author remuneration.

📖 stoas
⥱ context
⥅ related node [[pasted image 20210621192106]]
⥅ related node [[pasted image 20210621192126]]
⥅ related node [[20210111121611 covid_crash]]
⥅ related node [[20210118212004 commodity_money]]
⥅ related node [[20210118212122 currency_sovereignty]]
⥅ related node [[20210118212432 there_s_no_such_thing_as_barter]]
⥅ related node [[20210130181121 wages_are_determined_by_the_cost_of_the_reproduction_of]]
⥅ related node [[20210310112141 exploitation]]
⥅ related node [[20210311213119 actor_model]]
⥅ related node [[20210311213140 programming_paradigms]]
⥅ related node [[20210311213212 object_oriented_programming]]
⥅ related node [[20210311213613 erlang]]
⥅ related node [[20210321183219 kronstadt_rebellion]]
⥅ related node [[20210411214202 jit_compilation]]
⥅ related node [[20210411214209 compilers]]
⥅ related node [[20210411214221 programming_language_implementation]]
⥅ related node [[20210511215432 hitler]]
⥅ related node [[20210511215745 red_guard]]
⥅ related node [[20210511215939 freikorps]]
⥅ related node [[20210521102127 alan_kay_on_lisp]]
⥅ related node [[20210521102135 alan_kay]]
⥅ related node [[20210521211721 function_programming]]
⥅ related node [[20210118211817 marxism_or_modern_monetary_theory_theorizing_with_a_hammer (conflicted 1)]]
⥅ related node [[20210118211817 marxism_or_modern_monetary_theory_theorizing_with_a_hammer (conflicted 2)]]
⥅ related node [[20210118211817 marxism_or_modern_monetary_theory_theorizing_with_a_hammer]]