Flock is the name I'm giving my personal wiki / notes / stream / garden / flow / stock setup. (My [[Personal learning environment]]?) It's a Rube Goldberg device of various other systems, so it's handy to have a word to refer to it all with.
Flock as a portmanteau of flow and stock, and also because I like flocks of birds and [[agent-based systems]]. I like the idea of groups of people doing similar stuff to this, autonomously but connected, producing emergent phenomena.
[[Fleeting notes]]
I take these with org-capture if I'm at my desktop, orgzly if I'm somewhere with my mobile.
[[Permanent notes]]
Write them in org-roam. Link them from my stream.
Garden / stock
Same as permanent notes? This is org-roam, anyway.
Stream / flow
I write this in org-roam first with org-roam-daily. Most stuff I'll then publish to my WordPress site, by publishing to html from org-roam and then copy/pasting into WordPress.
I do this as on WP I have feeds / webmentions set up, so I can get a bit of interactivity with my friends through this. As well as POSSE, etc. All the IndieWeb goodness.
org-roam, but then publish on WordPress.
- [[Local-first]]. I don't want to be dependent on connectivity, at least not for the basics of capturing notes and writing.
Rather than copy/paste my notes from published org-roam to WordPress, push them via micropub.
- Would require the content to be converted to HTML first, otherwise it would still be marked up in org-mode. Micropub accepts html.
- I could probably use org-html-export-as-html or org-html-convert-region-to-html (elpa/26.3/develop/org-plus-contrib-20201019/ox-html.el:3775)
- Or, set up webmentions etc as some layer on top of published org-roam, so WP no longer needed
- With my current setup, I can't really post from my phone. I mean I can post via micropub to WP, but that I have to PESOS back to my org-roam version. So what I do is just take it as a note in orgzly, and post it later. I'm kind of OK with that - I have no need for things to be instant. That said, it could be nice to bring back micropub into the equation, just because I like it.
- a good way for getting notes from koreader on my kobo into my garden
- add a wordcloud
- change the capture template to not include timestamp
- setup purge on tailwind ([[Purging unused CSS from my org-publish]])
- reloading a page with stacked notes sometimes gives a 'page not redirecting correctly' error.
- some links from subfolders (e.g. recent changes) don't work
- the 'root this page' link doesn't from pages in a subfolder
- Add some basic night mode styling
- Use or take some inspiration from [[Tufte CSS]]
- 2021-02-21: [[Publishing org-roam via GitLab CI]]
- 2020-11-28: [[Made myself a logo with PlantUML]]
- 2020-11-21: [[Updating to org-roam 1.2.3]]
- 2020-10-24: [[Updating to org-roam 1.2.2]] (to enable wikilink autocompletion)
- 2020-10-24: [[Adding a 404 page with .htaccess]]
- 2020-10-19: [[Making a recent changes page on my wiki]]
- …
- 2020-07-20: [[Add Miller columns view]]
- 2020-03-08: Started using org-roam
- 2019-10-05: Started using org-mode and org-publish with intent
- public document at doc.anagora.org/flock
- video call at meet.jit.si/flock