- [[daily]]
- review [[2020-11-29]]
Day off at work!
- ...not true in the end because of Reasons.
- at least a no meetings day though.
- [[james baker]] told me about [[letter.wiki]]
- [[write]] user cases in the meeting agenda doc for [[social knowledge graphs discussion]].
- [[answer]] [[O.]]
- [[answer]] [[samuel-klein]]
- [[review]] [[social-knowledge-graphs-discussion]]
- [[review]] comments in [[agora protocol]]
- [[do]] pay internet/phone bills
- [[answer]] [[armengolaltayol]]
- re-review [[logseq]]
[[read]] [[foam]] code to get an idea of what a vscode extension actually looks like :)
- https://github.com/foambubble/foam/blob/b22fd50394bd825c336cba8a7ea3efe1e11ae10b/packages/foam-vscode/src/features/open-dated-note.ts could be a place to start (mainly because I'm interested in adding more such simple commands).
- work on [[agora plan]]
- read [[the next AI winter wil lbe due to energy costs]]
- liked [[how to gpt-2]] by [[mmmalign]].
- looked into [[printer]]s
- noded [[bill evans]].
- [[doikayt]] told me about [[the year of living biblically]].
Enjoying the TV show at the moment, and feeling tempted to reread the [[His Dark Materials]] books again. I read it many years ago now, I guess when I was a teenager - I think there's a lot of subtlety there (and less subtlety perhaps!) about religion and science.
Also I've had another recommendation for the Murderbot series (the first one being from Ton's list), so I think I'll read those at some point too.
09:57 memory
i find my memories are most strongly associated with smells; when an idea occurs to me, it's due to a difference in environment, and is ither impacted by the smell of the room or introduces a smell of its own. the memory of these smells – just out of reach – seems to invade my consciousness when i'm thinking of childhood, of food or of friends.
consequently, i find myself detesting strong, artificial smells - perfume, cologne, the intrusive spray jutting out of teen clothing stores, the sickly sweet fanned barbecue and sugar from many american diners, and often even deoderant. the smells themselves don't necessarily bother me; it's the notion that they're constructed artificially, that they're misplacing key memories by drowning out more interesting voices with something that just does not belong in this context.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2020-11-30
- video call at meet.jit.si/2020-11-30
2020 11 29
agora plan
agora protocol
bill evans
his dark materials
how to gpt 2
james baker
letter wiki
samuel klein
social knowledge graphs discussion
the next ai winter wil lbe due to energy costs
the year of living biblically