A [[personal knowledge management]] [[tool]].
- An [[agora client]] via [[roam2agora]].
- [[white paper]] [[whitepaper]]
- [[pull]] [[roam research]]
- Full list of keyboard shortcuts:
note taking app that does backlinks et. al
A [[note-taking]] tool for [[networked thought]].
I stumbled across [[org-roam]] (emulating Roam in Emacs), while looking for a way of improving my flow of working on my wiki, and am loving it so far.
Roam attempts to implement a near-full conception of [[hypertext]] as originally conceived by visionaries like [[Vannevar Bush]] and [[Ted Nelson]].
It implements a few key features of 1980s vintage hypertext visions — block-level addressability, [[transclusion]] (changes in referenced blocks being “transfer-included” wherever they are cited), and bidirectional linking — that utterly transform the writing experience at the finger-tips level.
You end up organizing high-level structure as you work at fleshing out low-level chunks of information, because the UX collapses high and low-level thinking into a single behavior.
It can also do note-taking, workflows (like kinda-sorta competitor Notion), and wiki-like knowledge management, but those use cases are not as interesting to me. Conspiracy theories and extended universes, in the best senses of those terms — escaped reality construction might be the general category — is what Roam wants to be about.
Written in Clojure.
You write things, and create relationships between them. Don't have to worry about meticulously putting things into a hierarchy. Using back links, and link tags get around this. You can use it for knowledge management, as a task manager, a CRM and a tool for writing.
Writing a block once and then just referencing that block elsewhere is nice.
then #push [[roam]] (blew up in 2021), first somewhat mainstream [[graph database]]
- [[backlinks]] and [[transclusion]]
- [[daily notes]] page
"A note-taking tool for networked thought. As easy to use as a document. As powerful as a graph database. Roam helps you organize your research for the long haul."
I currently use Roam for my private note taking. I practice making a daily [[Worklog]], taking notes on meetings, running a lightweight CRM, and managing my personal TODOs with it.
Roam Research
- [[go]]
- Probably the lead in the [[personal knowledge management]] space.
It is like a personall [[wiki]] with the following extra features:
- [[backlinks]]: very important.
- [[block references]]: important in that they are [[transclusion]].
Unfortunately not [[open source]]. Has an [[extension ecosystem]] but that's also closed.
- I find this worrying.
- [[athens research]] tries to be an [[open source]] [[roam research]] -- and more.
- See [[wikilinking tools]] for other alternatives.
- [[pull]] [[roam likes]]
- public document at
- video call at
2020 03 28
2020 04 04
2020 04 25
2020 04 26
2020 09 28
2020 10 23
2021 02 26
agora editor
agora plan
agora signup
beyond knowledge graphs
brandon toner
dan whaley
digital gardens
discussion of roam alternatives
dylan steck
karthikk vijay
oliver sauter
outliner mode
outlining vs bullet pointing in org mode
outlining vs writing
personal knowledge graph
personal wiki page size
personal wiki software ive considered or have seen recommended
quick capture
roam exporter
steffen schuldenzucker
stream first
t4t radar
the computational turn
the productivists
tools for thinking
tools for thought
towards a knowledge commons
when the internet puts the brackets on
wiki graphs