I would like [[Topic clustering in org-roam graphs]].
I joined the [[Tech Won't Save Us]] Discord as part of being a Patreon patron of the podcast. Liking it so far, there have been a few brief but interesting discussions on various big-tech related topics.
Came across an interesting article (via [[TWSU]]) on [[Why Does Agile Fail?]]. It talks about [[Worker cooperatives]] and [[Viable system model]] as better alternatives.
Came across another interesting article (from [Internet Turtle on social.coop](https://social.coop/@tealturtle/105318939931661872 )), this one on [[Techno-anarchism]].
Came across this very comprehensive report from Common Wealth on suggestions for reclaiming platforms from big tech: [[A Common Platform:Reimagining Data and Platforms]]. (via [[Tech Won't Save Us]] discord)
Fixed an issue with display of different post kinds in my doublescores WordPress theme. Seems that
has becomekind_post
left to right direction
actor "Stafford Beer" as beer
usecase "Hold My" as hold
beer --> hold
Listened to [[General Intellect Unit 038 - The Viable System Model]]. Brilliant. Great overview of VSM (for a total newbie such as myself). Some tidbits:
- Jon Walker who writes The VSM Guide was applying VSM to coops in the UK in the 80s (including [[Suma]])
- In VSM management becomes a function of the overall system, not an individual role attainable only by those with a class privelege.
- We should think of VSM as an explicitly socialist technology.
Very happy to have stumbled on the [[General Intellect Unit]] podcast. "Examining the intersection of Technology, (Left) Politics, and Philosophy". Found it just by a random search for 'Viable System Model podcast'.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2020-12-05
- video call at meet.jit.si/2020-12-05