πŸ“š node [[2023 10 28]]


  • Got org-roam working with Doom Emacs in Termux. To a certain degree. Few niggly issues but decent start. [[Setting up Doom Emacs in termux on Android]]

  • Don't sync org-roam.db between machines.

  • Getting into org-roam on Termux. Useful extra tool in addition to orgzly for taking fleeting notes on my phone. Actually, Termux is more the processing of fleeting notes into actual notes.

    • Couple of nice to fixes: pull in the .git folder so I csn commit from here too.
    • Fix that weird error so that I can insert new nodes.
  • Enjoying the Upstream interview with Breht and Alyson from Rev Left / Red Menace. They seem a bit more tempered here on another show - left to their own devices can sometimes come across tankie. Lots of good discussion of the need for an [[ecology of organisation]] here. [[What Is To Be Done? with Breht O'Shea and Alyson Escalante]].

  • Watching Coraline. It's fun. I feel a bit seen by the Dad character…

  • This bit of text committed from my phone… will it work?

    • Hmm. It gets a bit confusing. Because the changes are synced by syncthing first, so git sees that as a conflict when I pull from the other device.
    • [[Syncing a git repo within a syncthing folder]]
    • OK. Now just syncing via git for a while, lets see how that goes.
  • Read: [[Universal basic services: the power of decommodifying survival]]

  • [[Problem with Kobo Clara HD battery]]. It is draining really fast.

  • Started reading Kate Soper's [[Post-Growth Living]]. It'll be about how a move away from consumerism will actually bring about a more enjoyable life.

  • Saturday, 10/28/23 ** 19:01 I will make functional things
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