πŸ“š node [[2021 01 18]]



  • [[notes on communism]]

  • In my opinion, the reason we can’t challenge the ruling powers directly is that the people most affected by [[capitalism]] don’t have solidarity with each other. Therefore, the one indispensable precondition for long-term victory is to establish solidarity. Solidarity in the real and practical struggles regular people actually face, building power from below until no power from above can stop it.

  • The old paradigm of the vanguard has largely been rejected by the revolutionary movements that most inspire me personally. In his farewell address, former Zapatista spokesperson Subcommandante Marcos said that the Zapatistas had moved β€œfrom revolutionary vanguardism to β€˜ruling by obeying;’ from the taking of Power from Above to the creation of power from below; from professional politics to everyday politics; from the leaders, to the peoples.”

  • Solidarity does not mean group-think

  • Before minimum wages workers in England were paid less than they could survive on

πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context
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