Need to figure out a good workflow for [[quick capture]] with [[gitjournal]].
- [[weekend]] served as quick capture this morning, but the lack of wikilinks in [[gitjournal]] makes it hard to both create a new note for a purpose and link it.
- Perhaps I should have an [[inbox]] node, or a [[quick capture]] node, and mostly edit that in mobile.
- Band name: [[I'll kill your shining lights]].
- [[telegram]] [[armengolaltayo]].
[[meet]] [[samuel-klein]]
- [[wikilinks everywhere]]
- [[more]]
- noded [[rainbow folding]]
- Comprar silla
[[agora plan]]
- Agora help: how to create a note in Foam, shortcuts.
- Agora howto: update clients and procedure for making foam work with a github repo
- [[come]]
- [[surplus value]]
- [[feedback]]
- [[ethics]]
- [[moral principles]]
- [[liquid democracy]]
I would like [[Topic clustering in org-roam graphs]].
I joined the [[Tech Won't Save Us]] Discord as part of being a Patreon patron of the podcast. Liking it so far, there have been a few brief but interesting discussions on various big-tech related topics.
Came across an interesting article (via [[TWSU]]) on [[Why Does Agile Fail?]]. It talks about [[Worker cooperatives]] and [[Viable system model]] as better alternatives.
Came across another interesting article (from [Internet Turtle on social.coop](https://social.coop/@tealturtle/105318939931661872 )), this one on [[Techno-anarchism]].
Came across this very comprehensive report from Common Wealth on suggestions for reclaiming platforms from big tech: [[A Common Platform:Reimagining Data and Platforms]]. (via [[Tech Won't Save Us]] discord)
Fixed an issue with display of different post kinds in my doublescores WordPress theme. Seems that
has becomekind_post
left to right direction
actor "Stafford Beer" as beer
usecase "Hold My" as hold
beer --> hold
Listened to [[General Intellect Unit 038 - The Viable System Model]]. Brilliant. Great overview of VSM (for a total newbie such as myself). Some tidbits:
- Jon Walker who writes The VSM Guide was applying VSM to coops in the UK in the 80s (including [[Suma]])
- In VSM management becomes a function of the overall system, not an individual role attainable only by those with a class privelege.
- We should think of VSM as an explicitly socialist technology.
Very happy to have stumbled on the [[General Intellect Unit]] podcast. "Examining the intersection of Technology, (Left) Politics, and Philosophy". Found it just by a random search for 'Viable System Model podcast'.
15:28 depressing and empowering
i take solace in the fact that i can choose to kill myself at any moment. making the conscious decision not to do so means that i still have reason to live and motivation to work. i didn't choose to be born but i'm choosing to be alive.
17:06 debugging is learning
valuable because its just focused learning! if we empower others by forcing them to work thorugh their codebase without finding these bugs, we'll be able to help them in the saem way i remember having a great experience with the bisecting haskell tool to find bugs in code based on how functions were executed; great experience. wondering how we can generalize this experience and bring it to other progrmming languages; the generalization of these efforts, even if it means the tools are a bit less powerful, seems incredibly valuable β and possible thanks to tools like the lang server protocol
- LeerΓ© a [[Stephen Greenblatt]] y a [[Stuart Hall]]
- Started listening to [[The End of Everything]] by Katie Mack.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2020-12-05
- video call at meet.jit.si/2020-12-05
a common platform reimagining data and platforms
agora plan
general intellect unit
general intellect unit 038 the viable system model
hold my stafford beer
i ll kill your shining lights
liquid democracy
moral principles
quick capture
rainbow folding
samuel klein
stephen greenblatt
stuart hall
surplus value
tech won t save us
techno anarchism
the end of everything
topic clustering in org roam graphs
viable system model
why does agile fail?
wikilinks everywhere
worker cooperatives