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adding an RSS feed of recent activity to my org-roam digital garden with org-publish

So, I wanted to add an RSS feed for activity in my digital garden.


Mainly so that I could include a widget on my WordPress site that would surface the latest changes from the garden. Because that tends to get more action than my stream, at the moment, but it's a bit hidden away.

Also, potentially, I could add the RSS feed to a Mastodon bot, which could be kind of fun.


I'm using org-roam to write and org-publish to publish my digital garden. So I need something that works with that setup.

ox-rss exists. However, it expects one file with a heading per entry for in order to produce its RSS feed. That's not how org-roam works - you have one file per entry.

So you need to get something from your org-roam files in a format for ox-rss to work with. Luckily you can (ab)use org-publish's sitemap functionality.

I think this is the first post that described how to do that: Org mode blogging: RSS feed

I found a few other posts that seem to use a similar setup, they look usually to be based off that original one. e.g. Website With Emacs, Blogging with Emacs and Org.

I used that and it works.

 :base-directory ,temp-dir
 :base-extension "org"
 :publishing-directory ,publish-dir
 :publishing-function commonplace/publish-rss-feed
 :rss-extension "xml"
 :html-link-home ,commonplace/publish-url
 :html-link-use-abs-url t
 :html-link-org-files-as-html t
 :auto-sitemap t
 :sitemap-function commonplace/generate-org-for-rss-feed
 :sitemap-title "Recent activity in Neil's Digital Garden"
 :sitemap-filename "recentchanges-feed.org"
 :sitemap-style list
 :sitemap-sort-files anti-chronologically
 :sitemap-format-entry commonplace/format-rss-feed-entry)

Add a new component to your org-publish-project-alist.

(defun commonplace/generate-org-for-rss-feed (title sitemap)
  "Generate a sitemap of posts that is exported as a RSS feed.
TITLE is the title of the RSS feed.  SITEMAP is an internal
representation for the files to include.  PROJECT is the current
  (let* ((posts (cdr sitemap))
	 (last-hundred (seq-subseq posts 0 (min (length posts) 100))))
    (concat "#+TITLE: " title "\n\n"
	    (org-list-to-subtree (cons (car sitemap) last-hundred)))))

Tweaks from the original: I take only the last hundred posts from the date ordered list. I was already doing this for my recent changes page. I think in an attempt to speed it up. (Not sure that it does though).

(defun commonplace/format-rss-feed-entry (entry _style project)
  "Format ENTRY for the posts RSS feed in PROJECT."
  (let* ((title (org-publish-find-title entry project))
	 (link (concat (file-name-sans-extension entry) ".html"))
	 (pubdate (format-time-string (car org-time-stamp-formats)
				      (org-publish-find-date entry project))))
    (format "%s
:rss_permalink: %s
:pubdate: %s

This is used to format each entry that goes into the org file that's generated. I've not made any tweaks to this.

(defun commonplace/publish-rss-feed (plist filename dir) "Publish PLIST to RSS when FILENAME is recentchanges-feed.org. DIR is the location of the output." (if (equal "recentchanges-feed.org" (file-name-nondirectory filename)) (org-rss-publish-to-rss plist filename dir)))

This is the publishing fucntion that is you set up to be called from the particular component for building your RSS feed in your org-publish-project-alist.

Some notes:

I had to (require 'ox-rss) at the top of my publish.el file. And I also had to include it in spacemacs additional packages.

The original uses rss.org as the name of the generated org page that the RSS xml file is built from. But I already have a page called rss.org - it's the page in my digital garden about RSS. So I changed the name to recentchanges-feed.org. You can use whatever name you like for an RSS feed file.

You'll note above that my :base-directory is a temporary directory. I'm playing with this as a way to only built the recent changes RSS off the most recent files that have change. These are copied into the temp dir before the org publish process runs, with:

rm tempdir/*
find . -mtime -28 -name "*.org" -not -path "./tempdir/*" -exec cp --parents -r -p '{}' tempdir \;

This is to avoid processing thousands of org-roam files just to build the recent changes list.

Some issues to be resolved

Backend confusion

A filter function that I have running on the html backend is sticking its stuff in here, which breaks the RSS file.

(defun commonplace/filter-body (text backend info)
  (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
    (concat "<div class='e-content'>" text "</div>")))

I'm guessing the rss backend piggybacks on the html backend or something.

Yeah looks like it: https://github.com/emacsmirror/ox-rss/blob/master/ox-rss.el#L119

(defun commonplace/filter-body (text backend info)
  (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
    (unless (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'rss)
      (concat "<div class='e-content'>" text "</div>"))))

^ sorted it.


It doesn't currently produce the correct URL in the RSS feed for my journal pages, which are in a journal subfolder.

Duplicate IDs

Somehow org-roam seems to think that the IDs for various pages are those for the entries in the RSS org file, not the actual pages themselves.

Some info on that here: https://org-roam.discourse.group/t/possible-to-ignore-directories-within-the-org-directory/2454

(setq org-roam-file-exclude-regexp
      (concat "^" (expand-file-name org-roam-directory) "/tempdir/")

This seems to have resolved the issue.

To be honest, having tempdir as a subdir of the current dir is causing lots of problems. Should try to just put it somewhere else.

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