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⥅ related node [[agora repository]]
⥅ related node [[howto]]
⥅ related node [[gnu manifesto comic]]
⥅ related node [[wikipedia editors]]
⥅ related node [[history]]
⥅ related node [[sto kokkino]]
⥅ related node [[todo]]
⥅ related node [[a “short list” of books that were recommended to zefrank]]
⥅ related node [[a people s history of the united states]]
⥅ related node [[crypto]]
⥅ related node [[how to be an antiracist]]
⥅ related node [[how to skimm your life]]
⥅ related node [[how to take smart notes]]
⥅ related node [[i will teach you to be rich]]
⥅ related node [[it doesn t have to be crazy at work]]
⥅ related node [[it s all too much]]
⥅ related node [[manage your day to day]]
⥅ related node [[politics from a to z]]
⥅ related node [[the dictator s handbook]]
⥅ related node [[the foa reference guide to fiber optic network design]]
⥅ related node [[time and how to spend it 2]]
⥅ related node [[time and how to spend it]]
⥅ related node [[zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance]]
⥅ related node [[expanding volumes on centos]]
⥅ related node [[routing protocol]]
⥅ related node [[the human brain has evolved to process the flood of information generated…]]
⥅ related node [[to keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering]]
⥅ related node [[we must not be too hasty in mocking aristotle’s prejudices]]
⥅ related node [[static site generators]]
⥅ related node [[bad actors are not sufficiently penalised]]
⥅ related node [[why walkable cities are good for the economy according to a city planner]]
⥅ related node [[wikihistory]]
⥅ related node [[a brief history & ethos of the digital garden]]
⥅ related node [[allergy intolerance]]
⥅ related node [[aristotle]]
⥅ related node [[change story]]
⥅ related node [[code is harder to read than it is to write]]
⥅ related node [[fyodor dostoyevsky]]
⥅ related node [[how i read books a guide on how to learn]]
⥅ related node [[how to empower others 1]]
⥅ related node [[how to empower others 2]]
⥅ related node [[how to empower others 3]]
⥅ related node [[how to empower others 4]]
⥅ related node [[how to take smart notes talk by sonke ahrens]]
⥅ related node [[intro to notion]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to existentialism]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to philosophy]]
⥅ related node [[map vs territory]]
⥅ related node [[paraphrasing to remember]]
⥅ related node [[rules to improve your writing]]
⥅ related node [[story structure]]
⥅ related node [[2021 06 15 building software together]]
⥅ related node [[12 factor apps]]
⥅ related node [[agentofuser]]
⥅ related node [[astuto]]
⥅ related node [[come for network pay for tool]]
⥅ related node [[connecting to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[custom bags in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[deploy to heroku]]
⥅ related node [[fedstoa]]
⥅ related node [[how to build a business]]
⥅ related node [[how to setup simply jekyll]]
⥅ related node [[how to use simple jekyll]]
⥅ related node [[humane representation of thought bret victor]]
⥅ related node [[intro to simple jekyll]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon]]
⥅ related node [[micro editor]]
⥅ related node [[micropub to github]]
⥅ related node [[overton window]]
⥅ related node [[photopea]]
⥅ related node [[pioneers settlers townplanners]]
⥅ related node [[this mastodon server is no longer around so it was a relatively short lived experiment rmn]]
⥅ related node [[vancouver local makers directory]]
⥅ related node [[what investors want]]
⥅ related node [[2002 11 09 welcome to b mann consulting]]
⥅ related node [[2002 12 03 50 places to see before you die]]
⥅ related node [[2002 12 19 lotr the two towers]]
⥅ related node [[2002 12 22 linux falling into same trap a call for innovation]]
⥅ related node [[2002 12 23 boxes and arrows beauty is only screen deep sarah horton]]
⥅ related node [[2002 12 23 the register microsoft to acquire macromedia]]
⥅ related node [[2003 01 11 leftover turkey]]
⥅ related node [[2003 01 26 youve got desktops]]
⥅ related node [[2003 02 11 iphoto and gallery integration]]
⥅ related node [[2003 02 19 microsoft to buy connectix]]
⥅ related node [[2003 02 22 remote desktop connection for mac os x]]
⥅ related node [[2003 02 24 safari sends user info to apple]]
⥅ related node [[2003 02 26 adobe uses qt to develop new application]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 04 apple to launch online music service]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 16 critical section i am an iterator]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 16 rss aggregator with trust experience]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 22 mac to pc filesharing]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 22 todd asks what pda should i buy]]
⥅ related node [[2003 04 02 games as collectors items]]
⥅ related node [[2003 04 20 back to building multimedia pcs]]
⥅ related node [[2003 04 21 ps3 chip to be 1 teraflop]]
⥅ related node [[2003 05 20 north america is toast aka build a wireless network stupid]]
⥅ related node [[2003 05 26 don parks blog introducing chaos to social software]]
⥅ related node [[2003 06 01 what is a person connected to]]
⥅ related node [[2003 06 05 how to get rich]]
⥅ related node [[2003 06 08 welcome to the liquor store]]
⥅ related node [[2003 06 09 joi ito attention concentration and becoming a place]]
⥅ related node [[2003 06 23 lloyd wants to know]]
⥅ related node [[2003 07 08 small business directory service ideas maybe a beer]]
⥅ related node [[2003 07 25 bittorrent]]
⥅ related node [[2003 08 13 wandering back to victoria]]
⥅ related node [[2003 08 27 9 mac browser shootout]]
⥅ related node [[2003 08 28 initial release of iphototogallery]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 15 quickies its small form factor craziness]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 21 converting ical calendar files into html]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 26 blogs are torpedoes]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 27 canada post postal code locator]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 27 dont ask why i need to remember this page]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 03 ibm to build chips for xbox 2]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 12 noaa experimental listings of watches warnings and advisoriesby state and territory]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 17 feedback points to spoke serences klipfolio]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 18 sharing itunes and iphoto libraries between users]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 18 video monitoring with e smith]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 22 cmsreview feature directory]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 27 hints for apple tablet coming please give us iphoto for windows]]
⥅ related node [[2003 12 18 cnet voip top priority for bell canada in 2004]]
⥅ related node [[2003 12 23 voip channels to market]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 04 pluto home]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 13 arstechnica apple to manufacture hp branded digital music player]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 14 translink to run passenger ferries to bowen]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 18 using php to integrate rss feeds into your website]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 22 online identity pollution is happening today]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 05 globe and mail monster com to add networking]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 06 ichat bluetooth headset phone]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 13 pictures of newfoundland snowstorm]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 16 linux news from browser to platform mozilla rises]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 16 netomat]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 16 winter storm damage in vancouver and victoria]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 19 side discussions for increasing signal to noise]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 23 caterina net things to do in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 24 kate and i are oktoberfest stars]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 03 aaron cope extensions to xml resume]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 07 stop design using background image to replace text]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 11 broadvox is coming to canada]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 18 urlgreyhot its time to start using a wiki for my personal knowledge management]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 19 how to build a business around voip]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 30 consumer price index cpi inflation calculator]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 30 sipura announces voip pstn gateway adaptor]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 30 welcome to the new b mann consulting]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 31 from manila to drupal]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 04 adding adsense to your rss feed]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 05 primus talkbroadband updates pricing features to compete]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 07 blow to canadian voip]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 12 telepocalypse open systems will continue to crush closed ones]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 14 a whole lotta nothing all hail bluetooth]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 18 pulpfiction new aggregator for os x]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 20 show value in k logs to senior management]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 27 more on project management tools]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 30 skype to speak out at von canada 2004]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 13 iphoto to everything]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 16 a quick way to generate obvious links]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 16 information overload dissolves into nothingness]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 17 bitpal address book and to dos on your removable drive]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 24 ted shelton will telephony go to zero dollars]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 26 flickr news cool stuff i want to pay for]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 27 atom linkblog instructions]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 28 steve gillmor on gates rss customer driven lock in]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 29 atom will create the two way web]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 31 break your news feed to easily lose readers]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 31 companies prefer authoritarianism to democracy]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 31 dave winer impressed me today]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 02 is a collaborative cross platform rich text editor too much to ask]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 07 don park give rss 2 0 to w3c]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 07 posting to blogware via ms word]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 07 rss for downloading torrent files]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 07 todayspapers com]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 07 w3c is the best place for atom to take root]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 16 john gruber i am trying to write the out of this stuff]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 17 my ilec charges me to call numbers 10 miles away]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 18 erik lagerway wants to take the gloves off]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 23 another victory for hardware raid]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 06 blogging tools suck]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 06 more types of information to be syndicated]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 06 primus talkbroadband will be available at future shop best buy stores in canada]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 08 why doesnt apple want to do xhtml]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 09 yahoo gets odd to go beyond the browser]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 14 feed splicing begins to really deliver on the promise of syndication]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 16 time to demonstrate simpletracks again]]
⥅ related node [[2004 08 21 fried potatoes]]
⥅ related node [[2004 08 27 windows as opposed to linux mt vs wordpress]]
⥅ related node [[2004 09 06 jluster at the social tools weblog]]
⥅ related node [[2004 10 01 it appears i never have to throw anything away again]]
⥅ related node [[2004 10 14 google invades windows desktops whats the mac plan]]
⥅ related node [[2004 10 20 to quote myself on voip]]
⥅ related node [[2004 10 27 how to pick beer even the kind that comes in a tower]]
⥅ related node [[2004 10 28 ipod photo thoughts]]
⥅ related node [[2004 11 04 ubiquitous browser evolution]]
⥅ related node [[2004 11 07 bittorrent whack a mole give us legal video downloads]]
⥅ related node [[2004 11 12 panics story of audion]]
⥅ related node [[2004 11 25 todd maffin great work on covering mozilla]]
⥅ related node [[2004 11 28 fotobuzz like flickr notes]]
⥅ related node [[2004 12 16 apple and motorola are making a phone]]
⥅ related node [[2004 12 19 vote for troys technology buyers manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 10 macs rule rss custom rss apps are next]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 11 aggregators are tomorrows newspapers]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 11 how the mac mini fits into my life]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 12 the future of online aggregators skydasher]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 14 lcd tv or lcd monitor]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 17 zip ca president rick anderson responds to complaints]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 31 photo management chain of pain on windows]]
⥅ related node [[2005 02 09 lcd tvs and monitors there is no difference]]
⥅ related node [[2005 03 07 the best days of voip are yet to come]]
⥅ related node [[2005 03 10 skype to offer real phone numbers soon]]
⥅ related node [[2005 04 20 skype killing im networks too]]
⥅ related node [[2005 05 21 first apple store in canada yorkdale in toronto opened today]]
⥅ related node [[2005 06 21 heading to gnomedex 5 0 in seattle]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 03 gizmo sip client hopes to break skype silo]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 03 scalable distributed backups with bittorrent]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 15 cringely thinks clickstar is itunes movie store]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 16 pluto home plus squeezebox sonos killer]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 25 telus blocking access to union website]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 31 gprs nokia 6630 bluetooth powerbook ethernet ibook]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 31 testing the opml editor]]
⥅ related node [[2005 08 06 rice photo by b mann]]
⥅ related node [[2005 08 08 request for tutorial using sshkeychain]]
⥅ related node [[2005 08 09 ubiquitous mac apps i dont use quicksilver]]
⥅ related node [[2005 08 23 going to san fran attending burning geek]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 07 itunes phone in canada will we be able to rokr]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 15 yiibu crew back to yvr]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 27 uc berkeley photon iphoto plug in test]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 29 shifting paradigms the mental evolutionary process of moving from web 1 0 to web 2 0 in 18 steps]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 30 welcome to vancouver dan let the outliner games begin]]
⥅ related node [[2005 10 04 innovation commons first meeting wednesday october 5 2005]]
⥅ related node [[2005 10 26 innovation commons wednesday october 26th 2005 630pm]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 05 revver com and other video storage options]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 10 opportunities people and tools]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 11 parceltongue]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 14 doubletake best panorama stitch tool for mac os x]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 22 announcement open source cms and blogging tools summit vancouver february 7 9 2006]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 27 using rsync to sync itunes on two computers]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 28 icann brings cool people to town geek dinner tuesday]]
⥅ related node [[2005 12 05 how to lose a platform adobe tries to make pdf and flash play nice]]
⥅ related node [[2005 12 06 open formats how to make enhanced podcasts without apple]]
⥅ related node [[2006 01 03 allpeers puts bittorrent in the browser]]
⥅ related node [[2006 03 04 youtube to itunes]]
⥅ related node [[2006 03 12 innovation is alive and well in vancouver dabbledb getting a ton of press]]
⥅ related node [[2006 03 23 web 2 0 mesh conference in toronto announced may 15th 16th]]
⥅ related node [[2006 03 28 vancouver is a fine place to start a company or to join one]]
⥅ related node [[2006 03 28 voicemail coming to google talk gmail]]
⥅ related node [[2006 04 05 real estate and the web in canada listen to ben]]
⥅ related node [[2006 04 20 stop with the guest posting already]]
⥅ related node [[2006 05 02 out of towner dinner in san francisco at osha thai]]
⥅ related node [[2006 05 11 drupalcamp barcamp and mesh conference toronto]]
⥅ related node [[2006 06 25 barcamp sf the jive live or how to make money from great video content]]
⥅ related node [[2006 06 30 ambient vector doing startup blog in the globe and mail]]
⥅ related node [[2006 07 15 heading to stuttgart 9 hour layover at heathrow tips dont forget ios van]]
⥅ related node [[2006 07 24 out with eba in with nitobi]]
⥅ related node [[2006 09 26 feed reading via people face to face with ton zijlstra part 1]]
⥅ related node [[2006 09 27 idea fragments face to face with ton zijlstra part 2]]
⥅ related node [[2006 09 27 presenting at bctia go 2 market roundtable using the tools of web 2 0]]
⥅ related node [[2006 10 19 going to portland drupal identity and geek dinners]]
⥅ related node [[2006 11 06 industrial brand creative blogging up a storm]]
⥅ related node [[2006 11 06 switching to google reader]]
⥅ related node [[2006 11 29 innovators gathering tonight at steamworks]]
⥅ related node [[2006 11 29 subscribing to people and gigaom re visited]]
⥅ related node [[2007 01 10 is the iphone really locked to cingular]]
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⥅ related node [[2007 02 20 subscribe to the social designers at common craft]]
⥅ related node [[2007 04 24 ben wong pushes sutton com out of the nest]]
⥅ related node [[2007 05 15 gold stars for drupal contrib modules and how to get one]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 03 why you should send interesting tech gadgets to my dad for testing]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 07 12 macbook pro with touchscreen keyboard]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 10 trip to galiano]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 23 buying an lcd monitor as a tv]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 30 boris likes to]]
⥅ related node [[2007 07 08 boris goes to washington]]
⥅ related node [[2007 07 19 europe photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors]]
⥅ related node [[2007 07 20 drupalish meetup at smiths pub in victoria was good fun]]
⥅ related node [[2007 07 29 back from boston]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 01 first joyent taco tuesday meetup at chill winston]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 13 want to buy a gps logging device]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 16 experimenting with bluetooth gps receivers my first gps adventure]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 18 going disc golf and to north van]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 18 what to attend and pay attention to after barcamp vancouver 2007]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 22 third tuesday attended yesterday npost is today]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 04 apple rumours sept 2007 touchscreen ipod appletv revs]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 06 democampvancouver03 september 13th or october 4th]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 06 uncle fatihs pizza to pigeons park]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 09 ringtones need separate licenses]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 14 vancouver freethenet ca how to buy your wireless mesh node]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 15 i am heading to barcelona for drupalcon]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 18 will mailco mozillas thunderbird spin off to be run by david ascher be headquartered in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2007 10 11 media appearance tod maffins cbc technology column more on freethenet ca]]
⥅ related node [[2007 10 15 alex is coming to town and needs a cool apartment]]
⥅ related node [[2007 10 18 congrats to john and igor at handimobility livevote launched]]
⥅ related node [[2007 10 25 media appearance is microsoft doing enough to reinvent itself on business news network]]
⥅ related node [[2007 11 05 will wrights ted talk toys that make worlds]]
⥅ related node [[2007 11 16 switching to use gmail imap great for mail app and iphones too]]
⥅ related node [[2007 11 30 tool time highrise and merlin]]
⥅ related node [[2008 02 14 in san francisco going to drupal 6 release party at parisoma]]
⥅ related node [[2008 03 01 off to boston for drupalcon see you on jaiku twemes utterz and at my sessions]]
⥅ related node [[2008 03 01 utterz leaving yvr for drupalcon boston]]
⥅ related node [[2008 03 01 utterz toronto passing us customs]]
⥅ related node [[2008 03 13 open source stands together]]
⥅ related node [[2008 03 13 utterz on the way to the northern voice 2008 organizers debrief lunch]]
⥅ related node [[2008 04 03 utterz interview with sales manager of juliet development venue for democampvictoria01]]
⥅ related node [[2008 04 24 microsoft social networking patent application on peer to patent]]
⥅ related node [[2008 04 29 rogers is bringing the iphone to canada ctv newsnet edition]]
⥅ related node [[2008 05 29 from bmann to boris an evolution of usernames]]
⥅ related node [[2008 07 09 rogers to launch iphone in canada with 30 6gb data plan]]
⥅ related node [[2008 07 14 updated mass virtual hosting how to for mac os x leopard]]
⥅ related node [[2008 08 08 new ventures bc mentor panel makes my brain full]]
⥅ related node [[2008 09 30 knight news challenge prep in vancouver digital media experiments to innovate journalism]]
⥅ related node [[2008 10 05 spanning sync for mac to google syncing]]
⥅ related node [[2008 12 08 donating to the fields in core drupal code sprint and other projects]]
⥅ related node [[2009 01 08 the 3 stages of ecommerce tools]]
⥅ related node [[2009 01 18 side loading pre fetching and cloud storage]]
⥅ related node [[2009 04 04 web apps should let me bring my own storage]]
⥅ related node [[2009 04 15 site moved to rimu hosting]]
⥅ related node [[2009 10 01 form follows function the growth of drupal themes will directly mirror the growth of custom distributions]]
⥅ related node [[2010 01 06 press cbc paid to blog segment regarding ftc blogger disclosure rules]]
⥅ related node [[2010 03 08 on demand book printing bits come to the real world]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 09 private code repo hosting with beanstalk and repositoryhosting com]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 13 how to setup gravity to post to your flickr account]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 17 contributing to drupal radar]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 20 tv watching vs time to create wikipedia]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 21 pei visitors from silicon valley]]
⥅ related node [[2010 08 01 elephants like community roi too]]
⥅ related node [[2010 08 26 automatic wordpress backup using amazon s3]]
⥅ related node [[2011 01 28 buying ponies from a drupal app store]]
⥅ related node [[2011 04 11 how to play instagram]]
⥅ related node [[2011 12 02 struggles of an infovore that likes to share]]
⥅ related node [[2012 02 02 reinventing the wheel one directory at a time]]
⥅ related node [[2012 02 05 i want to vote with my dollars that the vanco]]
⥅ related node [[2012 03 30 octopress all the things]]
⥅ related node [[2012 04 20 vancouver tech needs to wake up]]
⥅ related node [[2012 05 07 services to product]]
⥅ related node [[2012 06 02 node static site generators]]
⥅ related node [[2012 08 10 calendaring tools]]
⥅ related node [[2016 06 14 flickr to self hosted]]
⥅ related node [[2017 02 19 archiving photos ios amazon s3]]
⥅ related node [[2017 04 09 run your own mastodon instance]]
⥅ related node [[2017 04 15 notes on running mastodon heroku]]
⥅ related node [[2018 09 16 time crm tool update]]
⥅ related node [[2019 01 06 ethnews interview security token standards]]
⥅ related node [[2019 06 11 ipad tools]]
⥅ related node [[2020 01 27 photo backup for geeks i os]]
⥅ related node [[2020 02 21 tools for home cooking]]
⥅ related node [[2020 02 25 laptop choices]]
⥅ related node [[2020 05 10 upgraded to indiekit micropub server]]
⥅ related node [[2021 03 07 back to indiekit]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon bmann screenshot]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 114x114 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 120x120 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 144x144 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 152x152 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 180x180 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 72x72 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 76x76 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[fork_button]]
⥅ related node [[touch icon 192x192]]
⥅ related node [[board of directors]]
⥅ related node [[how to increase valuation pre revenue]]
⥅ related node [[how to organise the business]]
⥅ related node [[how to start a startup]]
⥅ related node [[stock clasees]]
⥅ related node [[stock options]]
⥅ related node [[clone a linux system install to another computer]]
⥅ related node [[custom elements]]
⥅ related node [[photography]]
⥅ related node [[response to flancian 1]]
⥅ related node [[songs to download higher quality]]
⥅ related node [[teach to fish]]
⥅ related node [[things i want to do]]
⥅ related node [[things i want to learn]]
⥅ related node [[tesla_tower1_lg]]
⥅ related node [[manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[history chrome extension]]
⥅ related node [[how to beat procrastination]]
⥅ related node [[ontological coaching]]
⥅ related node [[stoa]]
⥅ related node [[towards the agora]]
⥅ related node [[2021 storming of the united states capitol]]
⥅ related node [[a cyborg manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[a glastonbury romance]]
⥅ related node [[a guide to the bodhisattva s way of life]]
⥅ related node [[a rosetta stone]]
⥅ related node [[aborto legal]]
⥅ related node [[adulto a cargo]]
⥅ related node [[agora editor]]
⥅ related node [[agora editors]]
⥅ related node [[agora howto]]
⥅ related node [[agora mastodon bot]]
⥅ related node [[agora mastodon integration]]
⥅ related node [[agora protocol]]
⥅ related node [[airto moreira]]
⥅ related node [[all together now]]
⥅ related node [[all tomorrow s parties]]
⥅ related node [[all tomorrows parties]]
⥅ related node [[amateur utopian]]
⥅ related node [[américa latina en movimiento]]
⥅ related node [[an invitation to applied category theory]]
⥅ related node [[an open letter to an agora]]
⥅ related node [[an open letter to an open nation]]
⥅ related node [[an open letter to an open society]]
⥅ related node [[an open letter to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[an open letter to x]]
⥅ related node [[an utopian]]
⥅ related node [[ana stone]]
⥅ related node [[andrew burton]]
⥅ related node [[architectonyx]]
⥅ related node [[as we get to know each other]]
⥅ related node [[nestor makhno]]
⥅ related node [[toot]]
⥅ related node [[astor piazzolla]]
⥅ related node [[atom]]
⥅ related node [[atoma]]
⥅ related node [[atomic search]]
⥅ related node [[auto commit messages]]
⥅ related node [[auto pull plurals]]
⥅ related node [[auto push]]
⥅ related node [[auto wikilinking]]
⥅ related node [[auto wp]]
⥅ related node [[autofs]]
⥅ related node [[automation]]
⥅ related node [[autopush]]
⥅ related node [[autopush sh]]
⥅ related node [[axelrod s tournament]]
⥅ related node [[bearer token]]
⥅ related node [[benefolent director for life]]
⥅ related node [[benevolent dictator for life]]
⥅ related node [[benevolent director for life]]
⥅ related node [[benito]]
⥅ related node [[big blue button]]
⥅ related node [[brandenburg concertos]]
⥅ related node [[brandon toner]]
⥅ related node [[building annotation into browsers]]
⥅ related node [[cacotopoi]]
⥅ related node [[cantor function]]
⥅ related node [[care home that looks like a town]]
⥅ related node [[cartola]]
⥅ related node [[cat tournament]]
⥅ related node [[central mid levels escalator]]
⥅ related node [[chandra easton]]
⥅ related node [[chartodon]]
⥅ related node [[cheap calculator]]
⥅ related node [[chesterton s fence]]
⥅ related node [[chesterton]]
⥅ related node [[chestertons fence]]
⥅ related node [[chilean transition to democracy]]
⥅ related node [[choosing a mastodon instance]]
⥅ related node [[christopher alexander reading group]]
⥅ related node [[christopher alexander]]
⥅ related node [[christopher pedregal]]
⥅ related node [[christopher priest]]
⥅ related node [[chrome remote desktop]]
⥅ related node [[cleo from 5 to 7]]
⥅ related node [[closer to truth]]
⥅ related node [[codex editor]]
⥅ related node [[codexeditor]]
⥅ related node [[codextopia]]
⥅ related node [[collective tools]]
⥅ related node [[contacto en flancia]]
⥅ related node [[contextos]]
⥅ related node [[contributors]]
⥅ related node [[cory doctorow]]
⥅ related node [[criptocomunismo]]
⥅ related node [[crito]]
⥅ related node [[cryptopunks]]
⥅ related node [[cryptovoxels]]
⥅ related node [[cybernetic toaster]]
⥅ related node [[cyborg manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[danlistensto]]
⥅ related node [[dashtop]]
⥅ related node [[dios salve la flor del loto]]
⥅ related node [[directories]]
⥅ related node [[diretories]]
⥅ related node [[distributopia]]
⥅ related node [[docs to markdown]]
⥅ related node [[doctor who]]
⥅ related node [[doctorow]]
⥅ related node [[dos minutos]]
⥅ related node [[doug holton]]
⥅ related node [[driven to distraction]]
⥅ related node [[dystopoi]]
⥅ related node [[electric octopus]]
⥅ related node [[escritos herèticos]]
⥅ related node [[escritos heréticos]]
⥅ related node [[ethan hamilton]]
⥅ related node [[eutopia]]
⥅ related node [[extraterritorialidad]]
⥅ related node [[factored cognition hypothesis]]
⥅ related node [[fediverse stoa]]
⥅ related node [[fedstoa bugs]]
⥅ related node [[filosofía para los retos contemporáneos]]
⥅ related node [[first stoa]]
⥅ related node [[flancia cantos]]
⥅ related node [[flancian todo]]
⥅ related node [[fully automated luxury gay space communism]]
⥅ related node [[fundamental theorem of finite factored sets]]
⥅ related node [[gather town]]
⥅ related node [[gatopardismo]]
⥅ related node [[git repository]]
⥅ related node [[git stoa]]
⥅ related node [[goto coop]]
⥅ related node [[gphotos uploader cli]]
⥅ related node [[gtoolkit]]
⥅ related node [[guerilla open access manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[gustavo todo]]
⥅ related node [[hacker manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[heterarchical ontology]]
⥅ related node [[historias de cronopios y de famas]]
⥅ related node [[historical agora]]
⥅ related node [[hometown]]
⥅ related node [[how can we develop transformative tools for thought]]
⥅ related node [[how can we develop transformative tools for thought?]]
⥅ related node [[how to become a flancian]]
⥅ related node [[how to feed 10 billion people]]
⥅ related node [[how to gpt 2]]
⥅ related node [[how to learn scala]]
⥅ related node [[how to make almost anything]]
⥅ related node [[how to read a book]]
⥅ related node [[how to resist amazon and why]]
⥅ related node [[how to self publish a book]]
⥅ related node [[how to start a new country]]
⥅ related node [[how to write a caron in linux]]
⥅ related node [[hpec cto]]
⥅ related node [[hypercore proto]]
⥅ related node [[hypercore protocol]]
⥅ related node [[i want to inspire others the same way that others inspire me]]
⥅ related node [[i will do what i can if i have to]]
⥅ related node [[if you want to share]]
⥅ related node [[image channels tool]]
⥅ related node [[in my flancia we cooperate our way to an international liquid democratic federation]]
⥅ related node [[incremental eutopia]]
⥅ related node [[innovator s dilemma]]
⥅ related node [[integrated repository]]
⥅ related node [[intent based automation]]
⥅ related node [[intent driven automation]]
⥅ related node [[inthistogetheramerica org]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to algorithms]]
⥅ related node [[iremos juntos hasta el final de la noche]]
⥅ related node [[itertools]]
⥅ related node [[jarke wharton]]
⥅ related node [[jeremy ruston]]
⥅ related node [[jonathan the utopian]]
⥅ related node [[juntos venceremos a moloch]]
⥅ related node [[juntos]]
⥅ related node [[kartonsammlung]]
⥅ related node [[keith johnstone]]
⥅ related node [[knovigator]]
⥅ related node [[l allegro il penseroso ed il moderato]]
⥅ related node [[lacaton and vassal]]
⥅ related node [[langston hughes]]
⥅ related node [[leah houston]]
⥅ related node [[learn datalog today]]
⥅ related node [[learning to learn]]
⥅ related node [[leigh brasington]]
⥅ related node [[let us go together into the sky]]
⥅ related node [[lightone]]
⥅ related node [[liguria todo]]
⥅ related node [[linus torvalds]]
⥅ related node [[live tooting]]
⥅ related node [[living utopia]]
⥅ related node [[longer stoa ids]]
⥅ related node [[los bienes comunes del conocimiento]]
⥅ related node [[maggie appleton]]
⥅ related node [[manifestos]]
⥅ related node [[marc antoine parent]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon bot]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon clients]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon forks]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon instance]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon instances]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon py]]
⥅ related node [[mathieudutour]]
⥅ related node [[maybe we will slay moloch tonight]]
⥅ related node [[medito]]
⥅ related node [[meme generator]]
⥅ related node [[memento protocol]]
⥅ related node [[meritocracy]]
⥅ related node [[mmanifesto]]
⥅ related node [[multitool]]
⥅ related node [[nft storage]]
⥅ related node [[noche de los bastones largos]]
⥅ related node [[notation as a tool of thought]]
⥅ related node [[october 2021]]
⥅ related node [[october]]
⥅ related node [[onboarding to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[ontologies]]
⥅ related node [[ontology]]
⥅ related node [[open graph protocol]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to elon musk]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to foam]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to google]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to maitreya]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to milei]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to moloch]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to musk]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to peter singer]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to the agora of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[open letters to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[open protocols]]
⥅ related node [[open source monitoring]]
⥅ related node [[origin story]]
⥅ related node [[our memories together online]]
⥅ related node [[paradoja de la tolerancia]]
⥅ related node [[paradox of tolerance]]
⥅ related node [[pareto efficiency]]
⥅ related node [[pernambuco e seu conjunto]]
⥅ related node [[pfeilstorch]]
⥅ related node [[phone to note]]
⥅ related node [[photopia]]
⥅ related node [[photoprism]]
⥅ related node [[pkm tools]]
⥅ related node [[plato]]
⥅ related node [[platonic ideal]]
⥅ related node [[platonic intent]]
⥅ related node [[platos dialogues]]
⥅ related node [[polynomial functors]]
⥅ related node [[pottery simulator]]
⥅ related node [[practical guide to the jhanas]]
⥅ related node [[promnesia howto]]
⥅ related node [[protocol labs]]
⥅ related node [[protocol]]
⥅ related node [[protocolo del ágora]]
⥅ related node [[protocols not platforms]]
⥅ related node [[protopia]]
⥅ related node [[protopian cyberpunk]]
⥅ related node [[protopian thinking]]
⥅ related node [[protopian]]
⥅ related node [[protopians]]
⥅ related node [[protopias]]
⥅ related node [[protopoi org]]
⥅ related node [[protopoi reading club]]
⥅ related node [[protopoi space]]
⥅ related node [[protopoi]]
⥅ related node [[proyecto morcilla]]
⥅ related node [[proyecto nocilla]]
⥅ related node [[push an existing repository to a new remote]]
⥅ related node [[push down automata]]
⥅ related node [[quasi autonomous emergent property]]
⥅ related node [[quote toot]]
⥅ related node [[reading protopoi]]
⥅ related node [[real co op stories]]
⥅ related node [[real coop stories]]
⥅ related node [[refusing to merge unrelated histories]]
⥅ related node [[regulatory capture]]
⥅ related node [[repository of patterns]]
⥅ related node [[repository]]
⥅ related node [[resources to learn to program]]
⥅ related node [[restore etherpad revision]]
⥅ related node [[restores]]
⥅ related node [[rhetoric]]
⥅ related node [[roam to git]]
⥅ related node [[robert anton wilson]]
⥅ related node [[roberto arlt]]
⥅ related node [[root repository]]
⥅ related node [[second stoa]]
⥅ related node [[send it to the ceo]]
⥅ related node [[send to kindle]]
⥅ related node [[shared notes across six tools]]
⥅ related node [[short story]]
⥅ related node [[sisters with transistors]]
⥅ related node [[so you want to learn physics]]
⥅ related node [[so you want to talk about race]]
⥅ related node [[social web protocols]]
⥅ related node [[some possible paths to flancia]]
⥅ related node [[some things must be believed in order to be seen]]
⥅ related node [[spaces to tabs conversion]]
⥅ related node [[spin dictators]]
⥅ related node [[static site generator]]
⥅ related node [[stoa nodes]]
⥅ related node [[stoa of attalos]]
⥅ related node [[stoa poikile]]
⥅ related node [[stoa subnodes]]
⥅ related node [[stoa sync]]
⥅ related node [[stoas]]
⥅ related node [[stone soup]]
⥅ related node [[stoner]]
⥅ related node [[stories]]
⥅ related node [[ta eis heauton]]
⥅ related node [[ta heis heauton]]
⥅ related node [[techno optimist manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[tectonic shift]]
⥅ related node [[telekommunist manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[testamento]]
⥅ related node [[the girl who stole my tamagotchi]]
⥅ related node [[the innovator s dilemma]]
⥅ related node [[the narrator]]
⥅ related node [[the next ai winter wil lbe due to energy costs]]
⥅ related node [[the revolution according to chatgpg]]
⥅ related node [[the revolution according to chatgpt]]
⥅ related node [[the story of aaron swartz]]
⥅ related node [[the story of civilization]]
⥅ related node [[the story of the chinese farmer]]
⥅ related node [[the universe in a single atom]]
⥅ related node [[thestoa ca]]
⥅ related node [[things to do after agora chapter]]
⥅ related node [[thinking tools map project]]
⥅ related node [[thinking tools map]]
⥅ related node [[thinkingtools]]
⥅ related node [[third stoa]]
⥅ related node [[thomas more s utopia]]
⥅ related node [[thought storms]]
⥅ related node [[three syllables which multiply to eight]]
⥅ related node [[tiktok]]
⥅ related node [[timetotryagain]]
⥅ related node [[timetotryagain1]]
⥅ related node [[to live and think like pigs]]
⥅ related node [[todas las computadoras que tengo están lentas]]
⥅ related node [[today i failed]]
⥅ related node [[today]]
⥅ related node [[todd carpenter]]
⥅ related node [[todo va mejor con coca cola]]
⥅ related node [[todos]]
⥅ related node [[together to eternity]]
⥅ related node [[together we ll defeat moloch]]
⥅ related node [[together]]
⥅ related node [[tokyo 1960]]
⥅ related node [[tokyo school]]
⥅ related node [[tomorrow s parties]]
⥅ related node [[tomorrow]]
⥅ related node [[tool]]
⥅ related node [[toolbar]]
⥅ related node [[tools for conviviality]]
⥅ related node [[tools for thinking]]
⥅ related node [[tools for thought interchange]]
⥅ related node [[tools for thought rocks]]
⥅ related node [[tools for thought]]
⥅ related node [[tools of the agora]]
⥅ related node [[tools]]
⥅ related node [[toot cli]]
⥅ related node [[toot dict]]
⥅ related node [[toots]]
⥅ related node [[tooty]]
⥅ related node [[topic maps]]
⥅ related node [[topic]]
⥅ related node [[topology]]
⥅ related node [[torre eiffel ituizango]]
⥅ related node [[torta base]]
⥅ related node [[tortilla de papas]]
⥅ related node [[total body yoga]]
⥅ related node [[totnes]]
⥅ related node [[tournament]]
⥅ related node [[toward a modern chinese buddhism]]
⥅ related node [[towards a knowledge commons]]
⥅ related node [[towards an agora]]
⥅ related node [[town hall]]
⥅ related node [[town]]
⥅ related node [[towns]]
⥅ related node [[train to lausanne]]
⥅ related node [[transition town]]
⥅ related node [[tree simulator]]
⥅ related node [[trip to japan]]
⥅ related node [[trip to x]]
⥅ related node [[trotto]]
⥅ related node [[trying to disable slugs]]
⥅ related node [[twitter to roam]]
⥅ related node [[twitter todo]]
⥅ related node [[unbundling tools for thought]]
⥅ related node [[understory]]
⥅ related node [[utopia coffee]]
⥅ related node [[utopia for realists]]
⥅ related node [[utopia]]
⥅ related node [[utopiah]]
⥅ related node [[utopians]]
⥅ related node [[utopoi]]
⥅ related node [[utopía]]
⥅ related node [[velintonia]]
⥅ related node [[victor hugo]]
⥅ related node [[vos y yo juntos venceremos a moloch]]
⥅ related node [[washington]]
⥅ related node [[ways to nudge future]]
⥅ related node [[we will be monks in space if we want to]]
⥅ related node [[what if we became better protopians]]
⥅ related node [[what is it like to be a cat]]
⥅ related node [[what we choose to do with the internet]]
⥅ related node [[wikilinked tools]]
⥅ related node [[wikilinking tools]]
⥅ related node [[wikilinks amount to a lightweight universal standard for knowledge interoperability]]
⥅ related node [[wittgenstein protocol]]
⥅ related node [[would you like to play?]]
⥅ related node [[wptools]]
⥅ related node [[writing is an aid to memory]]
⥅ related node [[yoga with x story]]
⥅ related node [[yotam ottolenghi]]
⥅ related node [[you and me together will vanquish moloch]]
⥅ related node [[you can run a flancian in your laptop]]
⥅ related node [[you can run an agora in your laptop]]
⥅ related node [[you will see me tonight]]
⥅ related node [[zotero connector]]
⥅ related node [[2020 01 08 dont apologize to me]]
⥅ related node [[2020 06 26 atomic habits as ooda loop]]
⥅ related node [[2020 12 01 secret history i]]
⥅ related node [[2021 09 29 pith toes]]
⥅ related node [[2021 10 28 notes secret history ii]]
⥅ related node [[2021 10 29 notes secret history iii]]
⥅ related node [[2021 12 30 notes secret history iv]]
⥅ related node [[2022 06 16 notes secret history v]]
⥅ related node [[2023 03 10 how to mentor yourself]]
⥅ related node [[2023 03 21 what is the best martial art to learn]]
⥅ related node [[shigeru miyamoto]]
⥅ related node [[atomic habits]]
⥅ related node [[e automatic mailing list for incremental brainstorming]]
⥅ related node [[e incremental brainstorming]]
⥅ related node [[e learning platform for independent course creators]]
⥅ related node [[2023 01 13t00_23_10 936z desktop]]
⥅ related node [[convivial tools]]
⥅ related node [[esperanto]]
⥅ related node [[liberatory technology]]
⥅ related node [[moving_to_boston]]
⥅ related node [[sweden todo]]
⥅ related node [[text editors]]
⥅ related node [[tour of berlin]]
⥅ related node [[all advice is autobiographical]]
⥅ related node [[clarice lispector]]
⥅ related node [[inserting wikilinks into quotes]]
⥅ related node [[applications of automata theory and algebra]]
⥅ related node [[applied utopia and constructive optimism]]
⥅ related node [[gusto gräzer]]
⥅ related node [[omnitopia]]
⥅ related node [[utopia studies]]
⥅ related node [[synthetic topology]]
⥅ related node [[tostudy]]
⥅ related node [[toread]]
⥅ related node [[a stony story]]
⥅ related node [[brain storm]]
⥅ related node [[conversations brainstorm]]
⥅ related node [[ethical regulator design]]
⥅ related node [[from regurgitation to discovery]]
⥅ related node [[grenfell tower]]
⥅ related node [[how to get rid of your friends]]
⥅ related node [[how to raise your parents]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to conversations]]
⥅ related node [[learning to use fedwiki]]
⥅ related node [[learning to wait]]
⥅ related node [[moto gps]]
⥅ related node [[nobody stopped]]
⥅ related node [[paddingtons dominoes]]
⥅ related node [[passage to india]]
⥅ related node [[playing to win]]
⥅ related node [[positive to negative affect in learning environments]]
⥅ related node [[sailing story variables]]
⥅ related node [[slave to love]]
⥅ related node [[stop being smart]]
⥅ related node [[story of stories]]
⥅ related node [[the actor]]
⥅ related node [[the dayton experiment index]]
⥅ related node [[the dayton practice]]
⥅ related node [[the gravestone]]
⥅ related node [[things to read]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter1]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter10]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter2]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter3]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter4]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter5]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter6]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter7]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter8]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story chapter9]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story workbook]]
⥅ related node [[tommys story]]
⥅ related node [[towards a human society of trust and truth a 2120 vision]]
⥅ related node [[welcome visitors]]
⥅ related node [[the agile manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[adding to the training corpus]]
⥅ related node [[alternatives to chatterbot hugginface]]
⥅ related node [[brainstorming computer vision application ideas]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to computer vision]]
⥅ related node [[deploying a chatbot to wordpress]]
⥅ related node [[get to know the analytics tab]]
⥅ related node [[how to build a chatbot with watson assistant]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to chatbots]]
⥅ related node [[response to how is feminist conversation design different ]]
⥅ related node [[floria storyboard]]
⥅ related node [[storyboard change]]
⥅ related node [[storyboard considerations]]
⥅ related node [[storyboarding character]]
⥅ related node [[storyboarding interaction]]
⥅ related node [[storyboarding main page]]
⥅ related node [[storyboarding scene]]
⥅ related node [[storyboarding trigger]]
⥅ related node [[the feminist design tool]]
⥅ related node [[deploying your watson assistant to facebook messenger]]
⥅ related node [[deploying your watson assistant to slack]]
⥅ related node [[idea_ai customised sports commentary]]
⥅ related node [[ai and the time to be creative]]
⥅ related node [[ai in the media key questions to consider]]
⥅ related node [[ai needs barriers to be successful]]
⥅ related node [[find an ai mentor]]
⥅ related node [[get to ai at scale]]
⥅ related node [[historyofai]]
⥅ related node [[how to get started with cognitive technology]]
⥅ related node [[three ways to evaluate models]]
⥅ related node [[autogeneration of news content]]
⥅ related node [[automation_bias]]
⥅ related node [[custom_estimator]]
⥅ related node [[discriminator]]
⥅ related node [[early_stopping]]
⥅ related node [[estimator]]
⥅ related node [[feature_vector]]
⥅ related node [[generator]]
⥅ related node [[kernel_support_vector_machines_(ksvms)]]
⥅ related node [[matrix_factorization]]
⥅ related node [[mini batch_stochastic_gradient_descent_(sgd)]]
⥅ related node [[premade_estimator]]
⥅ related node [[root_directory]]
⥅ related node [[sparse_vector]]
⥅ related node [[stochastic_gradient_descent_(sgd)]]
⥅ related node [[tower]]
⥅ related node [[trajectory]]
⥅ related node [[unawareness_(to_a_sensitive_attribute)]]
⥅ related node [[editors resist fully automated news process]]
⥅ related node [[journalists jobs will have to change]]
⥅ related node [[news to audience relationship has changed over 20 years]]
⥅ related node [[optimising the editorial work process with ai]]
⥅ related node [[origin stories of ai in news media and journalism]]
⥅ related node [[popularity of ai journalistic tools]]
⥅ related node [[recurring origin stories of ai]]
⥅ related node [[the threat to journalists jobs]]
⥅ related node [[answering tomorrow s legal questions]]
⥅ related node [[customer response in seconds not minutes]]
⥅ related node [[enriching customer service]]
⥅ related node [[how to get ibm on board]]
⥅ related node [[watson speech to text]]
⥅ related node [[watson text to speech]]
⥅ related node [[open source replacements todo]]
⥅ related node [[watson tone analyser]]
⥅ related node [[toby watson s use cases]]
⥅ related node [[watson at hilton]]
⥅ related node [[dnd tome of millie hide]]
⥅ related node [[newton s nightmare]]
⥅ related node [[auto sales]]
⥅ related node [[impact on sectors and companies]]
⥅ related node [[leading indicators]]
⥅ related node [[alternatives to gdp for measuring wellbeing]]
⥅ related node [[economic indicators list]]
⥅ related node [[pulling inflation measures together]]
⥅ related node [[sector impacts on investments]]
⥅ related node [[small business private sector job contribution 2015]]
⥅ related node [[command_cheat_sheet_cartoon]]
⥅ related node [[alternatives to getting better ]]
⥅ related node [[javascript intro to udemy course]]
⥅ related node [[python how to write test units]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to python data types]]
⥅ related node [[sharing a jupyter notebook to github]]
⥅ related node [[week4 writing to files lab]]
⥅ related node [[google chrome developer tools]]
⥅ related node [[compensatory damages]]
⥅ related node [[regulatory law]]
⥅ related node [[tort law]]
⥅ related node [[el concepto del indio y la cuestión racial en el perú en los siete ensayos de josé carlos mariátegui]]
⥅ related node [[historia y exégesis de una antología poética a través del epistolario inédito aleixandre macri]]
⥅ related node [[la autobiografía del 27]]
⥅ related node [[multitudes del yo biografía e historia de las mujeres]]
⥅ related node [[rhetoric of political speeches]]
⥅ related node [[rhetorical analysis]]
⥅ related node [[the task of the translator]]
⥅ related node [[un epistolario de vicente aleixandre]]
⥅ related node [[data exports should have to work as data imports]]
⥅ related node [[derrida on heidegger on aristotle]]
⥅ related node [[auto portrait_2022 05 21]]
⥅ related node [[chito_2022 08 17]]
⥅ related node [[conductor]]
⥅ related node [[2020 10_photo]]
⥅ related node [[go_custom_domains]]
⥅ related node [[how_to_release]]
⥅ related node [[inktober]]
⥅ related node [[inktober_2020]]
⥅ related node [[17_storm]]
⥅ related node [[inktober_2021]]
⥅ related node [[inktober_2022]]
⥅ related node [[inktober_2023]]
⥅ related node [[08_toad]]
⥅ related node [[photo]]
⥅ related node [[melanocarpa_history]]
⥅ related node [[memento_mori]]
⥅ related node [[my_toots_expire]]
⥅ related node [[rpn_calculator]]
⥅ related node [[toot_expirator]]
⥅ related node [[toot_expirator_source]]
⥅ related node [[toot_expirator_workflow]]
⥅ related node [[tour_bus]]
⥅ related node [[tour_bus_stop]]
⥅ related node [[ventosín]]
⥅ related node [[cross posting to git]]
⥅ related node [[2021 03 10 fedstoa maintained]]
⥅ related node [[2021 03 28 masto account move]]
⥅ related node [[1 3 million people or 2 of the population are estimated to be living with long covid]]
⥅ related node [[19 broken laptops]]
⥅ related node [[a beginners guide to neoliberalism]]
⥅ related node [[a brief history ethos of the digital garden]]
⥅ related node [[a certain danger lurks there how the inventor of the first chatbot turned against ai]]
⥅ related node [[a hacker manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[a participatory culture requires a participatory infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[a peoples guide to capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[a simple plan to save the world w drew pendergrass troy vettese]]
⥅ related node [[a solarpunk manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[a systems literacy manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[access to repair information]]
⥅ related node [[access to spare parts]]
⥅ related node [[acknowledging historic injustices is part of building a more equal society today]]
⥅ related node [[actor model]]
⥅ related node [[actor network theory]]
⥅ related node [[adding a new connections page to my garden]]
⥅ related node [[adding an rss feed of recent activity to my org roam digital garden with org publish]]
⥅ related node [[adding flashcards to your digital garden with org roam and anki]]
⥅ related node [[adding more storage space to yunohost nextcloud on hetzner]]
⥅ related node [[adding planted and last tended dates to pages in my digital garden]]
⥅ related node [[adding timestamps to org roam notes]]
⥅ related node [[admins mods and benevolent dictators for life the implicit feudalism of online communities]]
⥅ related node [[after storming heaven]]
⥅ related node [[after the robots aaron benanav on work automation and utopia]]
⥅ related node [[agent based modelling of predator prey dynamics]]
⥅ related node [[ai deepfakes come of age as billions prepare to vote in a bumper year of elections]]
⥅ related node [[ai is fueling a data center boom it must be stopped]]
⥅ related node [[alternatives for the internet a journey into decentralised network architectures and information commons]]
⥅ related node [[alternatives to gdp]]
⥅ related node [[amazon employees plan to walk off the job as tech worker tension rises]]
⥅ related node [[amazon workers tell bosses to scrap constant surveillance micromanagement and unfair targets like time off task]]
⥅ related node [[amazon workers vote to strike at coventry depot in uk first]]
⥅ related node [[an ecosocialist strategy to win the future]]
⥅ related node [[an introduction to cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[anarchism and right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[anatoly kitov]]
⥅ related node [[andre gorzs non reformist reforms show how we can transform the world today]]
⥅ related node [[antonio gramsci]]
⥅ related node [[apple and right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[attempting to ban protest is the mark of a repressive state]]
⥅ related node [[attempting to limit markets to just non essential sectors is risky]]
⥅ related node [[automatic commonplace to agora]]
⥅ related node [[automatic photo syncing from android to nextcloud]]
⥅ related node [[autonomism]]
⥅ related node [[autonomous design group]]
⥅ related node [[autonomous zone]]
⥅ related node [[autonomous]]
⥅ related node [[autonomy]]
⥅ related node [[autopoesis]]
⥅ related node [[autopoiesis]]
⥅ related node [[back to nature tackling the biodiversity and climate crises]]
⥅ related node [[barriers to repair]]
⥅ related node [[bathtub stockflow]]
⥅ related node [[battery energy storage systems]]
⥅ related node [[ben tarnoff wants to socialize the internet]]
⥅ related node [[benefits need to increase]]
⥅ related node [[benjamin bratton on synthetic catallaxies platforms of platforms red futurism]]
⥅ related node [[benjamin bratton]]
⥅ related node [[beware of the collectors fallacy]]
⥅ related node [[big win for right to repair with new eu rules for batteries but legislators must get the implementation right]]
⥅ related node [[billions will die if they don t listen to us aaron bastani meets roger hallam]]
⥅ related node [[bittorrent]]
⥅ related node [[bliki tooling]]
⥅ related node [[block protocol]]
⥅ related node [[blog tooling]]
⥅ related node [[blogging without a publish button]]
⥅ related node [[books to read soon]]
⥅ related node [[bristol approach]]
⥅ related node [[bristol energy cooperative]]
⥅ related node [[britain is better off without bristols monument to colston]]
⥅ related node [[britains early handling of the coronavirus pandemic was one of the worst public health failures in uk history]]
⥅ related node [[britains history contains astonishing levels of greed and cruelty]]
⥅ related node [[broken laptop apple powerbook g4]]
⥅ related node [[bruno latour]]
⥅ related node [[building lifeboats to the emerging futures with sophia parker of the joseph rowntree foundation]]
⥅ related node [[california lawmakers unanimously pass right to repair legislation]]
⥅ related node [[californian dreams tech utopia or dystopia]]
⥅ related node [[can urban mining help to save the planet]]
⥅ related node [[capitalism is historically contingent]]
⥅ related node [[cartographist]]
⥅ related node [[cat mate c500 automatic pet feeder]]
⥅ related node [[celebrate peoples history the poster book of resistance and revolution]]
⥅ related node [[cellular automata]]
⥅ related node [[changes to councils in cumbria]]
⥅ related node [[chilean road to socialism]]
⥅ related node [[chiles president aims to nationalize worlds largest lithium supply]]
⥅ related node [[choral explanations and oer a summary of thinking to date]]
⥅ related node [[coffeedrinker stockflow]]
⥅ related node [[collective autonomy]]
⥅ related node [[collector to creator]]
⥅ related node [[colston four]]
⥅ related node [[colston]]
⥅ related node [[commoning is a good way to solve coordination problems]]
⥅ related node [[commoning is based on a very different ontology from capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[commoning represents a profound challenge to capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[communist manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[comparing liberatory technology and appropriate technology]]
⥅ related node [[comparing liberatory technology and convivial tools]]
⥅ related node [[connecting zotero to koreader]]
⥅ related node [[contributor covenant]]
⥅ related node [[contributory accounting]]
⥅ related node [[convert a folder of org files to markdown]]
⥅ related node [[converting an old laptop screen into a portable monitor]]
⥅ related node [[convivial tool]]
⥅ related node [[convivial tools for thought]]
⥅ related node [[coop incubators]]
⥅ related node [[coops can turn in to bad actors if there is no culture of commoning]]
⥅ related node [[cops playing music to trigger copyright filters to avoid being filmed]]
⥅ related node [[copyleft is the software equivalent of right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[cory doctorow on seizing the means of computation]]
⥅ related node [[cory doctorow on why the internet broke and how to fix it]]
⥅ related node [[cory doctorow the internet con how to seize the means of computation]]
⥅ related node [[cottingham europes biggest battery storage system switched on]]
⥅ related node [[countdown to the climate summit 1 how did we get here]]
⥅ related node [[creamy vegetable vegan risotto]]
⥅ related node [[cryptocommons]]
⥅ related node [[cryptocurrency]]
⥅ related node [[cryptonomicon]]
⥅ related node [[cumbria councils to be replaced by two authorities]]
⥅ related node [[cutting the covid isolation period to five days is foolhardy and dangerous]]
⥅ related node [[dancing with radical economics at the disco a feminist cooperative alternative to daos]]
⥅ related node [[dare to repair how we broke the future]]
⥅ related node [[decentralized autonomous organisations]]
⥅ related node [[declaration of digital autonomy]]
⥅ related node [[degrowth is required to reduce demand]]
⥅ related node [[delay tolerant networks]]
⥅ related node [[democracies are inherently unstable and susceptible to ruin by aggressive skilled demagogues]]
⥅ related node [[deterritorialization]]
⥅ related node [[detournement]]
⥅ related node [[dictatorship of the proletariat]]
⥅ related node [[digital autonomy]]
⥅ related node [[digital democracy manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[digital inclusion needs to be locally embedded]]
⥅ related node [[disco manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[distributed applications can only do what their protocols support]]
⥅ related node [[doubleloop todo]]
⥅ related node [[duplicator]]
⥅ related node [[dynamic knowledge repository]]
⥅ related node [[economic policy in response to big tech must go beyond data]]
⥅ related node [[edward colston]]
⥅ related node [[electoral politics]]
⥅ related node [[electoral theory and strategy of marx and lenin w august nimtz]]
⥅ related node [[electoralism]]
⥅ related node [[end of history]]
⥅ related node [[energy is going to have to be rationed]]
⥅ related node [[energy storage]]
⥅ related node [[envisioning real utopias from within the capitalist present erik olin wright remembered]]
⥅ related node [[envisioning real utopias from within the capitalist present]]
⥅ related node [[envisioning real utopias]]
⥅ related node [[epistemology vs ontology]]
⥅ related node [[errors migrating a wordpress site from mysql 5 7 to 8 via duplicator]]
⥅ related node [[even with access to technology marginalized people face numerous sources of oppression]]
⥅ related node [[everyday utopia and radical imagination with kristen ghodsee]]
⥅ related node [[everyday utopia]]
⥅ related node [[exit to community]]
⥅ related node [[expand democracy into the workplace]]
⥅ related node [[expanding national parks and protected areas will not be enough to halt the destruction of nature]]
⥅ related node [[extending the life of electronic devices helps to addresses the e waste problem]]
⥅ related node [[failed to install org roam package compat 28 1 0 4 is unavailable]]
⥅ related node [[figures such as colston are not simply remote characters from history]]
⥅ related node [[fixing a vtech my laptop]]
⥅ related node [[fixing factories and were off]]
⥅ related node [[fixing factory]]
⥅ related node [[food strategy for england likely to be watered down]]
⥅ related node [[for big tech user benefits are secondary to business model]]
⥅ related node [[forest and factory]]
⥅ related node [[framework laptop]]
⥅ related node [[frantz fanon against facebook how to decolonize your digital mind]]
⥅ related node [[fred hampton]]
⥅ related node [[free software enacts from each according to their ability to each according to their need]]
⥅ related node [[from apple to anomaly]]
⥅ related node [[from cyber autonomism to cyber populism an ideological analysis of the evolution of digital activism]]
⥅ related node [[from each according to their ability to each according to their need]]
⥅ related node [[fully automated luxury communism]]
⥅ related node [[future histories]]
⥅ related node [[general intellect unit the cybernetic brain part 1 ontological theatre]]
⥅ related node [[geoff hinton]]
⥅ related node [[getting knowledge maps in to my weeknotes]]
⥅ related node [[glamorous toolkit]]
⥅ related node [[glitch and detournement]]
⥅ related node [[global temperature is likely to rise by more than 1 5c above pre industrial levels by 2040]]
⥅ related node [[go big 2 a big idea to rethink the economy]]
⥅ related node [[google and right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[google will sell pixel batteries repair parts to customers]]
⥅ related node [[gossip protocol]]
⥅ related node [[greenhouse gas protocol]]
⥅ related node [[guerrilla history]]
⥅ related node [[hacktivists seek to aid iran protests with cyberattacks and tips on how to bypass internet censorship]]
⥅ related node [[half of the worlds population is highly vulnerable to the climate crisis]]
⥅ related node [[here comes the sun storing clean energy]]
⥅ related node [[historical materialism]]
⥅ related node [[history shows radical futures are possible w lizzie oshea]]
⥅ related node [[hotel bar sessions the stories we tell]]
⥅ related node [[how a local government migrated to open source]]
⥅ related node [[how could we study climate related social innovation applying deleuzean philosophy to the transition towns]]
⥅ related node [[how did i get into electronic music]]
⥅ related node [[how not to deal with big tech]]
⥅ related node [[how to blow up a data centre]]
⥅ related node [[how to blow up a pipeline]]
⥅ related node [[how to build a new world in the shell of the old]]
⥅ related node [[how to feed the world without destroying it]]
⥅ related node [[how to follow me]]
⥅ related node [[how to get rss feeds of facebook pages]]
⥅ related node [[how to help gnu emacs maintainers]]
⥅ related node [[how to make a pencil]]
⥅ related node [[how to stop a data center]]
⥅ related node [[how to talk about avoiding waste with keep britain tidy]]
⥅ related node [[how we built community wealth in preston]]
⥅ related node [[huey p newton]]
⥅ related node [[human activity is unequivocally the cause of rapid changes to the climate]]
⥅ related node [[humans need to value nature as well as profits to survive un report finds]]
⥅ related node [[humberto maturana]]
⥅ related node [[i spot brand new tvs here to be shredded the truth about our electronic waste]]
⥅ related node [[ict a top horizontal priority in sustainable product policy]]
⥅ related node [[identifying strengths and obstacles to climate change adaptation in the german agricultural sector a group model building approach]]
⥅ related node [[tons pkm]]
⥅ related node [[vectoralism]]
⥅ related node [[imagining social movements from networks to dynamic systems]]
⥅ related node [[immediatism 691 preface to the society of the spectacle by ken knabb]]
⥅ related node [[imperialism is the arsonist marxisms contribution to ecological literatures and struggles]]
⥅ related node [[independent together building and maintaining values in a distributed web infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[inside the ai factory the humans that make tech seem human]]
⥅ related node [[internet protocol suite]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to complexity]]
⥅ related node [[ipccs conservative nature masks true scale of action needed to avert catastrophic climate change]]
⥅ related node [[is the indieweb too hard to use]]
⥅ related node [[issue when updating spacemacs failed to checkout evil impaired]]
⥅ related node [[it is possible to create cutting edge systems using technologies that are not state of the art]]
⥅ related node [[its not in covid 19s own interests to become more mild over time]]
⥅ related node [[its time to bring energy into public ownership]]
⥅ related node [[jeremy lent the web of meaning integrating science and traditional wisdom to find our place in the universe]]
⥅ related node [[just stop oil]]
⥅ related node [[kartoffeln und computer]]
⥅ related node [[kohei saito climate crisis and ecological revolution]]
⥅ related node [[kohei saito on degrowth communism]]
⥅ related node [[kohei saito]]
⥅ related node [[kyoto protocol]]
⥅ related node [[lack of help from rishi sunak for struggling uk families will push 1 3m into poverty]]
⥅ related node [[laptop power supply]]
⥅ related node [[laptop repair]]
⥅ related node [[leighton moss]]
⥅ related node [[leonid kantorovich]]
⥅ related node [[leverage points places to intervene in a system]]
⥅ related node [[liberatory fintech]]
⥅ related node [[liberatory software]]
⥅ related node [[lifecycle of emergence using emergence to take social innovation to scale]]
⥅ related node [[linux day to day notes]]
⥅ related node [[how nostalgia serves corporate power w grafton tanner]]
⥅ related node [[new uk tech regulator to limit power of google and facebook]]
⥅ related node [[online communities are still catching up to my mothers garden club]]
⥅ related node [[smooth co operators the power of co ops to transform society]]
⥅ related node [[the prototype for clubhouse is 40 years old and it was built by phone hackers]]
⥅ related node [[the web we have to save]]
⥅ related node [[look to windward]]
⥅ related node [[maggie appleton on open source as a gift economy]]
⥅ related node [[magnetosphere]]
⥅ related node [[manston]]
⥅ related node [[manufacturers and the right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[many to many communication]]
⥅ related node [[march to end fossil fuels]]
⥅ related node [[mariana mazzucato]]
⥅ related node [[mary wollstonecraft]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon annual report 2021]]
⥅ related node [[matomo]]
⥅ related node [[mercado justo]]
⥅ related node [[mesh potato]]
⥅ related node [[metcalfes law does not apply to commoning]]
⥅ related node [[microdose revolution from cromwell to castro]]
⥅ related node [[micropub to git]]
⥅ related node [[migrating wordpress sites to digital ocean]]
⥅ related node [[millionaires call on governments worldwide to tax us now]]
⥅ related node [[milton friedman]]
⥅ related node [[most brits bin electrical items if they break these magic repair cafes are trying to change that]]
⥅ related node [[moving my wordpress installation to yunohost]]
⥅ related node [[moving towards an ecological leninism]]
⥅ related node [[my neighbour totoro]]
⥅ related node [[nato]]
⥅ related node [[netocracy]]
⥅ related node [[network topology]]
⥅ related node [[new eu rules for smartphones and tablets still far from a true right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[new technologies are more likely to amplify the inequalities and the injustices of a society than to undo them]]
⥅ related node [[new towns]]
⥅ related node [[new york passes worlds first electronics right to repair law]]
⥅ related node [[no amount of tree planting will be enough to cancel out the effects of continued fossil fuel emissions]]
⥅ related node [[no way to open the product]]
⥅ related node [[north america and europe have made the biggest contribution to the climate crisis]]
⥅ related node [[notes its time to tax big techs data]]
⥅ related node [[notes on an illustrated guide to guy debords the society of the spectacle]]
⥅ related node [[notes on psychogeography a way to delve into the soul of a city]]
⥅ related node [[obstacles for peer to peer networks]]
⥅ related node [[october 2019]]
⥅ related node [[october book]]
⥅ related node [[olga burmatova]]
⥅ related node [[one laptop per child]]
⥅ related node [[online platforms should return value to the citizen body]]
⥅ related node [[ontoshift]]
⥅ related node [[oregon just struck a blow to parts pairing and won a decade of repair support]]
⥅ related node [[org auto repeat maybe invalid search bound wrong side of point]]
⥅ related node [[org habit duration to days invalid duration string]]
⥅ related node [[org protocol]]
⥅ related node [[org roam and org publish unable to resolve link]]
⥅ related node [[organizing toolbox getting started]]
⥅ related node [[otto neurath]]
⥅ related node [[our feelings are not just biological but also social and cultural and therefore historical]]
⥅ related node [[ours to hack and own]]
⥅ related node [[ours to hack and to own]]
⥅ related node [[ours to master and to own]]
⥅ related node [[palo alto a history of california capitalism and the world]]
⥅ related node [[palo alto]]
⥅ related node [[participatory budgeting]]
⥅ related node [[participatory culture]]
⥅ related node [[participatory democracy]]
⥅ related node [[participatory design]]
⥅ related node [[participatory economics]]
⥅ related node [[participatory governance]]
⥅ related node [[participatory infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[participatory modelling]]
⥅ related node [[participatory planning]]
⥅ related node [[participatory social network]]
⥅ related node [[peer to peer networks]]
⥅ related node [[peer to peer]]
⥅ related node [[peoples history museum]]
⥅ related node [[personal data store]]
⥅ related node [[personal wiki tooling]]
⥅ related node [[peter jones and kristel van ael design journeys through complex systems practice tools for systemic design]]
⥅ related node [[phone story]]
⥅ related node [[birkrigg common view to lake district]]
⥅ related node [[next to coniston]]
⥅ related node [[middleton turbines]]
⥅ related node [[the cragg towards bowland]]
⥅ related node [[williamson park towards lake district]]
⥅ related node [[photosensitive microphone]]
⥅ related node [[planet on fire a manifesto for the age of environmental breakdown]]
⥅ related node [[planning to get omicron in order to gain some immunity or get it over with is a terrible idea]]
⥅ related node [[political economy of network topologies]]
⥅ related node [[political history]]
⥅ related node [[preston cooperative development network]]
⥅ related node [[preston]]
⥅ related node [[privacy is not the problem with the apple google contact tracing toolkit]]
⥅ related node [[problem logging in to yunohost after upgrade]]
⥅ related node [[problem no such file or directory tramp archive]]
⥅ related node [[problem with koreader generator error]]
⥅ related node [[protocol cooperatives]]
⥅ related node [[protocol cooperativism]]
⥅ related node [[protocols for commoning]]
⥅ related node [[protonmail android app takes a long time to load messages]]
⥅ related node [[protonmail]]
⥅ related node [[public civic collaboration coop incubators and stewarding digital infrastructure as a commons]]
⥅ related node [[public platform accelerator]]
⥅ related node [[public sector free software]]
⥅ related node [[publicatorg]]
⥅ related node [[publishing your org roam wiki map to the web overview]]
⥅ related node [[publishing your org roam wiki map to the web technical details]]
⥅ related node [[putting together the eight electro synth]]
⥅ related node [[quick function to help extract bold sections from text into bullet points]]
⥅ related node [[ray ison systems practice how to act in situations of uncertainty and complexity in a climate change world]]
⥅ related node [[ray tomlinson]]
⥅ related node [[reasons to be cheerful]]
⥅ related node [[reasons to repair]]
⥅ related node [[reclaim the stacks october 2023 roundup]]
⥅ related node [[reclaiming the stacks how ict workers can contribute to a transition to ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[reclaiming the stacks the role of ict workers in a transition to ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[reductionist view of history]]
⥅ related node [[reframing and simplifying the idea of how to keep a zettelkasten]]
⥅ related node [[regulatory activism]]
⥅ related node [[relational ontology]]
⥅ related node [[relationship between assemblage thinking and actor network theory]]
⥅ related node [[repairing a cat mate c500 automatic pet feeder]]
⥅ related node [[repertoires of action]]
⥅ related node [[repertoires of contention]]
⥅ related node [[reply to email questions about my digital garden]]
⥅ related node [[resistance to amazons headquarters in cape town]]
⥅ related node [[resistance to free basics in india]]
⥅ related node [[restarters tooting]]
⥅ related node [[restoring the commons]]
⥅ related node [[review future histories]]
⥅ related node [[review hello world how to be human in the age of the machine]]
⥅ related node [[revolution is a necessary precondition for a transition from capitalism to socialism]]
⥅ related node [[right to buy]]
⥅ related node [[right to protest]]
⥅ related node [[right to repair in europe]]
⥅ related node [[right to repair in the uk]]
⥅ related node [[right to repair in the us]]
⥅ related node [[right to repair legislation]]
⥅ related node [[right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[right to roam]]
⥅ related node [[ritualize togetherness]]
⥅ related node [[salvatore engel di mauro]]
⥅ related node [[samsung and right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[scientific utopianism]]
⥅ related node [[scorched earth beyond the digital age to a post capitalist world]]
⥅ related node [[search on mastodon]]
⥅ related node [[selectively publishing to the stream]]
⥅ related node [[sellafield europe s most toxic nuclear site]]
⥅ related node [[sidewalk toronto]]
⥅ related node [[signs point to yes]]
⥅ related node [[social revolution is necessary in order to bring about structural changes to society]]
⥅ related node [[socialise the series of tubes toward a democratic internet]]
⥅ related node [[socialism utopian and scientific]]
⥅ related node [[socialist states the environment w salvatore engel di mauro]]
⥅ related node [[solar protocol]]
⥅ related node [[solarpunk and storytelling the present and future]]
⥅ related node [[spare parts too expensive]]
⥅ related node [[spinach and mushroom risotto]]
⥅ related node [[spotify is going to ruin podcasting]]
⥅ related node [[sprucing up an old windows 8 1 laptop]]
⥅ related node [[steel boss dismisses claim that sector needs new cumbria coalmine]]
⥅ related node [[steel boss dismisses claim that sector needs new cumbrian coalmine]]
⥅ related node [[stir to action]]
⥅ related node [[stock and flow diagram]]
⥅ related node [[stock and flow]]
⥅ related node [[stock]]
⥅ related node [[stokes croft land trust]]
⥅ related node [[stono rebellion]]
⥅ related node [[stop water pollution in the lake district]]
⥅ related node [[storing my ssh keys in keepassxc]]
⥅ related node [[storing secrets in emacs]]
⥅ related node [[supermarkets ready for a new week of rising to the virus s challenge]]
⥅ related node [[superstore]]
⥅ related node [[sweet tooth]]
⥅ related node [[system dynamics a soft and hard approach to modelling]]
⥅ related node [[systemic design toolkit]]
⥅ related node [[systems practice how to act]]
⥅ related node [[talking to my daughter about the economy]]
⥅ related node [[2020 06 13_07 10 00_television test screen no signal vector illustration]]
⥅ related node [[techno utopianism]]
⥅ related node [[technological utopianism]]
⥅ related node [[technology should be liberatory]]
⥅ related node [[temporary autonomous zone]]
⥅ related node [[testing my org export customisations with ert]]
⥅ related node [[the black dog brutal five to one mix v2]]
⥅ related node [[the british digital cooperative a new model public sector institution]]
⥅ related node [[the care manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[the circular economy blueprint paves the way for a right to repair in europe]]
⥅ related node [[the co operativist challenge to the platform economy]]
⥅ related node [[the commons enables people to assert sovereignty without nationalism]]
⥅ related node [[the commons enables people to enact fairness without bureaucratic control]]
⥅ related node [[the commons enables people to enjoy freedom without repressing others]]
⥅ related node [[the commons enables people to foster togetherness without compulsion]]
⥅ related node [[the computer built to last 50 years]]
⥅ related node [[the digital sector under capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[the eu battery directive will make it easier to replace batteries]]
⥅ related node [[the french revolution has historical significance to revolutionary socialism today]]
⥅ related node [[the future of food how to achieve radical change with george monbiot]]
⥅ related node [[the garden and the stream a technopastoral]]
⥅ related node [[the global e waste monitor 2020]]
⥅ related node [[the governments measures to address the rising cost of energy bills go nowhere near far enough]]
⥅ related node [[the indieweb and the right to repair are related]]
⥅ related node [[the jakarta method comes to latin america review]]
⥅ related node [[the limits of togetherness]]
⥅ related node [[the limits to growth]]
⥅ related node [[the long way to a small angry planet]]
⥅ related node [[the machine stops]]
⥅ related node [[the map is not the territory is backwards]]
⥅ related node [[the map is not the territory]]
⥅ related node [[the material power that rules computation ft cory doctorow]]
⥅ related node [[the nested i and ubuntu rationality the relational ontology of the commons]]
⥅ related node [[the overarching solution to our energy needs is to electrify everything we can]]
⥅ related node [[the perverts guide to cinema]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill increases the risk of peaceful demonstrators being criminalised]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill will undermine the right to protest at a critical moment in the fight to avoid climate breakdown]]
⥅ related node [[the preston model]]
⥅ related node [[the problem with america s ban on tiktok]]
⥅ related node [[the rent is too damn high]]
⥅ related node [[the right to repair movement is an example of neo luddism]]
⥅ related node [[the road to serfdom]]
⥅ related node [[the rocky road to a real transition]]
⥅ related node [[the role of software for a universal right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[the supermarket into prison pipeline]]
⥅ related node [[the telekommunist manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[the topology of information networks]]
⥅ related node [[the tories keep on stymying onshore wind]]
⥅ related node [[the tory leadership race and the ghost of margaret thatcher]]
⥅ related node [[the tyranny of openness what happened to peer production]]
⥅ related node [[the uk s new right to repair is not a right to repair]]
⥅ related node [[the utopian internet computing communication and concrete utopias]]
⥅ related node [[the week the world woke up to russian war crimes in ukraine]]
⥅ related node [[there is a latent fascist waiting to emerge in all humans]]
⥅ related node [[to be a 21st century socialist is to be an eco socialist]]
⥅ related node [[to be a 21st century socialist is to be an ecosocialist]]
⥅ related node [[to be ready for anything without planning for everything]]
⥅ related node [[to file]]
⥅ related node [[to posterity bertolt brecht]]
⥅ related node [[to posterity]]
⥅ related node [[to talk of organization on nunes neither vertical nor horizotal]]
⥅ related node [[today in focus how a contested history feeds the israel palestine conflict]]
⥅ related node [[today in focus we re totally isolated inside gaza as israel s war intensifies]]
⥅ related node [[today in focus]]
⥅ related node [[tom critchlow]]
⥅ related node [[tom]]
⥅ related node [[ton]]
⥅ related node [[tony blair]]
⥅ related node [[tool libraries]]
⥅ related node [[tools for thought and conversation theory]]
⥅ related node [[tools for thought the first 300000 years]]
⥅ related node [[topic clustering in org roam graphs]]
⥅ related node [[topic map]]
⥅ related node [[topic modeling]]
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