πŸ“š node [[2006 06 30 ambient vector doing startup blog in the globe and mail]]

layout: post title: Ambient Vector doing startup blog in the Globe and Mail created: 1151670056 categories:

  • Sutha Kamal
  • Globe and Mail
  • Ambient Vector
  • startup
  • Toronto
  • Canada
  • Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile

Sutha Kamal just let me know that his company, Ambient Vector, has been asked to write a blog on the Globe and Mail covering what it means to be a startup in Toronto. Here's a bit from Sutha's first post that tells us what Ambient Vector does:

What does Ambient do?

Great question. Got a cell phone? Does it take pictures? How about videos? Ever tried to get that stuff off your phone and onto the Web…to your blog, or a photo gallery? Ever noticed that it wasn't as easy as you hoped?

Have you ever been bored on a train and wanted to see what your friends were doing?

Ambient makes it easy to create, share and view all those moments that are important to youβ€”from your phone or the Web. Pictures, videos, whatever's important to you, whenever you want to share something with the people you care about, or whenever you want to tune in to see what's going on in their lives.

OK, I'm getting a little preachy…I'm the CEO, what can I say? I love this stuff.

Looking forward to seeing an RSS feed on the blog so I can actually subscribe to it...

And, um, Sutha, is "Project Boris" named after me?!?! Maybe just because the system crashes whenever I go anywhere near it :P

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