layout: post title: Translink to run passenger ferries to Bowen? created: 1074145440 categories:
- Bowen Island
Graham mentioned to me the other day that Translink might start running more passenger ferries.
I then heard the same thing on CBC, which talked about ferries being used (among other things) to take the pressure of roadways, especially the bridge. The proposed Bowen Island route would go from Bowen to Water Street Station, with a stop at Ambleside.
This is of course quite far away, with dates like 2008 being bandied about, but this is likely all to do with improving Vancouver's transportation infrastructure before the Olympics.
I still can't believe why one wouldn't improve the rail lines to Whistler and run high(er)-speed trains. No, instead we are getting an increased highway which should prove of nice benefit to all the SUV-driving condo owners in Whistlers, without doing a thing for anyone else. And get this, the highway still won't be big enough to handle the expected traffic during the Olympics, so they'll be closing it to most traffic and running buses instead!
Don't even get my started on the SkyTrain/RAV line that is going along Cambie instead of Arbutus and won't actually connect to the other two SkyTrain lines...
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