📚 node [[towards governable stacks]]

Towards Governable Stacks

Name of [[Nathan Schneider]]'s presentation at Commons.Hour https://forum.meet.coop/t/signup-commons-hour-session-10/1156/.


What happened to peer production?

  • [[Peer production]]
    • range of activities that include OSS, crowdsourcing, etc
  • peer production has enabled corporate capture and consolidation of wealth
  • contributors is depressingly homogenous (white male hegemony)

[[The Tyranny of Structurelessness]]

[[Social provisioning]]


  • hidden forms of labour
  • human well-being alongside other metrics of wealth
  • correcting for unequal access to power and agency
  • asserting the validity and inescapability of ethical judgement
  • intersecting gender analysis with that of race, class and other forms of identity

current state of open source and FOSS communities


  • "identity politics and vulgar Marxism"
  • these are actually attempts of social provisioning

the ethical challenge


  • empowering developers
  • freedom and agency required to ensure it is used for social good
  • put it in the licenses

the economic challenge

(in social provisioning)


  • trying to have a sustainable business model
  • and preventing corporate capture
  • e.g. AWS monetising FOSS hosted on AWS
  • aspects of social provisioning here again

fron tyranny to governable stacks

  • another approach to social provisioning
  • a crucial leverage point in peer production
  • moving from assuming that we don't need to bother with governance
  • towards toolsets that are designed to be governed
  • gandhi and the spinning wheel
    • appropriate technology capable of being governed at the village level
    • pre-digital version of the governable stack

govern across the stack


  • insuregency "entering into conflict with more colonial forces"
  • how do we make our tech stacks more governable
  • we don't have the infrastructure to really even think about

what kinds of provisioning would we need to govern our stacks?

  • [[metagov]] project
  • governance layer for the internet
  • governable spaces is an upcoming book from Nathan


Re: insurgency and the original governable stack of the spinning wheel - networked social media was touted (inflatedly) as major tools in supporting the various short-lived uprisings of 2011 (Occupy, Arab Spring, etc). Twitter revolution, Facebook revolution etc. These tools have a distinct lack of self-governance built-in but supposedly helped facilitate revolutions. Would governable stacks have offered something to these movements that big tech didn't? Stopped them from petering out?

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