πŸ“š node [[trying to install a custom rom on sony xperia z1 compact]]

Trying to install a custom ROM on Sony Xperia Z1 Compact

These are old notes. tl;dr - the bootloader was unlockable.

Custom ROM on phone

phone notes

  • 14.6.A.1.236



  • make sure you have backup codes available!
  • or put it on another device first?

Rooting phone


  • https://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/what-is-bootloader-and-how-to-unlock-bootloader-on-android-phones-complete-guide/
  • In literal terms, bootloader is code that is executed before any Operating System starts to run.
  • Every Android phone has a bootloader that instructs the operating system kernel to boot normally
  • A bootloader is usually locked on an Android device
    • because although it’s an open source OS, still the manufacturers want you to stick to their Android OS version specifically designed for the device.
    • In order to apply this concept, manufacturers lock the bootloader.
    • With a locked bootloader on Android devices, it is virtually impossible to flash a Custom ROM and forced attempts void warranty as well as usually end up in bricks.
    • Therefore, the first step is to always unlock the bootloader.
    • If you want root, you’d be wanting to flash Custom ROM post-root,
      • and if you want to install a Custom ROM, you’d need to have your stock bootloader unlocked.
      • In simple terms Unlocking the bootloader allows you to install custom Firmware on your Android phone.
  • http://www.theandroidsoul.com/how-to-unlock-bootloader-on-sony-xperia-z1-compact/
  • instructions to unlock bootloader
  • 20/003/2017 00:03:19 - INFO - Loader : S1Root6732 - Version : MSM897423 / Boot version : S1BootMSM8974Rhine1.3.1LA1.0416 / Bootloader status : NOTROOTABLE

Bootloader unlock not allowed?

Phone info number

  • dial #*#7378423#*#

Instructions here to get flashtool

I can't actually get latest most secure version of Android

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