๐Ÿ“š node [[issue when updating spacemacs failed to checkout evil impaired]]

Issue when updating spacemacs: Failed to checkout 'evil-impaired'

Updated [[spacemacs]] today, and then updating the packages, got an error about 'evil-unimpaired'.

The problem

  • git pull in .emacs.d to get the latest spacemacs develop branch - no problems
  • SPC f e D to get my config and the template config in sync - no problems
  • SPC f e U to try and update packages - problem.

condition-case: Failed to checkout โ€˜evil-unimpairedโ€™: โ€˜Creating directory: No such file or directory, home/neil.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/evil-unimpaired/โ€™

The fix

A few other people seem to have had a similar problem.

  • syl20bnr/spacemacs#10645 Error installing quelpa packages; complaining missinโ€ฆ

  • check you're on develop branch and not master (I already was)

  • try removing .cache and starting again

    • error still occurs for me
  • I didn't see this solution listed anywhere else, but mkdir -p .cache/quelpa/build/evil-unimpaired seemed to fix it for me.

Afterwards I'm still getting this warning:

โ€“> Warning: cannot update 2 package(s), possibly due to a temporary network problem: phpcbf php-auto-yasnippets

But let's leave that for now.

๐Ÿ“– stoas
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