πŸ“š node [[open letter to the agora]]
β₯… node [[agora-chapter]] pulled by user

Some loose notes about the process of writing/editing this follow, started on [[2022-10-27]] as I'm starting to go through editors' comments to try to get the chapter into a good enough shape to call it done.

First of all, it's super useful and informative (a learning experience) to have professional editors go through the document. Regardless of the outcome I'm glad I get to have this experience!

Second of all, I procrastinated a bit on starting to go through comments due to a pretty irrational sense of fear that the chapter was unreadable/unrepairable. I think it turns out there's plenty to be saved and repurposed for the final draft :) I'm also happy that I took some days off work, as it is indeed the time to dedicate real time to this project in a relatively uninterrupted way.


#meta I wonder if anagora.org supports rulers yet or I just dreamt it?

[[2022-11-06]]. [[Five minutes of rest]], so I write here :)

Loving [[termdown]] shaped into my simple [[pomodoro]] script.

Meditating every rest, at least three breaths (~33 seconds).

I got derailed trying to stream myself work in [[yoga with x]]. Having fun in the process, but I must not fool around now too much; I don't want the day to be derailed.

It is currently [[2022-11-06]] [[15:20]]. I'll now shoot for [[eight pomodoros]] on top of the four we've done so far :)


On it then. First pomodoro ticking, 15m to go.

[[Agora of Flancia]] ~ [[Flanciagora]]?


I'm happier with how the structure looks after eight pomodoros today :)

Now [[yoga with x]].


Thirteen pomodoros in, three to go. Having fun :)

Hmm, here we are again :)

This is now [[2022-11-28]]. The deadline for the next round of comments is [[2022-12-04]].

(This is my #drishti currently, meaning that I have set it to the number four, representing the date.)

I will now work on a different computer :)

If you somehow found this recording and you don't know what it's all about, you can check https://anagora.org/yoga-with-x and you'll find links to other recordings :)

  • #push [[todo]]
    • Wow, I really need to maintain the Agora root repository. I haven't touched it in, well, maybe a year? I need to check. And it is the reason I keep thinking 'the Agora index doesn't read great.'


Still working on this on [[2023-01-02]], enjoying it although I'm a bit delayed :)

My current attitude is: some bits of this are readable, if in need, chop what's not and publish what remains :)


I plan to do 4 to 8 pomodoros on this tonight, although friends are coming over, so some of them might be later at night :) And I'm fine with 4.

Let's see how it goes though. It's 17:40 now, but the house is ready and dinner is simple.


Back in this part of town! Starting pomodoros at 15. I hope to be able to finish this today. I'm primary oncall for Meet but oncall on weekends is usually quiet; let's see :)

β₯… node [[agora-slides]] pulled by user
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
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        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
β₯… node [[building-bridges]] pulled by user

All bridges, it seems to me, start as [[desire paths]] in the sky; like most of the interesting things we find in the space made up of the intelligently-made universe that tends to surround us (what a privilege), they were plans before they materialized.

β₯… node [[flancia]] pulled by user

(A directory).

I always assumed that, when people dedicated their work, they all first finished the thing and then wrote the dedication. That would mean dedicating the (say) book as a finished object, something concrete that one has compiled or created and can then be offered with few reservations.

Belatedly I've come to realize I'm not that kind of person, so I find myself dedicating a draft instead. Writing these lines as I write them now means dedicating a set of ideas first, and my clumsy implementation of these ideas second -- the latter amounting currently to little more than well meaning aspirations.

It seems appropriate, then, to dedicate this fuzzy set of ideas and aspirations to a fuzzily defined group instead of a concrete list of individuals.

To my friends.

May you be happy!

Look, an Agora!

β₯… node [[flancia-collective]] pulled by user

Flancia Collective

My take, which is just one of many: I think/hope Flancia Collective is and can be:

[[Commoner]]s. Purveyors of [[Liberatory technology]] and [[Convivial tools]].

[[revolutionary socialist]], [[Anti-capitalist]], [[anarchist]].

Rhizomatic. ([[rhizome]])

Positive and social. Feminist. Caring.

A bit weird. With hat tips to Dadaists ([[Dadaism]]), Surrealists ([[Surrealism]]), Situationists ([[Situationism]]) et al.

Enemies of [[Moloch]]. Fans of [[protopia]].

A distributed, cooperative organisation. And possible more formally a [[Distributed Cooperative Organisation]].

[flancia social impact]: flancia social impact.md "flancia social impact" [//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

β₯… node [[open-letter-to-the-agora-of-flancia]] pulled by user
β₯… node [[open-letters]] pulled by user
pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
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        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context
β₯… related node [[an open letter to the agora]]
β₯… related node [[open letter to the agora of flancia]]
β₯… related node [[open letters to the agora]]