an [[essay]].
- [[draft]].
- I've been meaning to write this for a good while.
- I sometimes think the second chapter about the Agora in the first [[book]] of [[Flancia]] will be called [[An Agora, or Building Bridges]].
See also:
- #pull [[Agora Chapter]]
- #pull [[Beyond Markdown and Git]]
- #pull [[Social Coop Bridge]]
All bridges, it seems to me, start as [[desire paths]] in the sky; like most of the interesting things we find in the space made up of the intelligently-made universe that tends to surround us (what a privilege), they were plans before they materialized.
#Flancia, or [[building bridges]]
The heart of the [[Agora]] is a protocol for [[building bridges]].
- #pull [[on building bridges]] [[build bridges]] [[flancia or building bridges]]
- #pull [[agora protocol]] [[free, fair and alive]]
#push [[building bridges]]
- isomorphisms between lattices
a [[chapter]].
- #go https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DXJRDh9Ss5VCRBi3oirDw9d7yjn3H2hMqfN2ETTyjIc/edit
- #pull https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSYDn9CoWlS5MOtgdK4q2etAVDf_IXgDNJE8CKzQ73SGVmSDY5Vd0Azakw9s6ogR7LYADNxG2j-F9Na/pub?embedded=true
- part of [[pkg book]] if I write it to a good standard before [[2022-09-01]] :)
or maybe [[2022-10-30]] ;)
- after great comments by [[editors]].
- See also [[agora pkg chapter]], [[agora doc]].
#meta [[agora doc]] is what will be the actual next deliverable
- this [[google doc]] has been used for editing rounds after [[2022-09-01]].
#push [[2023]]
- I'd like to set up sync back to the Agora ([[Markdown]]).
- Ask [[konstantint]]?
- Try to set up sync on the other direction using [[pandoc]]?
#comments from the [[editors]]
- finish first pass on [[2022-10-28]]
- second pass with a deadline of [[2022-12-04]]
- #push [[next action]]
Some loose notes about the process of writing/editing this follow, started on [[2022-10-27]] as I'm starting to go through editors' comments to try to get the chapter into a good enough shape to call it done.
First of all, it's super useful and informative (a learning experience) to have professional editors go through the document. Regardless of the outcome I'm glad I get to have this experience!
Second of all, I procrastinated a bit on starting to go through comments due to a pretty irrational sense of fear that the chapter was unreadable/unrepairable. I think it turns out there's plenty to be saved and repurposed for the final draft :) I'm also happy that I took some days off work, as it is indeed the time to dedicate real time to this project in a relatively uninterrupted way.
#meta I wonder if anagora.org supports rulers yet or I just dreamt it?
[[2022-11-06]]. [[Five minutes of rest]], so I write here :)
Loving [[termdown]] shaped into my simple [[pomodoro]] script.
Meditating every rest, at least three breaths (~33 seconds).
I got derailed trying to stream myself work in [[yoga with x]]. Having fun in the process, but I must not fool around now too much; I don't want the day to be derailed.
It is currently [[2022-11-06]] [[15:20]]. I'll now shoot for [[eight pomodoros]] on top of the four we've done so far :)
On it then. First pomodoro ticking, 15m to go.
[[Agora of Flancia]] ~ [[Flanciagora]]?
I'm happier with how the structure looks after eight pomodoros today :)
Now [[yoga with x]].
Thirteen pomodoros in, three to go. Having fun :)
Hmm, here we are again :)
This is now [[2022-11-28]]. The deadline for the next round of comments is [[2022-12-04]].
(This is my #drishti currently, meaning that I have set it to the number four, representing the date.)
I will now work on a different computer :)
If you somehow found this recording and you don't know what it's all about, you can check https://anagora.org/yoga-with-x and you'll find links to other recordings :)
#push [[todo]]
- Wow, I really need to maintain the Agora root repository. I haven't touched it in, well, maybe a year? I need to check. And it is the reason I keep thinking 'the Agora index doesn't read great.'
Still working on this on [[2023-01-02]], enjoying it although I'm a bit delayed :)
My current attitude is: some bits of this are readable, if in need, chop what's not and publish what remains :)
I plan to do 4 to 8 pomodoros on this tonight, although friends are coming over, so some of them might be later at night :) And I'm fine with 4.
Let's see how it goes though. It's 17:40 now, but the house is ready and dinner is simple.
Back in this part of town! Starting pomodoros at 15. I hope to be able to finish this today. I'm primary oncall for Meet but oncall on weekends is usually quiet; let's see :)
- #pull see also [[agora pkm chapter]].
a [[protocol]].
A series of conventions that sentient beings can agree to follow while trying to communicate optimally for the [[common good]].
- A series of explicit assertions.
- Announced customarily in [[schelling points]].
- Extended through [[agora rfcs]].
With such a [[protocol]] we can build ([[provision]]?) a common [[pattern language]] and bootstrap a global [[knowledge commons]].
- An [[Agora]] is a [[repository]] of [[patterns]].
- A [[flancian]] uses [[Agora Protocol]] to try to define their [[intents]] publicly and cooperate with others optionally for the benefit of beings, but all aspects of Agora and Flancia are meant to be fully optional.
A series of conventions that sentient beings can agree to follow while trying to communicate optimally for the [[common good]].
a [[document]].
- #go https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JdaC_9J0uYFNFp7g7x4VNtMxJSZQsE2MQkOMmydLCCc/edit
- Trying to [[bootstrap]] the above [[protocol]].
- Plus a roadmap for a [[platform]] or federated [[network]] making use of it.
- #pull [[agora paper]].
In [[an agora]], [[agora protocol]] is meant to enable people to exchange [[resources]] mapping to [[patterns]] in a (by default) free global [[commons]], which I also call the Agora for short.
- This Agora is a [[knowledge commons]] but seeks to enable [[communities]] to bootstrap a physical [[commons]] to provision for their needs as well.
- I started with [[google docs]] in 2019/2020 and then I tried moving to [[hedgedoc]] but actually I think I might just go back to the [[google doc]]. It's just a rich experience, and several potential collaborators already use it (they left comments).
- Update (2022): revamping now ocassionally while writing [[agora pkg chapter]], but it may be that the source of truth becomes [[agora paper]].
a social [[convention]].
A list of social [[conventions]] and [[assertions]].
- Focusing on improving the ability to communicate with each other with good intent.
- [[text based]] to begin with.
- This means you can use it anywhere you can write down text by default.
- Using this basic quality, we can make use of [[adversarial interoperability]] as we want to.
[[agora protocol]] can be used everywhere.
- It is already used in [[wikis]]. You might as well call it [[wiki protocol]] used in new contexts.
- You already use it in [[digital gardens]].
You can use it in [[books]].
- Books written today with Markdown u[[git]]
- In [[email]].
In [[chat]] and [[social networks]].
- -> [[agora plan]]
[[Around the web]] in general.
- -> [[agora ext]]
- This [[Agora]], resolved by default using common [[Agora endpoints]] at https://anagora.org , welcomes all [[people]] and [[formats]] a priori.
- This [[Agora]] welcomes all groups except [[fascists]] and the [[violent]].
- It is the opinion of this Agora that the use of [[agora protocol]] in a medium defines an Agora, in the sense that it designates the contexts in which the protocol is used as part of some Agora by default; and the medium as potentially interoperable with the [[Agora network]].
A list of social [[conventions]] and [[assertions]].
What follows is Agora Protocol in a nutshell: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1437079533253976066 .
[[layer 0]]
- [[layer 1]]
You can use [[wikilinks]]. This expresses an intention to make use the [[wiki protocol]], of which the Agora is a special case.
- The reference Agora, in which you are probably reading this, also has some limited [[hashtag]] support.
An Agora is any virtual space you can define in any way you want as long as it is [[explicit]] and by default [[public]].
- Each Agora publishes a set of definitions of intention as expressed by its [[users]].
- This Agora is [[rational]], [[pro social]] and [[heterarchical]].
a [[protocol]].
for [[federation]].
- can be bootstrapped with [[agora exchange format]]?
- #pull [[knowledge commons]]
[[plain text]] plus as layer 0 (bootstrapping layer).
- indented bulleted lists designate a useful [[heterarchy]].
[[wikilinks]] and #hashtags at layer 1, plus other link conventions and metadata extensions.
successive layers are explicitly discussed through [[agora rfcs]] and settled through a [[governance layer]] called an [[agora]] and defined by convention.
- agora protocol payloads may be exchanged for knowledge for [[free]] in any designated [[agora]].
- this [[agora]] is built around a [[pro social]] [[distributed knowledge graph]], that is, a [[social knowledge graph]].
- see [[go/agora-slides]] for more.
- to see the communally maintained text of the full protocol, please refer to the [[stoa]] below.
successive layers are explicitly discussed through [[agora rfcs]] and settled through a [[governance layer]] called an [[agora]] and defined by convention.
a [[protocol]] is a set of explicit conventions that can be followed for a purpose.
- conventions can be optional or necessary and must be marked as such. The default commitment level for this protocol is [[optional]]. [[use must if you must]].
for [[extensions]]:
- push to or modify [[agora rfcs]].
- this is as kept by the community agreeing to cooperate on such a list: the community of the [[agora]].
#push [[agora]]
- an [[agora]] is a seed that wants to grow into a [[tree]], and from there into a [[distributed]] network.
- the [[seed]] of this agora is [[go/agora/git]], defining a [[commons]].
- [[flancia collective]] is the keeper of https://anagora.org .
- [[agora bridge]], [[agora server]] contain input (write) and output (read) code respectively.
#push [[agoras]]
- Compatible [[agoras]] are expected to assemble into a greater federated [[agora network]] where they can fork and merge as wanted.
- [[agoras]] must communicate clear [[goals]].
- [[2020]] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JdaC_9J0uYFNFp7g7x4VNtMxJSZQsE2MQkOMmydLCCc/edit#
- [[the agora is a markup convention]]
- [[2021]] I presented in [[i annotate]], refer to [[go/agora-slides]] or recording if interested.
- [[2022]] writing [[agora pkg chapter]]
- [[twitter]]
for [[federation]].
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
<div class="vertical-center-row">
<h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
In this short [[essay]] I set out to explore...
build bridges
an [[activity]].
- All bridges were once [[desire paths]] in the [[air]] by definition.
In Flancia we try to [[build bridges]] by default.
- We believe [[free bridges]] are pro-social.
- #pull [[bridges]] [[building bridges]]
Flancia, or building bridges
There is a [[bridge]] from the [[Agora]] to [[Flancia]], in the same way that there is a pot of gold at the other end of the rainbow -- or whichever way it is the saying goes.
There is a bridge from Flancia to the Agora as well -- that much is obvious, as it's through Flancia that I got to the Agora. It isn't as clear whether the bridge is the same or different; I think that depends on each person's experience. Some people get to Flancia first, some get to the Agora; between them there are, perhaps, infinite variations on the same bridge pattern.
a [[book]].
- [[david bollier]] [[silke helfrich]]
- on [[commons]]
- [[go]] https://www.freefairandalive.org/read-it
- [[es]] [[libres, dignos, vivos]]
- [[author]] [[david bollier]] [[silke helfrich]]
Free, Fair and Alive
URL : https:://freefairandalive.org
Subtitle : The insurgent power of the [[commons]]
Authors : [[David Bollier]] / [[Silke Helfrich]]
I read it in 2021. I loved it.
Partly as it draws threads between topics of great interest to me - commons, complexity science, commons-public partnerships, digital commons, patterns. It even ticked my wiki box.
It's also a very practical manifesto for political / social organising. I really like this about it. Its feel like a guidebook to (one form of) [[Anti-capitalism]].
As they say:
this book is not just to illuminate new patterns of thought and feeling, but to offer a guide to action.
It also full of real-world examples of commoning already in action.
Since reading it I'm dipping back in to it and looking at the specific patterns and ideas in more depth. The pattern-style they use makes it really usable. See [[Triad of Commoning]].
It has three main parts:
- part 1, discussing the commons and commoning and what they are and their insurgent potential.
- part 2, outlining a whole bunch of patterns for commoning that you might use. See [[Triad of Commoning]].
- part 3, about how to grow the Commonsverse and challenge the hegemonic power.
Some sections I particularly liked:
- [[A Platform Designed for Collaboration: Federated Wiki]]
- [[Complexity Science and Commoning]]
- [[The Nested-I and Ubuntu Rationality: The Relational Ontology of the Commons]]
How does it relate to Ostrom / Governing the Commons?
Not a reinterpretation - but a shifted orientation, yes. Subtitle of FFA is "the insurgent power of the commons". Ostrom is certainly not insurgent! Somewhat propertarian in her basic framing, akin to 'Austrian' economics (Hayek etc). Whereas FFA is counter-enclosure, counter-extractivism, post-propertarian. Hence common-ING as its pivot, the radical, situated practice, rather than commonS, the co-optable, abstract, political-economic form.
β @mikehales - https://social.coop/@mike_hales/106280463656699063
How it was written
I found it great to discover that this book was researched and composed using [[FedWiki]].
What's the title about?
This is reflected in our title, which describes the foundation, structure, and vision of the commons: Free, Fair and Alive. Any emancipation from the existing system must honor freedom in the widest human sense, not just libertarian economic freedom of the isolated individual. It must put fairness, mutually agreed upon, at the center of any system of provisioning and governance. And it must recognize our existence as living beings on an Earth that is itself alive.
Bit of similarity to [[Doughnut Economics]] there - free and fair is a bit like the social foundation, alive is a bit like the avoidance of planetary overshoot.
You will find many quotes from FFA dotted around my wiki. Check out the backlinks.
What we really need today is creative experimentation and the courage to initiate new patterns of action. We need to learn how to identify patterns of cultural life that can bring about change, notwithstanding the immense power of capital.
The new structure can help us envision different sorts of community, social practices, and economic institutions β and above all, a new culture that honors cooperation and sharing.
We came to realize that if we aspire to social and political transformation but try to do so using the language of market economics, state power, and political liberalism, we will fail.
On building bridges
- [[pull]] [[building bridges]]
A [[project]].
- Set up [[activitypub]] <-> [[matrix]] cross posting for [[social.coop]].
- [[Matt Noyes]] https://social.coop/@Matt_Noyes/109983360881150826
- public document at doc.anagora.org/building-bridges
- video call at meet.jit.si/building-bridges
2021 11 20
2021 11 21
2022 01 15
2022 02 16
2022 03 20
2022 03 26
2022 04 07
2022 04 30
2022 05 26
2022 06 03
2022 08 20
2023 02 19
2023 02 21
2023 03 03
2023 03 06
2023 03 07
2023 03 16
2023 03 20
2023 04 09
agora plan
agora slides 2023
an open letter to an agora
anti disintermediation
build bridges
building an agora
fellowship of the link
future of knowledge
kasra kaley
on building bridges
open letter to the agora
revolution in the twenty first century
slaying moloch