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⥅ related node [[experimental social network]]
⥅ related node [[ergodicity (book)]]
⥅ related node [[how to be an antiracist]]
⥅ related node [[the responsive city]]
⥅ related node [[the social dilemma]]
⥅ related node [[bad actors are not sufficiently penalised]]
⥅ related node [[6 principles of persuasion]]
⥅ related node [[consciousness can t be physical]]
⥅ related node [[facticity and trancendence]]
⥅ related node [[has science made religion useless?]]
⥅ related node [[how social media changed communication]]
⥅ related node [[parasocial interation]]
⥅ related node [[social aspect of belief]]
⥅ related node [[allthebestrecipes]]
⥅ related node [[decentralized social ecosystem review]]
⥅ related node [[decentralized social media internet archive]]
⥅ related node [[efounders startup studio financing]]
⥅ related node [[neocities]]
⥅ related node [[slicing pie]]
⥅ related node [[social coop]]
⥅ related node [[social mentions]]
⥅ related node [[typesense recipe search]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 01 online recipes]]
⥅ related node [[2003 05 30 social software link fest]]
⥅ related node [[2003 06 22 cruelacid php realtime weather]]
⥅ related node [[2003 09 24 cinemaclock movie listings ottawa]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 27 longhorns special sauce]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 11 what kind of social software are you]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 25 reading up on social software]]
⥅ related node [[2003 12 01 unofficial mozilla for mac os 9]]
⥅ related node [[2003 12 17 ventureblog conserving social capital]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 04 a whole lotta nothing social software ideas]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 04 running your own social network]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 04 use of social network sites accelerating]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 16 businessweek technology special report voip]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 29 darren barefoot exciting news indeed]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 04 social networking vs blogging]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 22 kids and social software]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 05 sick of social networks]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 07 image replacement decision grid]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 29 does computer science in academia suck]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 30 social networking its the apps stupid]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 31 the register circuit city buys intertan]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 26 website css circa 2011]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 08 social software ideas in practice]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 16 civicspace labs]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 14 social networking is a feature]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 19 social networking inaccuracies]]
⥅ related node [[2004 08 20 cocoalicious]]
⥅ related node [[2004 09 06 jluster at the social tools weblog]]
⥅ related node [[2004 10 03 voip and social software]]
⥅ related node [[2005 04 11 civilities and viewpoints]]
⥅ related node [[2005 06 21 really del icio us easy shared bookmarks]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 03 delicious construction kit]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 10 richard explains the for tag in del icio us expands on social software]]
⥅ related node [[2005 10 02 news from the uvic alumni association]]
⥅ related node [[2005 10 24 distributed social networking]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 23 syncing itunes music folders using rsync]]
⥅ related node [[2005 12 12 del icio us bought ma gnolia being built]]
⥅ related node [[2006 06 30 notify i might have accidentally spammed you]]
⥅ related node [[2006 12 06 social media club vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2006 12 17 mybloglog is distributed social networking]]
⥅ related node [[2007 01 10 is the iphone really locked to cingular]]
⥅ related node [[2007 07 16 vancity bikeshare handoff from roland]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 18 barcelona tapas are delicious]]
⥅ related node [[2007 10 16 dave olson interviews me about the drupal association freethenet ca and ham in barcelona]]
⥅ related node [[2007 11 21 bryght and raincity are joining forces]]
⥅ related node [[2008 01 10 sustainable community involvement on the drupal community and drupal association]]
⥅ related node [[2008 01 16 drupal association general assembly 2008]]
⥅ related node [[2008 02 03 sucking in delicious]]
⥅ related node [[2008 03 14 cci2008 wrap going offline]]
⥅ related node [[2008 03 26 chris pirillo of lockergnome announces drupal powered community participation platform hackfest in seattle]]
⥅ related node [[2008 07 19 site specific browsers for mobile]]
⥅ related node [[2008 08 08 daveo does a podcast with me on bryght raincity studios and bootup labs]]
⥅ related node [[2008 10 05 spanning sync for mac to google syncing]]
⥅ related node [[2008 12 15 google friend connect paves over your site and plonks down a social network]]
⥅ related node [[2008 12 15 redanyway a distributed social network]]
⥅ related node [[2009 06 17 social media is]]
⥅ related node [[2010 01 10 associates]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 02 pacific northwest drupal summit 2010]]
⥅ related node [[2012 03 15 cataloging city neighbourhood assets love my]]
⥅ related node [[2014 11 09 vancouver tech civic election]]
⥅ related node [[2018 06 14 algiers smart city leapfrog tech]]
⥅ related node [[2020 10 08 joining social coop]]
⥅ related node [[neocities ipfs]]
⥅ related node [[socialcoop]]
⥅ related node [[icon simplicity 512x512]]
⥅ related node [[flancia chats]]
⥅ related node [[proficiency]]
⥅ related node [[response to flancian 1]]
⥅ related node [[we live in a society]]
⥅ related node [[flancia]]
⥅ related node [[consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[embracing piracy]]
⥅ related node [[a new kind of science]]
⥅ related node [[acid banger]]
⥅ related node [[acts of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[agora of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[agora participation]]
⥅ related node [[agora recipe]]
⥅ related node [[agora recipes]]
⥅ related node [[agora social bridge]]
⥅ related node [[agora social media integration]]
⥅ related node [[albricias]]
⥅ related node [[all about circuits]]
⥅ related node [[all conscious beings]]
⥅ related node [[all musicians are connected]]
⥅ related node [[an open letter to an open society]]
⥅ related node [[andrei ciortea]]
⥅ related node [[annotated hub of science]]
⥅ related node [[annotation and the social prize of educational dignity]]
⥅ related node [[another social network is possible]]
⥅ related node [[anti civ]]
⥅ related node [[anti fascist]]
⥅ related node [[antiflancia]]
⥅ related node [[antisocial]]
⥅ related node [[armengol flancian]]
⥅ related node [[asignaciones]]
⥅ related node [[flanciaflag xaos]]
⥅ related node [[fractal flancia]]
⥅ related node [[bendini fettuccini]]
⥅ related node [[best sci fi movies]]
⥅ related node [[bodhicitta]]
⥅ related node [[cacophony society]]
⥅ related node [[canción sin miedo]]
⥅ related node [[capra course closing circle]]
⥅ related node [[caramel city]]
⥅ related node [[chronicles of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[cimbalom street musicians]]
⥅ related node [[cimbalom]]
⥅ related node [[cinco años]]
⥅ related node [[circles ubi]]
⥅ related node [[circles world]]
⥅ related node [[circles]]
⥅ related node [[cities]]
⥅ related node [[citizen]]
⥅ related node [[citizense]]
⥅ related node [[city]]
⥅ related node [[confoederatio helvetica flanciana]]
⥅ related node [[conscious beings]]
⥅ related node [[conscious]]
⥅ related node [[consciousness explained]]
⥅ related node [[contacto en flancia]]
⥅ related node [[coop cloud recipe]]
⥅ related node [[coop cloud recipes]]
⥅ related node [[criticism of effective altruism]]
⥅ related node [[crowdsourcing]]
⥅ related node [[cybernetician]]
⥅ related node [[decent social]]
⥅ related node [[decision theory]]
⥅ related node [[democracia líquida]]
⥅ related node [[denny vrandecic]]
⥅ related node [[design principles for governing the commons]]
⥅ related node [[discussing social annotation and digital literacies]]
⥅ related node [[dispatches from flancia]]
⥅ related node [[dweb principles]]
⥅ related node [[dyokomizo flancian]]
⥅ related node [[el pueblo unido jamás será vencido]]
⥅ related node [[elicit]]
⥅ related node [[en flancia hay un agora]]
⥅ related node [[en flancia no hay jardines cerrados]]
⥅ related node [[encincovoy]]
⥅ related node [[endtroducing]]
⥅ related node [[exercise snacks]]
⥅ related node [[expand their circles]]
⥅ related node [[expanding circle]]
⥅ related node [[expanding the circle]]
⥅ related node [[fascism]]
⥅ related node [[fascist]]
⥅ related node [[fascists]]
⥅ related node [[ficciones]]
⥅ related node [[flaccia]]
⥅ related node [[flacia]]
⥅ related node [[flagcia]]
⥅ related node [[flags of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[flancia 2022]]
⥅ related node [[flancia 2023]]
⥅ related node [[flancia book]]
⥅ related node [[flancia cantos]]
⥅ related node [[flancia collective]]
⥅ related node [[flancia coop]]
⥅ related node [[flancia discuss]]
⥅ related node [[flancia doc]]
⥅ related node [[flancia es]]
⥅ related node [[flancia foundation]]
⥅ related node [[flancia git]]
⥅ related node [[flancia goals]]
⥅ related node [[flancia governance]]
⥅ related node [[flancia house]]
⥅ related node [[flancia is a pattern language]]
⥅ related node [[flancia meet notes]]
⥅ related node [[flancia meet]]
⥅ related node [[flancia meets]]
⥅ related node [[flancia memory palace]]
⥅ related node [[flancia narrative]]
⥅ related node [[flancia org]]
⥅ related node [[flancia pattern language]]
⥅ related node [[flancia plan]]
⥅ related node [[flancia playlist]]
⥅ related node [[flancia procedure]]
⥅ related node [[flancia repo]]
⥅ related node [[flancia revolution]]
⥅ related node [[flancia rpg]]
⥅ related node [[flancia sheet]]
⥅ related node [[flancia soundscape]]
⥅ related node [[flancia space]]
⥅ related node [[flancia subtitles]]
⥅ related node [[flancia the game]]
⥅ related node [[flancia weekly]]
⥅ related node [[flancia or [[living in the future]]
⥅ related node [[flancia or building bridges]]
⥅ related node [[flancia or in the shadow of]]
⥅ related node [[flancia or the paradise of those that might have thrived]]
⥅ related node [[flancia or the revolution against moloch]]
⥅ related node [[flancia on building bridges]]
⥅ related node [[flanciagora]]
⥅ related node [[flancian feedback]]
⥅ related node [[flancian garden]]
⥅ related node [[flancian git]]
⥅ related node [[flancian in merveilles]]
⥅ related node [[flancian repo]]
⥅ related node [[flancian revolution]]
⥅ related node [[flancian todo]]
⥅ related node [[flancian]]
⥅ related node [[flancians]]
⥅ related node [[flancias]]
⥅ related node [[for the good fo all conscious beings]]
⥅ related node [[francis ford coppola]]
⥅ related node [[francis_miller]]
⥅ related node [[francisco franco]]
⥅ related node [[francisco varela]]
⥅ related node [[fundació joan miró]]
⥅ related node [[global decision making via local economic transactions]]
⥅ related node [[gracias a buda]]
⥅ related node [[gracias]]
⥅ related node [[growing artificial societies]]
⥅ related node [[half earth socialism]]
⥅ related node [[heretics society]]
⥅ related node [[high capacity color barcode]]
⥅ related node [[higher consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[how to become a flancian]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia one day we ll meet]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia there are digital heterarchies]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia there are few walled gardens]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia there are no hierarchies]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia there are no walled gardens]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia there is an agora]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia there is no poverty]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia we will meet]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia we ll thrive]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia world government is bootstrapped through a global social network implementing liquid democracy and rational heterarchies]]
⥅ related node [[in my flancia we cooperate our way to an international liquid democratic federation]]
⥅ related node [[information science]]
⥅ related node [[intentional society]]
⥅ related node [[internet citizen]]
⥅ related node [[it was in antiflancia that i saw the agora]]
⥅ related node [[karlicoss flancian]]
⥅ related node [[ladcia]]
⥅ related node [[los bienes comunes del conocimiento]]
⥅ related node [[los oficios terrestres]]
⥅ related node [[luca landucci]]
⥅ related node [[luciana]]
⥅ related node [[lucid innocence]]
⥅ related node [[lucid]]
⥅ related node [[lucidrains]]
⥅ related node [[many flancians follow the eightfold path]]
⥅ related node [[map of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[marie cecilia smith]]
⥅ related node [[mathematician]]
⥅ related node [[metametrician]]
⥅ related node [[metasj flancian]]
⥅ related node [[method of loci]]
⥅ related node [[miningcity]]
⥅ related node [[moral principles]]
⥅ related node [[multiplicity]]
⥅ related node [[municipalism]]
⥅ related node [[municipalist]]
⥅ related node [[my flancia]]
⥅ related node [[network science]]
⥅ related node [[nick vujicic]]
⥅ related node [[open letter to the agora of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[orejas de terciopelo]]
⥅ related node [[organizing circle]]
⥅ related node [[our flancia]]
⥅ related node [[paradoja de la tolerancia]]
⥅ related node [[pareto efficiency]]
⥅ related node [[pearson correlation coefficient]]
⥅ related node [[poema de la infancia de alguien]]
⥅ related node [[poinciana]]
⥅ related node [[por flancia! qué flancia? tu flancia!]]
⥅ related node [[post racial]]
⥅ related node [[post scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[principal agent problem]]
⥅ related node [[principle of charity]]
⥅ related node [[pro socially]]
⥅ related node [[pronunciatio]]
⥅ related node [[proyecto morcilla]]
⥅ related node [[proyecto nocilla]]
⥅ related node [[rain in the city]]
⥅ related node [[read if incapacitated]]
⥅ related node [[recipe gate]]
⥅ related node [[recipe]]
⥅ related node [[recipes]]
⥅ related node [[regina ponciano]]
⥅ related node [[requirements elicitation]]
⥅ related node [[researching social annotation in education]]
⥅ related node [[retro social network]]
⥅ related node [[revolución argentina de 2023]]
⥅ related node [[revolución correcta]]
⥅ related node [[revolución rusa de 2022]]
⥅ related node [[revolución]]
⥅ related node [[rhizome social]]
⥅ related node [[richdecibels]]
⥅ related node [[romanian street musicians]]
⥅ related node [[san francisco oracle]]
⥅ related node [[san francisco]]
⥅ related node [[sci fi]]
⥅ related node [[science]]
⥅ related node [[sciences of the artificial]]
⥅ related node [[shortbread recipe]]
⥅ related node [[simcity 2000]]
⥅ related node [[social algorithm]]
⥅ related node [[social coding foundations]]
⥅ related node [[social coop admin]]
⥅ related node [[social coop announcements]]
⥅ related node [[social coop bridge]]
⥅ related node [[social coop community wg]]
⥅ related node [[social coop issues]]
⥅ related node [[social coop matrix bridge]]
⥅ related node [[social coop matrix]]
⥅ related node [[social coop second instance]]
⥅ related node [[social coop servers]]
⥅ related node [[social coop tech chat]]
⥅ related node [[social coop tech group minutes]]
⥅ related node [[social coop tech group]]
⥅ related node [[social coop tech]]
⥅ related node [[social coop terms]]
⥅ related node [[social coop wiki]]
⥅ related node [[social democratic party of switzerland]]
⥅ related node [[social distributed knowledge graph]]
⥅ related node [[social feeds]]
⥅ related node [[social knowledge graph]]
⥅ related node [[social knowledge graphs discussion]]
⥅ related node [[social knowledge graphs]]
⥅ related node [[social learning across content]]
⥅ related node [[social media for anarchists]]
⥅ related node [[social network]]
⥅ related node [[social roots]]
⥅ related node [[social web protocols]]
⥅ related node [[social]]
⥅ related node [[socialist]]
⥅ related node [[society of mind]]
⥅ related node [[some possible paths to flancia]]
⥅ related node [[specific public intention]]
⥅ related node [[subconscious]]
⥅ related node [[tacitronium]]
⥅ related node [[the agora as a social knowledge graph]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a social knowledge graph]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is an old kind of social network]]
⥅ related node [[the city in the image of man]]
⥅ related node [[the dancing plague]]
⥅ related node [[the expanding circle]]
⥅ related node [[the intelligent social web]]
⥅ related node [[the science of enlightenment]]
⥅ related node [[the story of civilization]]
⥅ related node [[thor ciphers]]
⥅ related node [[una hora para la revolución]]
⥅ related node [[what is flancia like]]
⥅ related node [[you can run a flancian in your laptop]]
⥅ related node [[your flancia]]
⥅ related node [[precision_target]]
⥅ related node [[e the goal of learning should be producing]]
⥅ related node [[especifismo]]
⥅ related node [[evaluating cities]]
⥅ related node [[exercise]]
⥅ related node [[ricing]]
⥅ related node [[a walled city]]
⥅ related node [[assessing systems thinking capacity]]
⥅ related node [[circles are sacred]]
⥅ related node [[circles in the air]]
⥅ related node [[complexity simplicity]]
⥅ related node [[embracing uniqueness]]
⥅ related node [[happiness circles]]
⥅ related node [[ician or ist]]
⥅ related node [[john david garcia]]
⥅ related node [[perspectives exercises]]
⥅ related node [[relationships exercise]]
⥅ related node [[systems societies]]
⥅ related node [[towards a human society of trust and truth a 2120 vision]]
⥅ related node [[personality civo]]
⥅ related node [[civo chatbot script design]]
⥅ related node [[nlp citations for the pile ]]
⥅ related node [[nlp citations instructions]]
⥅ related node [[ai specific pain points]]
⥅ related node [[introducing ai]]
⥅ related node [[artificial_general_intelligence]]
⥅ related node [[artificial_intelligence]]
⥅ related node [[average_precision]]
⥅ related node [[decision_boundary]]
⥅ related node [[decision_threshold]]
⥅ related node [[decision_tree]]
⥅ related node [[implicit_bias]]
⥅ related node [[model_capacity]]
⥅ related node [[participation_bias]]
⥅ related node [[precision recall_curve]]
⥅ related node [[precision]]
⥅ related node [[scikit learn]]
⥅ related node [[opinions on ai replacing jobs]]
⥅ related node [[python_for_data_sci_and_ai_foundational]]
⥅ related node [[ar powered technician support]]
⥅ related node [[four key principles of watson]]
⥅ related node [[data science]]
⥅ related node [[fed decisions and the dot plot]]
⥅ related node [[financial risk management solutions]]
⥅ related node [[financial solutions futures and forwards]]
⥅ related node [[financial solutions interest rate swaps]]
⥅ related node [[financial solutions options]]
⥅ related node [[five financial corporate risks]]
⥅ related node [[four nonfinancial corporate risks]]
⥅ related node [[nonfinancial solutions]]
⥅ related node [[opec decisions]]
⥅ related node [[overview of financial market risks]]
⥅ related node [[javascript variable mutation and type coercion]]
⥅ related node [[ibm digital badge python for applied data science]]
⥅ related node [[practice exercise list]]
⥅ related node [[civil law]]
⥅ related node [[] “[[introducción [[hacia la recuperación de las memorias dispersas de vicente aleixandre]]
⥅ related node [[] “introducción [[hacia la recuperación de las memorias dispersas de vicente aleixandre]]
⥅ related node [[caen octavillas desde el cielo]]
⥅ related node [[decadence and aestheticism]]
⥅ related node [[el concepto del indio y la cuestión racial en el perú en los siete ensayos de josé carlos mariátegui]]
⥅ related node [[hélène cixous]]
⥅ related node [[introducción el malestar del compromiso]]
⥅ related node [[introduction the graphic novel a special type of comics]]
⥅ related node [[la ciudad ausente]]
⥅ related node [[la forma externa la fuerza coercitiva de la estrofa]]
⥅ related node [[los orígenes de la narrativa policial en la argentina recepción y transformación de modelos genéricos alemanes franceses e ingleses]]
⥅ related node [[migración y sociolingüística a través de las prácticas y los discursos de hispanohablantes en el s xxi]]
⥅ related node [[operación masacre]]
⥅ related node [[transformaciones estructurales de la esfera pública]]
⥅ related node [[cinni]]
⥅ related node [[david bentley hart on christian socialism]]
⥅ related node [[reddit on official priestly roles in ancient rome]]
⥅ related node [[marvel_cinematic_universe]]
⥅ related node [[social_network]]
⥅ related node [[the_mathematician]]
⥅ related node [[support our dependencies]]
⥅ related node [[jekyll citations]]
⥅ related node [[15 minute city]]
⥅ related node [[2000 watt society]]
⥅ related node [[2008 financial crisis]]
⥅ related node [[2020 06 15_22 08 50_dd4dc1f29bb9cc83bfed0cc015c7557f spirals in nature fibonacci spiral]]
⥅ related node [[2020 07 18_22 02 10_artificialfictionbrain]]
⥅ related node [[2022 westmorland and furness council election]]
⥅ related node [[8 principles for managing a commons]]
⥅ related node [[a home for all six experiments in social housing]]
⥅ related node [[a socialist agenda for digital technology]]
⥅ related node [[a syrian democratic social economy in the making]]
⥅ related node [[accidental megastructure]]
⥅ related node [[acfm microdose theories of consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[acfm trip 5 consciousness raising]]
⥅ related node [[acid communism]]
⥅ related node [[admins mods and benevolent dictators for life the implicit feudalism of online communities]]
⥅ related node [[algorithmic bias and racism]]
⥅ related node [[algorithmic decision making]]
⥅ related node [[alternative social media]]
⥅ related node [[an eco socialist definition of abundance]]
⥅ related node [[an ecosocialist strategy to win the future]]
⥅ related node [[an iterative enquiry diagram for digital ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[an iterative inquiry diagram for digital ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[ancillary justice]]
⥅ related node [[anthony fauci]]
⥅ related node [[anti fascism]]
⥅ related node [[anti racism]]
⥅ related node [[anti racist systems theory]]
⥅ related node [[anti racist]]
⥅ related node [[antonio gramsci]]
⥅ related node [[any society in which people must rely on money and markets for the essentials of life is not a communist society]]
⥅ related node [[architecture of participation]]
⥅ related node [[artificial cheapness of new products]]
⥅ related node [[artificial intelligence]]
⥅ related node [[artificial life]]
⥅ related node [[artificial scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[association algorithms]]
⥅ related node [[associational socialism]]
⥅ related node [[automatic photo syncing from android to nextcloud]]
⥅ related node [[avengers civil war]]
⥅ related node [[ben tarnoff wants to socialize the internet]]
⥅ related node [[big tech is complicit in climate breakdown]]
⥅ related node [[building a second subconscious]]
⥅ related node [[building alternative social media]]
⥅ related node [[building an open infrastructure for civic participation]]
⥅ related node [[c40 cities]]
⥅ related node [[capacity]]
⥅ related node [[capital markets must be socialized]]
⥅ related node [[capitalism is the root cause of social inequity]]
⥅ related node [[captain america civil war]]
⥅ related node [[carbon dioxide emissions associated with energy and electricity use industrial processes and transport]]
⥅ related node [[carbon pricing]]
⥅ related node [[care principles for indigenous data governance]]
⥅ related node [[center for a stateless society]]
⥅ related node [[challenging capitalism envisioning a socialist workplace]]
⥅ related node [[changes to councils in cumbria]]
⥅ related node [[chilean road to socialism]]
⥅ related node [[choose commons friendly financing]]
⥅ related node [[cia]]
⥅ related node [[circular economy action plan]]
⥅ related node [[circular economy]]
⥅ related node [[circular electronics initiative]]
⥅ related node [[citizen engagement]]
⥅ related node [[citizen participation platform]]
⥅ related node [[citizen participation]]
⥅ related node [[citizen science]]
⥅ related node [[citizen shift]]
⥅ related node [[citizens assembly]]
⥅ related node [[citymapper]]
⥅ related node [[civic action]]
⥅ related node [[civic muscle]]
⥅ related node [[civic platforms]]
⥅ related node [[civics]]
⥅ related node [[civil disobedience]]
⥅ related node [[civil liberties]]
⥅ related node [[civil rights movement]]
⥅ related node [[class consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[climate action plan for councils]]
⥅ related node [[climate justice is social justice]]
⥅ related node [[climate science]]
⥅ related node [[collaborative financing]]
⥅ related node [[commoner vs citizen]]
⥅ related node [[communicative socialism digital socialism]]
⥅ related node [[community benefit society]]
⥅ related node [[complexity science and commoning]]
⥅ related node [[complexity science and the left]]
⥅ related node [[complexity science]]
⥅ related node [[computing networks are social and political systems]]
⥅ related node [[consciously arranged society]]
⥅ related node [[consciousness raising]]
⥅ related node [[consumer citizenship]]
⥅ related node [[contact tracing]]
⥅ related node [[coops and socialism]]
⥅ related node [[corporate takeover of the social system]]
⥅ related node [[council communism]]
⥅ related node [[council]]
⥅ related node [[councils]]
⥅ related node [[counter anti flancianism]]
⥅ related node [[covid vaccination]]
⥅ related node [[critiques of social media]]
⥅ related node [[cross disciplinary learning]]
⥅ related node [[cuba is a good model of a green society]]
⥅ related node [[cuban socialism]]
⥅ related node [[cultural genocide]]
⥅ related node [[culture power and politics ecosocialism and degrowth]]
⥅ related node [[cumbria councils to be replaced by two authorities]]
⥅ related node [[cumbria county council]]
⥅ related node [[dancing with radical economics at the disco a feminist cooperative alternative to daos]]
⥅ related node [[david peter stroh systems thinking for social change]]
⥅ related node [[debating eco socialist futures]]
⥅ related node [[decide madrid]]
⥅ related node [[decidim]]
⥅ related node [[decision and control]]
⥅ related node [[decision trees]]
⥅ related node [[degrowth and ecosocialism jason hickel]]
⥅ related node [[degrowth and ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[degrowth green energy social equity and circular economy]]
⥅ related node [[democracies are inherently unstable and susceptible to ruin by aggressive skilled demagogues]]
⥅ related node [[democracy functions best at the level of the city]]
⥅ related node [[democratic associationalism]]
⥅ related node [[democratic rights of citizens]]
⥅ related node [[democratic socialism]]
⥅ related node [[deschooling society]]
⥅ related node [[digital eco socialism]]
⥅ related node [[digital ecosocialism breaking the power of big tech]]
⥅ related node [[digital ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[digital emancipation]]
⥅ related node [[digital participation]]
⥅ related node [[digital scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[digital socialism]]
⥅ related node [[eco socialism and technology]]
⥅ related node [[eco socialism]]
⥅ related node [[eco socialist]]
⥅ related node [[ecofascism]]
⥅ related node [[ecological civilization]]
⥅ related node [[economic calculation in the socialist commonwealth]]
⥅ related node [[economic justice goes hand in hand with social justice]]
⥅ related node [[economics for emancipation]]
⥅ related node [[economys domination of social life]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism 2023]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism and degrowth]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism and the ecological crisis]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism and the technoprogressive perspective]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialist technology]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialist transition]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialist]]
⥅ related node [[eight design principles for successful commons]]
⥅ related node [[emancipation]]
⥅ related node [[energy efficiency]]
⥅ related node [[english councils are battling financial ruin]]
⥅ related node [[english councils]]
⥅ related node [[envisioning platform socialism w james muldoon]]
⥅ related node [[especifismo the anarchist praxis of building popular movements and revolutionary organization]]
⥅ related node [[eusocial]]
⥅ related node [[fabian society]]
⥅ related node [[false consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[federacion anarquista uruguaya]]
⥅ related node [[fibonacci numbers]]
⥅ related node [[first and third world ecosocialisms]]
⥅ related node [[five principles of a socialist climate politics]]
⥅ related node [[flancia collective and the spheres of commoning]]
⥅ related node [[flancia meet 2022 01 08]]
⥅ related node [[flancian neil 2021 12 11]]
⥅ related node [[for an anti colonial anti racist environmentalism]]
⥅ related node [[for an ecosocialist transition that breaks from capitalism arguments and proposals]]
⥅ related node [[francis bacon]]
⥅ related node [[francis spufford]]
⥅ related node [[free association of producers]]
⥅ related node [[furness citizens jury on climate change]]
⥅ related node [[garden circle]]
⥅ related node [[geeks for social change]]
⥅ related node [[generative ai has a ferocious environmental impact]]
⥅ related node [[gini coefficient]]
⥅ related node [[great society]]
⥅ related node [[greater london council]]
⥅ related node [[green socialist notes decentralization 101]]
⥅ related node [[green society]]
⥅ related node [[grid balancing]]
⥅ related node [[guild socialism]]
⥅ related node [[h t odums environment power and society]]
⥅ related node [[hacklabs and hackerspaces tracing two genealogies]]
⥅ related node [[how can we achieve vaccine equity]]
⥅ related node [[how could we study climate related social innovation applying deleuzean philosophy to the transition towns]]
⥅ related node [[how local councils are acting on climate]]
⥅ related node [[how to make a pencil]]
⥅ related node [[humans are eusocial animals]]
⥅ related node [[i cant believe its not science]]
⥅ related node [[i strongly dislike the policing bill]]
⥅ related node [[ict is a fundamental part of modern society]]
⥅ related node [[seven coop principles]]
⥅ related node [[implicit feudalism]]
⥅ related node [[indian workers association]]
⥅ related node [[information civics]]
⥅ related node [[information society]]
⥅ related node [[information technology and socialist construction]]
⥅ related node [[institute for social ecology online courses]]
⥅ related node [[institute for social ecology]]
⥅ related node [[intellectual property markets must be socialized]]
⥅ related node [[its eco socialism or death]]
⥅ related node [[jacky alcine]]
⥅ related node [[jennerite ecological scepticism]]
⥅ related node [[jeremy lent the web of meaning integrating science and traditional wisdom to find our place in the universe]]
⥅ related node [[labour markets must be socialized]]
⥅ related node [[labours green policies]]
⥅ related node [[land markets must be socialized]]
⥅ related node [[legacy social media]]
⥅ related node [[libertarian municipalism]]
⥅ related node [[libertarian socialism]]
⥅ related node [[libertarian socialist]]
⥅ related node [[local currencies]]
⥅ related node [[make a map not a tracing]]
⥅ related node [[market socialism]]
⥅ related node [[market society]]
⥅ related node [[marvel cinematic universe]]
⥅ related node [[material efficiency]]
⥅ related node [[mathare social justice centre]]
⥅ related node [[microblog style social media]]
⥅ related node [[modern information technology is one of the main conditions for socialist revolution]]
⥅ related node [[most libre software projects are entirely lacking in the principles of governing a commons]]
⥅ related node [[municipal digital sovereignty]]
⥅ related node [[municipal foss]]
⥅ related node [[municipal online housing]]
⥅ related node [[municipal ownership]]
⥅ related node [[municipal socialism]]
⥅ related node [[municipalist social media]]
⥅ related node [[mutual credit societies]]
⥅ related node [[my garden circles]]
⥅ related node [[my social media usage]]
⥅ related node [[mysociety]]
⥅ related node [[net zero policies would reduce the cost of living]]
⥅ related node [[new municipalism]]
⥅ related node [[new technologies are more likely to amplify the inequalities and the injustices of a society than to undo them]]
⥅ related node [[notes big tech wont save us the case for social transformation over coronavirus surveillance]]
⥅ related node [[ocean acidification]]
⥅ related node [[on exactitude in science]]
⥅ related node [[online platforms should return value to the citizen body]]
⥅ related node [[org cite]]
⥅ related node [[organisational tech digital policies]]
⥅ related node [[our feelings are not just biological but also social and cultural and therefore historical]]
⥅ related node [[pacifism]]
⥅ related node [[participation]]
⥅ related node [[participatory budgeting]]
⥅ related node [[participatory culture]]
⥅ related node [[participatory democracy]]
⥅ related node [[participatory design]]
⥅ related node [[participatory economics]]
⥅ related node [[participatory governance]]
⥅ related node [[participatory infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[participatory modelling]]
⥅ related node [[participatory planning]]
⥅ related node [[participatory social network]]
⥅ related node [[patterns vs principles]]
⥅ related node [[periodo especial]]
⥅ related node [[pesticides]]
⥅ related node [[pinecil]]
⥅ related node [[placing my daily logs in a journal subfolder]]
⥅ related node [[platform socialism and web3]]
⥅ related node [[platform socialism]]
⥅ related node [[policing bill]]
⥅ related node [[post scarcity anarchism]]
⥅ related node [[precautionary principle]]
⥅ related node [[precision fermentation]]
⥅ related node [[predictive policing]]
⥅ related node [[principles ethical tech]]
⥅ related node [[principles for ethical technology]]
⥅ related node [[principles of stacktivism]]
⥅ related node [[problems with ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[producing not just consuming]]
⥅ related node [[production is socialised profit is privatised]]
⥅ related node [[prosocial world]]
⥅ related node [[prosocial]]
⥅ related node [[public civic collaboration coop incubators and stewarding digital infrastructure as a commons]]
⥅ related node [[public commons circuits of finance]]
⥅ related node [[public library of science]]
⥅ related node [[publishing org roam via gitlab ci]]
⥅ related node [[racial inequality]]
⥅ related node [[rebel cities]]
⥅ related node [[recidivism]]
⥅ related node [[recipes for the cookshops of the future]]
⥅ related node [[reclaiming the stacks how ict workers can contribute to a transition to ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[red enlightenment on socialism science and spirituality]]
⥅ related node [[rethinking infrastructure the case for social investment]]
⥅ related node [[review of half earth socialism]]
⥅ related node [[revolution is a necessary precondition for a transition from capitalism to socialism]]
⥅ related node [[revolutionary socialism]]
⥅ related node [[scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[science and spirituality]]
⥅ related node [[science and technology studies]]
⥅ related node [[science commons]]
⥅ related node [[science fiction]]
⥅ related node [[science technology and society]]
⥅ related node [[scientific management]]
⥅ related node [[scientific socialism]]
⥅ related node [[scientific utopianism]]
⥅ related node [[scientifiction]]
⥅ related node [[sentient city]]
⥅ related node [[silvia federici]]
⥅ related node [[smart cities]]
⥅ related node [[social care]]
⥅ related node [[social change has never come without violence]]
⥅ related node [[social change will never come without violence]]
⥅ related node [[social change]]
⥅ related node [[social contract]]
⥅ related node [[social coop spring 2022 strategy session]]
⥅ related node [[social coop tech wg meeting 2022 05 20]]
⥅ related node [[social data]]
⥅ related node [[social democracy]]
⥅ related node [[social distance]]
⥅ related node [[social distancing]]
⥅ related node [[social ecology]]
⥅ related node [[social equity]]
⥅ related node [[social housing]]
⥅ related node [[social industry]]
⥅ related node [[social inequity]]
⥅ related node [[social infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[social insertion]]
⥅ related node [[social insurance is a bulwark against insecurity]]
⥅ related node [[social justice]]
⥅ related node [[social mass sabotage]]
⥅ related node [[social media a critical introduction]]
⥅ related node [[social media is important because everything is social]]
⥅ related node [[social media]]
⥅ related node [[social metabolism]]
⥅ related node [[social movement theory]]
⥅ related node [[social movement]]
⥅ related node [[social ownership]]
⥅ related node [[social provisioning]]
⥅ related node [[social reader]]
⥅ related node [[social reproduction]]
⥅ related node [[social revolution is necessary in order to bring about structural changes to society]]
⥅ related node [[social revolution]]
⥅ related node [[social software]]
⥅ related node [[social solidarity]]
⥅ related node [[social taylorism]]
⥅ related node [[social tipping point]]
⥅ related node [[social transformation through the commons]]
⥅ related node [[socialisation of the internet]]
⥅ related node [[socialisation]]
⥅ related node [[socialism and ecology]]
⥅ related node [[socialism from below]]
⥅ related node [[socialism or barbarism]]
⥅ related node [[socialism utopian and scientific]]
⥅ related node [[socialism]]
⥅ related node [[socialisms diy computer]]
⥅ related node [[socialist agenda]]
⥅ related node [[socialist calculation debate]]
⥅ related node [[socialist chile]]
⥅ related node [[socialist economy]]
⥅ related node [[socialist planning]]
⥅ related node [[socialist revolution]]
⥅ related node [[socialist workplaces]]
⥅ related node [[socialize the internet]]
⥅ related node [[socially necessary labour time]]
⥅ related node [[socially useful production]]
⥅ related node [[society for social studies of science]]
⥅ related node [[society for the protection of underground networks]]
⥅ related node [[sociocracy]]
⥅ related node [[solarpunks anxieties are global social injustice the failures of late capitalism and the climate crisis]]
⥅ related node [[solidarity economy association]]
⥅ related node [[space cats fight fascism]]
⥅ related node [[spacemacs profile specific configuration]]
⥅ related node [[spanish civil war]]
⥅ related node [[special period]]
⥅ related node [[species being]]
⥅ related node [[spokescouncil]]
⥅ related node [[sprucing up an old windows 8 1 laptop]]
⥅ related node [[stanford universitys eugenicist agenda]]
⥅ related node [[state socialism is good for the environment]]
⥅ related node [[state socialism]]
⥅ related node [[students for a democratic society]]
⥅ related node [[subconscious beta]]
⥅ related node [[surfacing notes in my garden that have no claims]]
⥅ related node [[suzanne ciani]]
⥅ related node [[syncing a git repo within a syncthing folder]]
⥅ related node [[syncing my annotations from koreader]]
⥅ related node [[systems theory in political science]]
⥅ related node [[technology and ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[technology networks for socially useful production]]
⥅ related node [[technosocial imaginaries]]
⥅ related node [[the architecture of participation]]
⥅ related node [[the blockchain socialist]]
⥅ related node [[the city the city]]
⥅ related node [[the commodification of social activities]]
⥅ related node [[the double objective of democratic ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[the end of policing]]
⥅ related node [[the french revolution has historical significance to revolutionary socialism today]]
⥅ related node [[the importance of social media]]
⥅ related node [[the perverts guide to cinema]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill increases the risk of peaceful demonstrators being criminalised]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill is about state control]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill is an attack on some of the most basic democratic rights of citizens]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill will undermine the right to protest at a critical moment in the fight to avoid climate breakdown]]
⥅ related node [[the role of technology in eco socialism]]
⥅ related node [[the sane society]]
⥅ related node [[the social industry is a simulacrum]]
⥅ related node [[the social life of commoning]]
⥅ related node [[the socialist spoon]]
⥅ related node [[the society of the spectacle]]
⥅ related node [[to be a 21st century socialist is to be an eco socialist]]
⥅ related node [[to be a 21st century socialist is to be an ecosocialist]]
⥅ related node [[tredegar medical aid society]]
⥅ related node [[trusted commons why old social media matter]]
⥅ related node [[truth social]]
⥅ related node [[twenty first century socialism]]
⥅ related node [[types of ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[unconscious r d]]
⥅ related node [[undoing optimization civic action in smart cities]]
⥅ related node [[unknown specializer org roam node]]
⥅ related node [[using emergence to take social innovation to scale]]
⥅ related node [[using icts to support ecosocialist governance]]
⥅ related node [[utopian socialism]]
⥅ related node [[vaccinations and acquired immunity mean that there is no longer much risk of becoming severely unwell from covid]]
⥅ related node [[vaccine equity]]
⥅ related node [[vaccine hoarding]]
⥅ related node [[vaccine nationalism]]
⥅ related node [[we do not have vaccine equity]]
⥅ related node [[we need vaccine equity]]
⥅ related node [[we should socialise ict infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[we should socialise the platforms]]
⥅ related node [[what does an ecological civilization look like]]
⥅ related node [[when nature and society are seen through the lens of dialectics and systems thinking]]
⥅ related node [[which municipalism lets be choosy]]
⥅ related node [[why its eco socialism or collapse]]
⥅ related node [[world social forum]]
⥅ related node [[yemeni civil war]]
⥅ related node [[zeynep tufekci]]
⥅ related node [[introducing focus filters and items]]
⥅ related node [[aliciardi maría belén]]
⥅ related node [[aspectos ambientales de las adquisiciones]]
⥅ related node [[aspectos para analizar en relación con el caso minamata]]
⥅ related node [[ciclo biogeoquimico]]
⥅ related node [[comunicación y educación ambiental]]
⥅ related node [[conceptos sobre cifras de mérito en química analítica]]
⥅ related node [[cultura de la cancelación y lo que el viento se llevó]]
⥅ related node [[deforestación]]
⥅ related node [[derecho constitucional ambiental]]
⥅ related node [[economia circular]]
⥅ related node [[evaluación de impacto riesgo y remediación ambiental]]
⥅ related node [[fundamentos ecológicos y científicos clase 1]]
⥅ related node [[fundamentos ecológicos y científicos de la política el derecho y la gestión ambiental]]
⥅ related node [[introducción a la cuestión ambiental clase 1]]
⥅ related node [[introducción a la cuestión ambiental]]
⥅ related node [[introducción a la educación ambiental]]
⥅ related node [[introducción al pensamiento complejo]]
⥅ related node [[metodología de la investigación]]
⥅ related node [[obsolescencia percibida]]
⥅ related node [[obsolescencia programada]]
⥅ related node [[oficina]]
⥅ related node [[regulación ambiental internacional]]
⥅ related node [[responsabilidad social ambiental]]
⥅ related node [[20200629122154 budget_deficit]]
⥅ related node [[20200629122347 2008_financial_crisis]]
⥅ related node [[20200630214106 gnosticism]]
⥅ related node [[20200706092416 social_democracy]]
⥅ related node [[20200706092530 german_social_democratic_party]]
⥅ related node [[20200707205002 state_socialism]]
⥅ related node [[20200707205517 soviet_workers_council]]
⥅ related node [[20200709205236 united_states_civil_war]]
⥅ related node [[20200716124643 socially_necessary_labor_time]]
⥅ related node [[20200721210255 science]]
⥅ related node [[20200727224630 francis_bacon]]
⥅ related node [[20200727225533 scholasticism]]
⥅ related node [[20200727225630 empiricism]]
⥅ related node [[20200728234943 skepticism]]
⥅ related node [[20200804204051 empiriocriticism]]
⥅ related node [[20200809200624 principles_of_communism]]
⥅ related node [[20201005220500 royal_society]]
⥅ related node [[20201014224056 circuit_of_capital]]
⥅ related node [[20201020153727 socialism_must_be_global]]
⥅ related node [[20201020153758 socialism_in_one_country]]
⥅ related node [[20201212163538 circulation_of_capital]]
⥅ related node [[20201212164950 capitalism_develops_societal_infrastructure_to_reduce_circulation_costs]]
⥅ related node [[20201219145415 ancien_regime]]
⥅ related node [[20201219150348 cinema]]
⥅ related node [[20201219150451 nazi_cinema]]
⥅ related node [[20201219162423 marx_s_criticism_of_adam_smith]]
⥅ related node [[20210103203710 tech_criticism]]
⥅ related node [[20210120225414 problems_of_digital_socialist_planning]]
⥅ related node [[20210120225816 socialist_planning]]
⥅ related node [[20210120230304 market_socialism]]
⥅ related node [[20210123185417 capital_controls_the_social_intellect]]
⥅ related node [[20210123185808 science_in_capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[20210130191438 history_of_socialism]]
⥅ related node [[20210131225724 class_consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[20210131230029 general_german_workers_association]]
⥅ related node [[20210204095729 how_should_socialists_measure_success]]
⥅ related node [[20210204095739 socialism]]
⥅ related node [[20210204100918 the_civil_rights_act]]
⥅ related node [[20210306160859 artificial_intelligence]]
⥅ related node [[20210306163324 utopian_socialism]]
⥅ related node [[20210306163746 post_scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[20210306172719 overcapacity_led_to_deindustrialization]]
⥅ related node [[20210310112616 philosophy_of_science]]
⥅ related node [[20210312175353 it_is_important_for_socialists_to_have_a_vision_of_the_alternative]]
⥅ related node [[20210403142548 problem_of_working_classes_in_advanced_capitalist_countries_abandoning_socialism]]
⥅ related node [[20210403151224 racial_capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[20210407163715 computer_science]]
⥅ related node [[20210421155432 consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[20210429152530 revolution_is_a_social_necessity]]
⥅ related node [[20210509122342 fascism]]
⥅ related node [[20210516180928 independent_social_democratic_party]]
⥅ related node [[20210520105015 unconsciousness]]
⥅ related node [[20210525105654 is_longevity_a_drain_on_a_society]]
⥅ related node [[20210527211412 social_media]]
⥅ related node [[20210604135536 uncertainty_principle]]
⥅ related node [[20210612164146 evolutionary_socialism]]
⥅ related node [[20210612171432 ancient_greece]]
⥅ related node [[20210612172102 ethnicity]]
⥅ related node [[20210613141231 pleasure_principle]]
⥅ related node [[20210616210305 councils_as_a_revolutionary_unit]]
⥅ related node [[20210712164759 cia]]
⥅ related node [[20210719153323 can_a_blockchain_be_used_for_socialism]]
⥅ related node [[20210720191352 knowledge_is_a_social_process]]
⥅ related node [[20210720193512 institution_of_science]]
⥅ related node [[20210720201100 hermeticism]]
⥅ related node [[20200629121410 deficits_debt_and_deflation_after_the_pandemic_michael_roberts_blog]]
⥅ related node [[20200707204823 articulating_and_organizing_the_social_body_with_asad_haider_cosmopod]]
⥅ related node [[20200712110501 principles]]
⥅ related node [[20210103203640 elements_of_technology_criticism]]
⥅ related node [[20210120214919 how_to_make_a_pencil_logic_magazine]]
⥅ related node [[20210403145821 racial_capitalism_and_covid_19]]
⥅ related node [[20210405170530 capital_science_technology_monthly_review]]
⥅ related node [[20210516172046 the_forgotten_history_of_the_world_s_first_trans_clinic_scientific_american]]
⥅ related node [[ciliophora]]
⥅ related node [[huronian glaciation]]
⥅ related node [[taiwanese legal crowdsourcing]]
⥅ related node [[flancia social impact]]
⥅ related node [[new york city organized crime]]
⥅ related node [[sci hub]]
⥅ related node [[conferencing]]
⥅ related node [[corona vaccination]]
⥅ related node [[decentralized social media]]
⥅ related node [[eternal truths of mathematics and science]]
⥅ related node [[federated social media networks]]
⥅ related node [[flancia matrix space]]
⥅ related node [[flancia office]]
⥅ related node [[flancia projects]]
⥅ related node [[fully vaccinated]]
⥅ related node [[pia mancini]]
⥅ related node [[preliterate society]]
⥅ related node [[rational disscusion and decision making]]
⥅ related node [[single dose vaccine]]
⥅ related node [[social api]]
⥅ related node [[struggle of nature and society]]
⥅ related node [[vaccination card]]
⥅ related node [[vaccine]]
⥅ related node [[wt social]]
⥅ related node [[circuit bending]]
⥅ related node [[datacite]]
⥅ related node [[flancian@social coop]]
⥅ related node [[jonny@social coop]]
⥅ related node [[rochdale society of equitable pioneers]]
⥅ related node [[save civilization]]
⥅ related node [[socialcoop techmatrix]]
⥅ related node [[to flancian]]
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- public document at doc.anagora.org/ci
- video call at meet.jit.si/ci
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