a [[panel]]
- [[i annotate 2021]]
- [[slides]] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EqIyenQPzfm_NMcJ63w6_TCeAXg5EG3f/view?usp=sharing
- [[nate angell]] introducing
[[mary klann]] with
- [[jenae cohn]] [[cherise mcbride]] [[paul schacht]]
- ten minutes per presenter
[[jenae cohn]]
- from [[california state university]]
"but what do I do with a reading?"
[[digital reading]]: 5 ways of engagement
"when you are sewing, you usually follow a [[pattern]]. if you are more of an expert like a [[project runway]] contestant, you use patterns to guide you. social annotation provides scaffolding to engage with digital text."
[[digital literacy]] development in three parts by [[coiro 2015]]:

The most advanced users have "a self-directed confidence in transforming strategies used in more familiar contexts into new strategies that are more useful in less familiar literacy contexts."
Creation-driven prompts.

[[cherise mcbride]]
"making things visible: annotation and digital pedagogy"
It's an opportunity to have a conversation. It carries some [[risks]]. Social annotation is [[thinking publicly]]. Partnership with [[marginal syllabus]].
[[push]] [[marginal syllabus]]
- [[go]] https://margynalsyllab.us
- [[hypothes.is]] [[national writing project]] [[ncte]]
Why to annotate? "It's an [[act of love]] because of one's commitment to stay in relationship with the creator and other readers and observers."
(Missed some slides here due to technical problems.)
[[paul schacht]]
Ways of annotating: explicate contextualize argue converse connect message opine.
[[William James]]!
[[gardner campbell]] [[i annotate 2019]] on knowledge emotions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-uuWcmzpgw (thank you [[nate angell]]!).
Site was preseeded with annotated Walden:
[[word cloud]]:
Harding is interested in historical time, sees in numbers. More in the concrete than the abstract.
Debra's comment expresses a knowledge emotion plus says what's interesting about it, yet doesn't feel like a forced explanation:
[[chris aldrich]] posted a feed: https://hypothes.is/search?q=%22reminds+me+of%22
[[courtney kleffman]]: "What occurs before and after the annotation moment also drives how students view its purpose within the learning process. I often ask student to engage in metacognitive reflection post social annotation. It's not graded, but leads to something else."
(great conversation in the panel and in the chat)
[[metacognition]] and [[reflection]].
[[paul schacht]] have them look at other people's annotations. Have students rifle through their own past annotations; marks in their books. Try to characterize the marks that they made; think about what they were trying to accomplish
What's your favourite annotation tool?
[[cherise mcbride]]
- private tool / [[LMS]] (sp?)
[[jenae cohn]]
- note there is implications for handling some of the PII
- advantages to do this behind a login wall (so in a silo?)
[[paul schacht]]
- [[google docs]] can work
whatever platform is being used, the important thing is for students to have control over their comments
- [[lms]] might support that
- [[hypothes.is]] supports group-only access
- there can be some 'showcase' posts, but not shared by default (I missed if this referred to a specific tool)
- comments for [[wordpress]] are attached to paragraphs, not to arbitrary
- likes both ways for different reasons; sometimes at the paragraph level it can be easy to navigate
- (I agree)
- [[students]] have connected with [[scholars]]!
- [[cherise mcbride]] permission from authors is important

- [[nate angell]] [[frankenbook]]
[[jenae cohn]] importance of students truly owning their [[annotations]] and [[notes]]
- learn tools, both supported by the institution and personal
- [[cherise mcbride]] [[crowdlaaers]]
- [[jenae cohn]]
@Flancian, I see your question in the Q&A and may not have a chance to respond out loud. I'll typically put citation managers, note-taking tools (e.g. Evernote, Notion, OneNote) in the toolkit
citation mangers tend to be Zotero, Mendeley, and, when I've worked at institutions with librarians that support it, RefWorks and EndNote
[[paul schacht]] [[audrey waters]]'s piece objecting on the fact that people were writing [[hypothes.is]] comments on their blog
- disabled her comments because of abuse
- then people started leaving hypothes.is annotations, she was displeased with that
- [[chris aldrich]] https://indieweb.org/annotation#Criticism
- IMHO because there's no one size fits all, this implies that the moderation layer should be separate from the data/interlay layer
- essentially communities should run their own moderation layer
- as a [[commons]]
- public document at doc.anagora.org/discussing-social-annotation-and-digital-literacies
- video call at meet.jit.si/discussing-social-annotation-and-digital-literacies
act of love
annotating deliberately
audrey waters
california state university
california state university berkeley
cherise mcbride
chris aldrich
coiro 2015
courtney kleffman
digital literacy
digital literacy researcher
digital reading
gardner campbell
google docs
hypothes is
i annotate 2019
i annotate 2021
jenae cohn
lessons from readers annotation of thoreau
marginal syllabus
mary klann
nate angell
national writing project
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paul schacht
project runway
suny geneseo
thinking publicly
william james
word cloud