A [[thing]].
- A plan for an [[agora]] and what we could do with one, leading to what could be a better [[future]].
- [[pull]] [[agora plan]]
- [[pull]] [[flancia plan]]
So, yeah, I want to have that [Agora]. Flancia should have it, you know. It's a fictional place, like I said; this is a work of fiction. You got it? This is all hypothetical.
So MediaWiki could definitely be a serviceable Agora, right? People know how to use it. It's easy to set up; you can do a lot with "just a Wiki" because it's a framework, not only code but also conventions. A lot of things can be modeled with a Wiki. And it's so easy to set up -- I'm a geek. "In the old days, I could have set up a LAMP stack and a Wiki on top of it in 1h" is something that a less concerned with cringeness version of me could have uttered. I'm rusty but it shouldn't take long. And then what, you might say. Then you have an empty wiki that nobody uses.
Exactly! That's the beauty of it. It's there, it exists -- there is an Agora. People could use it -- they might not. But they could. So I posit that it exists as a place, here in the internet, where so much of our lives happen nowadays. We do spend time in other social networks -- a lot of people do, anyway. People could choose to spend their time in this other social network. Do you really need 2h of Facebook and Instagram in your lives?
Can't you do with 1h45m, really? You can't think about other stuff, the things that interest you, start a new hobby of sorts? Spend 15m here. You don't even have to post anything. Just think.
You are an entity that exists and is aware. You can think of anything, any time. You can decide to do stuff, just stuff in this place, whatever you want. The internet is this amazing place; never existed before. Our society will continue to be shaped by it; it must be; it is clearly powerful.
And we could do anything with it, if we put enough time on it.
What should we do next?
Next up: ?.
Agora Plan
The [[Agora]] is a project with a large [[scope]], so it takes a minute to explain what it's all about, and what the vision this plan tries to advance is.
If you'd like a quick introduction to the Agora as of mid 2021, please check out [[go/agora-slides]].
You can also refer to [[go/agora]], that is the documentation in the [[root repository]] currently hosted on [[github]].
What this node is for
This node is used as a project planning page for the [[Agora]] implementation you're likely reading this in now: .
As you might know by now, an Agora is a beast with multiple legs:
- A [[knowledge graph]]. This is the heart of the [[Agora]]. It is kept in the [[go/agora]] repo, and includes pointers to other repositories.
- A web server and associated client code, which the [[flancia collective]] runs on . It is kept in the [[go/agora-server]] repo.
- A set of bridges to connect other platforms to the [[agora]], and the Agora to to [[other platforms]]. These are kept in the [[go/agora-bridge]] repository.
This node might deal with development of any and all of them. We will try to list past major developments below, but this node will try to also be [[future focused]].
- new users are trickling into the community, although the signup process is still manual; need to ship the repo api in [[agora bridge]] to improve the sinup flow.
- considering [[logseq]] and [[tiddlywiki]] as recommended web clients.
[[agora server]]
- looking better than six months ago, but needs work
[[better parsing]]
blocks [[auto push]]?
- perhaps not for inline (same line) pushes
blocks [[auto push]]?
[[agora bridge]]
- need to have [[agora twitter bot]] call out to [[repo api]] to store nodes per-user
- need to have [[agora mastodon bot]] automatically respond to toots with [[patterns]] from followers
[[patterns everywhere]]
- new name for [[wikilinks everywhere]], [[vera]] leading
- need to work more on [[building bridges]]
[[flancia collective]]
- need to explore [[governance]]
- [[vera]] started [[flancia social impact]]
On [[2021-11-06]]:
- Lots have happened. I gave up trying to maintain this for a while, instead using my journals and a transitive subset of the [[Agora]] to document the development process.
- See [[flancia collective]], [[agora discuss]], [[journals]].
On [[2021-01-30]]
- onboarded [[enki]]
[[nodes]] are now color coded:
- [[dark violet]] for the [[primary node]], that is, any subnodes that match the wikilink you're at most precisely.
- [[dark grey]] for [[pulled]] and [[pushed]] nodes and subnodes.
On [[2020-01-02]] I implemented [[jump]]
- I said: "I'll implement the action and a 'jump'/ dialog always available in the Agora, perhaps replacing search in the [[toolbar]]."
- Done!
- Q: is 'go to' better than jump? I don't think so, and it could be confusing due to go links. But unsure.
- On [[2020-01-01]] I fixed node titles.
- On [[2020-12-29]] I pushed a quick patch that upranks all my subnodes, as some top subnodes in relatively popular nodes had formatting issues / were distracting. I intend this to be temporary; better ranking and formatting fixes are coming.
- On [[2020-12-27]] I released [[agora 0.5.6]] with [[pull]] support, better db code, caching... quite a bit :)
- On [[2020-12-20]] I worked [[agora 0.5.5]], which adds simple [[]] integration.
On [[2020-12-04]] I released [[agora 0.5.4]], with some improvements:
- New data model (digital gardens are not subtree'd in the main [[agora repository]] anymore, stay wholly independent)
- Index page is now just another node, subnodes can be contributed by users.
- On [[2020-11-29]] I integrated the first community contribution ever.
- On [[2020-11-27]] I fixed some bugs, like wikilinks with periods on their names not working.
On [[2020-11-22]] implemented count of subnodes in user pages.
- Added some amount of go links support: now works :), points to the URL with [[go]] in
- On [[2020-11-17]] implemented [[latest]].
- On [[2020-11-16]] I implemented [[agora fuzzy matching]] and full text search, adopted a div based layout, improved the CSS, improved user pages.
- On [[2020-11-15]] I implemented dark mode (press on 'theme' on the top right corner to switch dark <-> light).
- On [[2020-11-14]] I released [[agora 0.5.1]].
- [[pen-coded]]:
- [[luciana]]:
- [[arghzero]]
- [[dr_kvj]]:
- [[jonathan-the-utopian]]
- [[enkiv2]]:
what about all of the ones licensed appropriately listed in [[kasper zutterman]]'s [[second brain]] list?
- Discussing with [[armengolaltayo]]
- See also [[digital gardeners]]
- This seems to be in [[topincs]] format, investigate.
- [[houshuang]]
- [[joelchan86]]
- [[tilda]]
- [[binnyva]]
- [[jakeisnt]]
- It's a public roam graph:
- First user actually using a wiki!
- [[agora-go-links-integration]]
- [[agora twitter integration]]
- [[agora-youtube-integration]]
- [[agora hypothesis integration]]
- [[roam2agora]]
- [[agora vscode]]
- [[wikilinks everywhere]]
all http mentions should be auto linked, not only some:
- Worked around this, but I should probably send an upstream PR to [[bleach]]
- try rendering notes with [[marko]], see if it's a bit more forgiving with list indentation and other kinks that seem common.
add support for org mode gardens
- signup by [[jakeisnt]] is blocked on this:
- signup by [[karlicoss]] is blocked on this:
- this might be enough to unlock basic [[logseq]] support?
- [[orgparse]] might be useful
- [[pandoc]] supports org
- I should make node [[0.5.6]] work
- graph the whole Agora -- sounds fun!
- Implement pull and push.
Make more links default to node instead of subnode.
- For example those in latest, those in user pages.
- Might require 'upranking'.
- set up [[agora]] hot spare in [[dorcas]], this is an experiment but I already find it very useful so I don't want to not have it available for a while if there's a server failure
- add monitoring -- [[munin]] or something more modern? [[prometheus]]?
- Implement /node/foo/selector as more resilient/uniform alternative to /subnode.
Implement user upranking/pinning.
- Perhaps nodes visited from a user scope uprank subnodes by that user?
- ?s=09
- Provide a link (GET) for the search for '[ ]', useful for [[do]].
- Add better backlinks, showing some context.
- Make the site header be marked as an actual header (div with a class, etc.); Google seems to think it's part of the site text (it's showing up in results).
- Fix markdown list formatting issue with different tab widths.
- add footer.
- Implement preview-on-hover?
- Implement "around the Agora".
- add /latest or some other chronological view
- User profiles: perhaps just note [[flancian]] as written by user [[flancian]]? Unsure.
- Make the index be just another note [[ding-levery]].
- Improve backlinks: show snippets as well as just the link.
- Improve pull loop to also support arbitrary hooks, like that needed to implement [[agora go links integration]].
Multi user improvements:
- Better sorting (right now all my notes show up at the top, doesn't make sense).
- Ability to "zoom into" a user, to navigate just their garden for a while.
- Perhaps ability to "uprank" users, pinning their notes to the top of any sorting order.
- Perhaps sort+uprank can be integrated?
- usernames could have a 'pin' emoji that upranks all their posts?
- Implement search (full text).
Add support for media serving (useful for pictures of [[ocell]]).
- assets/foo end up at node/assets/foo; just adding a handler for node/assets/ seems like it could be enough.
- It would conflict with a node named 'assets' though, so perhaps it's not ideal.
- Perhaps it'd be better to just serve images/media as subnodes?
- Add monitoring/alerting.
Some day:
- When you update a node on a [[person]], said person gets a notification (they can opt out).
- Support [[Roam]], [[Athens]], [[org-roam]] digital gardens.
Twitter integration -> [[agora twitter integration]]
- Ask [[ding levery]].
Automatic [[actions]] -> [[agora action]]s -> [[agora action]]
- [[tweet]] block tweets the block (exactly once, etc.).
[[go links]] integration -> [[agora go links integration]]
- If the first block of [[foo]] is a URL, just redirect there.
- Could also work as an action: [[go]] target URL.
Feature requests
- [[pull]] [[feature requests]]
- fix bug: backlinks should be shown even in yet non-existent nodes, such as [[deceased]].
- Clean up stale journal pages which don't follow [[iso 8601]].
- Add file with things such as paths.
Add user handler: /u
- /u/flancian -> all nodes by flancian
- /node/flancia/u/flancian -> flancia by flancian
- Also added @flancian. Shorter is better, and it's a common convention.
- perhaps /g/ for groups later? or /s/ for stoa.
Add 'link to this note'.
- Now called subnode.
- Subnode rendering is ready, just need to add links.
- Perhaps I need to fix subnode paths; right now they are the actual filename. It'd be better if there was at least possible to specify the filename base (no extension) and have the right file be resolve, a la nodes.
add some search support -- a simple textbox + GET?
- Probably want to use [[flask-wtf]] for this:
better css
- Add '[[dark mode]]' to the Agora, I like this kind of scheme: /photo/1
- added switching by button
- Make subnodes/notes look like notes instead of using clunky
<hr />
everywhere. Move to divs, etc.
- Improve the [[index]].
Implement [[agora fuzzy matching]].
- Done
- but backlinks don't work in some cases, like .
- Probably not worth fixing that right now as it only triggers for nodes that are not canonical, perhaps better to just redirect to a canonical node.
- could help with disambiguation and acronym expansion
flancia plan
I have a wider plan. I call it [[flancia]].
- Flancia is an [[open collective]] that tries to execute an open plan: to support cooperative projects of [[public utility]] and [[improve the world]] for others.
- I intend to dedicate most of my [[free time]] and [[surplus resources]] to it.
- The plan includes a crucial step, which is to write a roadmap to [[Flancia]] with [[you]].
- Flancia is a kind of [[eutopia]]; in particular a [[protopia]]. It is a place that doesn't exist, yet has both contact points with the [[real world]] and some [[good]] qualities. The working [[hypothesis]] is that it could actually be built through the iterative application of [[cooperative]], [[rational]], [[optimistic]], [[compassionate]] thinking.
My current thinking along the aforementioned lines leads me to want to focus my free time in two ways:
- Engaging in [[philanthropy]] within my means.
- Promoting and building [[tools]] for the advancement of knowledge and cooperation.
Because of the above I'm building an [[Agora]]: a goal-oriented [[experimenta]] [[social network]] specialized in [[problem solving]].
- You are probably reading this in some version of it right now.
The Agora, at its most basic and general, is a protocol: [[Agora Protocol]].
- I believe [[wikilinks everywhere]], an [[MVP]] or application of the protocol, might have some potential to improve the health of the internet.
- This plan used to include developing [[palimpsest]], perhaps a generally interesting feature that might in time help bootstrap the Agora; but I know believe [[]] or [[memex]] are essentially the same thing, and the Agora should interop with them and complement them if at all possible.
My plan also includes by default every pro-social action which makes aspects of my [[identity]] which I consider ethically sound and constructive available to others for judgment, cooperation or communication. In other words, I try to be fully open :)
- My current attitude towards the world is to try to do the best that I can regardless of my personal limitations in [[skill]] and [[knowledge]]; being open about both my plan and my limitations is an important part of my identity, as I believe openness as a social attitude results in interactions conducive to optimal mutual understanding and cooperation.
- I practice [[open ethics]] and [[open source]].
- See also: [[contract]].
I practice [[open ethics]].
- I keep a log of my [[meditations]]. It is this [[agora]].
- With your help I'd like to build many [[stoas]].
- public document at
- video call at
2020 05 08
2020 10 12
2020 12 29
2020 12 31
2021 01 30
2021 02 27
2021 04 18
2021 05 08
2021 11 06
2022 05 03
2022 10 21
2023 06 04
2023 09 19
agora plan
fire support
five year plan
free time
i should remember this
open source
plan file
week 20