πŸ“š node [[i should remember this]]
β₯… node [[do]] pulled by user
β₯… node [[later]] pulled by user


β₯… node [[plan]] pulled by user

So, yeah, I want to have that [Agora]. Flancia should have it, you know. It's a fictional place, like I said; this is a work of fiction. You got it? This is all hypothetical.

So MediaWiki could definitely be a serviceable Agora, right? People know how to use it. It's easy to set up; you can do a lot with "just a Wiki" because it's a framework, not only code but also conventions. A lot of things can be modeled with a Wiki. And it's so easy to set up -- I'm a geek. "In the old days, I could have set up a LAMP stack and a Wiki on top of it in 1h" is something that a less concerned with cringeness version of me could have uttered. I'm rusty but it shouldn't take long. And then what, you might say. Then you have an empty wiki that nobody uses.

Exactly! That's the beauty of it. It's there, it exists -- there is an Agora. People could use it -- they might not. But they could. So I posit that it exists as a place, here in the internet, where so much of our lives happen nowadays. We do spend time in other social networks -- a lot of people do, anyway. People could choose to spend their time in this other social network. Do you really need 2h of Facebook and Instagram in your lives?

Can't you do with 1h45m, really? You can't think about other stuff, the things that interest you, start a new hobby of sorts? Spend 15m here. You don't even have to post anything. Just think.

You are an entity that exists and is aware. You can think of anything, any time. You can decide to do stuff, just stuff in this place, whatever you want. The internet is this amazing place; never existed before. Our society will continue to be shaped by it; it must be; it is clearly powerful.

And we could do anything with it, if we put enough time on it.

What should we do next?

Next up: ?.


β₯… node [[read]] pulled by user



β₯… node [[remember]] pulled by user
β₯… node [[todo]] pulled by user


After 2021 vacations

  • [v] August Timesheet
  • [v] MY TAX 2021
    • [v] fill in noikia
    • [v] US stocks:
      • [v] Collect all docs
      • submit it 2020 tax
    • PAY
  • [v] Review code Stefano Doumpoulakh (with Kyriakos)
  • [v] pay school
  • [v] cardano
  • solana
  • stake ETH
  • Astrobank review
    • [v] pay off accounting MarMay 2021
    • [v] Send reply
    • submit docs through "branch-it"
    • Follow up
  • [v] Talk to Lo3as
  • Talk to Babis
  • Prius polizza: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGljlnSpsgpFSKrzNrrDSxKBqCV
  • Cryptography:
    • week 2
    • week 3
    • week 4
    • week 5
    • week 6
  • [v] Google Play Dev account to be closed on Oct due to inactivity! OK, let it close

Mainly, things will just link here.

  • [recurring] Choose one idea of each category currently defined and transcribe it from the doc.
  • Move to post:
    • Write about the idea of the telo-republic. Perhaps change name to latin root.
  • About unicorns:
    • Add a note towards the end about how this is an optimistic look, and every step of the way can fail. Also, it can be used for evil.
    • Clarify a bit the Minsky mention for people who don't know who he is.
    • Consider removing "who am I and why does my opinion matter".
    • Consider paring down the ML examples section (supervised vs unsupervised).



  • Meta: fix go links that pointed to Roam.
  • Figure out [[Foam]] rendering to [[github pages]]
    • Made obsolete by the Agora.
  • [[Agora v0.5]] -- here is where block references would come in handy :)


You can create todos in Foam.

  • This is an example of a todo list item that's complete
  • This one is not completed yet
  • You can mark it completed by pressing Option+C (or Alt+C) when your cursor is on this line
    • You can also select multiple lines and mark them all at once!


  • This is an example of a todo list item that's complete
  • Todo lists are useful for keeping organised and focused
  • This one is not completed yet
  • You can mark it completed by pressing Option+C (or Alt+C) when your cursor is on this line
    • You can also select multiple lines and mark them all at once!
  • When you press enter at the end of a line, it adds a new todo item on the next line
  • This, and more is provided by the Markdown All in One plugin by Yu Zhang


  • This is an example of a todo list item that's complete
  • Todo lists are useful for keeping organised and focused
  • This one is not completed yet
  • You can mark it completed by pressing Option+C (or Alt+C) when your cursor is on this line
    • You can also select multiple lines and mark them all at once!
  • When you press enter at the end of a line, it adds a new todo item on the next line
  • This, and more is provided by the Markdown All in One plugin by Yu Zhang


  • Add this garden to the Agora
  • Write a [[Ghidra]] plugin to output procedures as individual [[MASM Assembly]] files
  • Finish my contribution of En_Tg to the [[Ocarina of Time]] [[decompilation]] project
  • Finish my addition of a HashMap to cats-collections.
  • Document how I accomplished the Lecture Transcriber written on [[2020-11-02]].
  • NOW Veronika, if you or anyone else has loads of time and nothing better to do, it would be handy if someone could go through the slides shared by Sassy in that orientation meeting and condense it into a checklist of actions and references. done:: 1626482875701 later:: 1626482876666 now:: 1626482963613


Back burner

  • check out obsidian plugin api
  • move to proper [[ast]] instead of hacking around [[markdown]]
  • [[agora obsidian plugin]]
  • notion api
  • investigate [[kava]]
  • open web grant
  • make graph view look more like obsidian
  • add hypothesis integration into [[agora-server]] on a deeper level
  • autogen journal entry if non existent for nodes created on that day
  • "snapshot" feature to "freeze" a node at a specific time and archive
  • make graph on agora prettier
  • create chrome browser extension based on [[firefox]]
  • check out sections on ctznry
  • install [[mycroft]]
  • dinner with [[aphid]]
  • show actual journal entries in /journal route
    • can I use same codebase?
  • build [[notion]] integration
  • watch [[world at war]]


Back burner

  • make graph view look more like obsidian
  • add hypothesis integration into [[agora-server]] on a deeper level
  • autogen journal entry if non existent for nodes created on that day
  • "snapshot" feature to "freeze" a node at a specific time and archive
  • make graph on [[agora]] prettier
  • create chrome browser extension based on [[firefox]]
  • check out sections on ctznry
  • install [[mycroft]]
  • dinner with [[aphid]]
  • show actual journal entries in /journal route
    • can I use same codebase?
  • build [[notion]] integration
  • watch [[world at war]]


πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context