git-stuff |
garden/ankostis/ |
@ankostis |
home-assistant |
garden/ankostis/ |
@ankostis |
επικήδειος-χρήστου |
garden/ankostis/επικήδειος-χρήστου.md |
@ankostis |
Ask yourself these 6 questions |
garden/bbchase/Ask yourself these 6 |
@bbchase |
How to Take Smart Notes |
garden/bbchase/book notes/How to Take Smart |
@bbchase |
Flow Theory |
garden/binnyva/Flow |
@binnyva |
dbt |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
how-to-build-a-business |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
micropub |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
piratemetrics |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
speakerdeck |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
vnotes-format |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
web-annotation-standard |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
webmention |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
wiki |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
yearlog |
garden/bmann/_notes/ |
@bmann |
2017-02-13-akasha-cross-post-planting-tag-flag-vancouver-bowen-canada |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2017-02-19-archiving-photos-ios-amazon-s3 |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2017-04-09-run-your-own-mastodon-instance |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2017-04-15-notes-on-running-mastodon-heroku |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2017-08-19-blockchain-open-source-definitions |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2017-09-11-firesideconf-barcamp-spirit |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-06-14-algiers-smart-city-leapfrog-tech |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2018-10-06-further-thoughts-on-the-fair |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2019-01-06-ethnews-interview-security-token-standards |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2019-03-31-ethereum-governance |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2020-01-27-photo-backup-for-geeks-i-os |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2020-03-22-oscms-sunnyvale-drupal |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2020-07-04-new-blog-microblog |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
2020-10-08-joining-social-coop |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
codesocial |
garden/communecter/00 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
modeleeconomique |
garden/communecter/00 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
zerodechet |
garden/communecter/00 - COmmunecter/Nos amis/ |
@communecter |
videos |
garden/communecter/00 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
financement |
garden/communecter/03 - Contribuer/ |
@communecter |
cartopartie |
garden/communecter/05 - Animer Déployer/Tutoriels et ressources/ |
@communecter |
contrats |
garden/communecter/06 - Open Atlas/ |
@communecter |
presentation |
garden/communecter/06 - Open Atlas/ |
@communecter |
mozilla |
garden/communecter/14 - CODossier/ |
@communecter |
Use-cases |
garden/communecter/archives/ |
@communecter |
codesocial |
garden/communecter/en/01 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
modeleeconomique |
garden/communecter/en/01 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
zerodechet |
garden/communecter/en/01 - COmmunecter/Nos amis/ |
@communecter |
videos |
garden/communecter/en/01 - COmmunecter/ |
@communecter |
financement |
garden/communecter/en/03 - Contribuer/ |
@communecter |
cartopartie |
garden/communecter/en/05 - Animer Déployer/Tutoriels et ressources/ |
@communecter |
contrats |
garden/communecter/en/06 - Open Atlas/ |
@communecter |
mozilla |
garden/communecter/en/13- CODossier/ |
@communecter |
Use-cases |
garden/communecter/en/archives/ |
@communecter |
garden/darlim/ |
@darlim |
A-modest-proposal-related-to-firearm-safety |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
A-Short-History-of-Procedurally-Generated-Text |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Agreed--lack-of-perspective-is-the-real-M |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
All-fat-middle-aged-white-guys-are-secretly-the-same-person--like-Saint-Gulik |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Alternate-Computer-Universes--Jef-Raskin-s-Macintosh |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
An-Engineer-s-Guide-to-the-Docuverse |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Announcing-the-2018-No-Budget-Film-Contest |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Announcing-the-winners-of-the-2017-No-Budget-Film-Contest |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
ANTLR-may-be-superior-in-some-way--it-s-also-strictly-unnecessary |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Are-legendary-generals-just-lucky |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Are-you-familiar-with-the-concept-of--transpointing-windows |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
As-he-brushed-past-a-cluster-of-hyper-dandies--their-tattoos-glowed-and-squirmed--pantomiming |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
As-much-as-I-m-loathe-to-heap-praise-on-Second-Life---Linden-Labs--I-think-they-at-least-got-this |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Being-intellectually-engaged-by-your-job-is-a-rare-privilege---one-that-is-really-only-possible-in |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Belief-is-the-enemy |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Berners-Lee-had-a-project-that-did-many-things-correctly-that-the-web-did-incorrectly |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Clues-about-Medium-s-business-plan |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Congratulations-on-first-place |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Congratulations-on-second-place |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Congratulations-on-third-place |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Considerations-for-programming-language-design--a-rebuttal |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Contributor-represents-the-easiest-way-out-of-our-adtech-dystopia--and-it-s-a-shame-that-it-was |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Criticism-that-s-primarily-transmitted-by-teachers-is-limited-in-scope--after-all--most-people-who |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Cyberpunk--sadly--died-in-infancy--What-s-worse-is--it-was-replaced-by-a-changeling |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Details-of-how-this-subscription-model-will-work-seem-scarce |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Did-somebody-unload-a-time-machine-from-1998-into-this-comment-thread |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Do-most-students-really-start-their-undergraduate-experience-completely-ignorant-of-the-vast |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Doesn-t-this-really-seem-more-like-speech-to-phoneme-stream |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Federation-favors-large-numbers-of-temporary-non--or-partially-intersecting-identities--rather-than |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Fiction-generator-post-mortem--comic-book-generation |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Folk-horror-as-speculative-sociology |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
For-Medium--the-most-sensible-monetization-policies-would-probably-be |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Fun-fact--if-we-go-by-formal-declarations--Japan-is-still-at-war-with-Russia |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Has-this-only-been-rolled-out-on-mobile--I-don-t-see-anything-like-this-on-the-desktop-site |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Having-signed-up--you-can-tell-us-exactly-what-we-all-want-to-know--is-the-premium-content-Ev-s |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Here-s-a-heuristic--if-a-task-is-made-significantly-easier-by-a-framework--it-shouldn-t-be-done-in |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Hiring-is-a-whole-different-mess |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Hostility--inclusivity--and-target-mismatch-in-open-source-community-management |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
How-Mamoru-Oshii-ruined-the-Ghost-in-the-Shell-franchise |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
How-Seiren-re-engineers-galge-stock-characters |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-always-thought--borked--was-derived-from--borken---the-early-1960s-era-humorous-mistyping-of |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-came-to-the-same-conclusion-from-another-direction |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-d-definitely-say-the-web-is-a-bad-tool-for-most-of-the-things-we-use-it-for |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-don-t-think-this-is-an-internet-thing-per-se |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-have-standardized-on-giving-everyone-exactly-one-clap---equivalent-to-a-recommend |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-m-not-familiar-with-anything-Nelson-might-have-written-on-the-storage-of-navigation-histories |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-m-not-kidding |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-m-not-the-author-of-the-original-piece |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-mean-that--ideally--facebook--medium--and-youtube-wouldn-t-be-websites--because-the-web-is-a-poor |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-never-noticed-any-of-these-things--I-am-so-excited-for-a-rewatch-now--Thank-you |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-realize-that-your-post-isn-t-meant-to-be-a-coherent-argument--but---the-only-way-we-can-tell-that |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-think-that-people-asking-the-wrong-questions-really-saved-us-here |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-think-the-time-might-be-right-for-micropayments-as-a-publishing-monetization-model |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-think-we-can-tag-him--Ev-Williams |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-think-you-ll-find-that-web-browsers-can--in-fact--render-hand-written-plain-HTML |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-ve-never-understood-Turkle-s-rationale-for-this-idea |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
I-wonder-if-this-was-the-inspiration-for-the-famous-scene-in-Scanners |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
If-we-can-do-this--and-it-s-certainly-technically-possible---we-can-break-siloization-by-doing-the |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
If-you-are-selling-your-site-to-design-hipsters--I-have-no-problem-with-the-bloat--they-have-plenty |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
If-you-can-solve-your-problems-without-actually-changing-the-syntax--then-you-don-t-need-to-build-a |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
If-you-decide-to-collate-the-results--I-d-find-that-fascinating |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
If-you-understood-this-essay-as-advocating-for-some-language--you-didn-t-read-it-carefully |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
If-you-want-to-get-a-job-in-tech---be-qualified-for-it--you-need-to-first-be-self-taught-and-then |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
If-your-goal-is-to-find-out-how-people-on-reddit-actually-talk-about-it--rather-than-what-kind-of |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
In-my-experience |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Invisible-Architecture-1 |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Invisible-Architecture-I |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Is-popularity-even-desirable |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Is-this-the-first-high-profile-example-of-a-unicode-homoglyph-attack-in-the-wild |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
It-might-be-reasonably-controlled--it-might-not |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
It-really-is-better-to-ask-for-permission |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
It-seems-like-what-Medium-is-doing-is-creating-a-subscription-only-publication-of-their-own |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Jamming-the-Signal--Better-Living-Through-Subliminal-Messages |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Labor-in-Japan |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Lol-Koibito-Cafe |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Luckily--businesses--and-business-concerns--are-basically-completely-irrelevant |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Market-Myths--Good--Bad--and-Bazaar |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Maybe-it-s-because--Marine-Antoinette--sounds-so-much-more-natural-that--Macron-Antoinette--is |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Medium-started-out-with-the-goal-of-fixing-clickbait--and-the--correct--understanding-that-an-ad |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Medium-started-out-with-the-goal-of-fixing-clickbait--and-the--correct--understanding-that-an |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
My-hypermedia-history |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
My-Intellectual-Progress--2010-2019 |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
OK--but-what-do-you-gain-from-misrepresenting-the-papers-you-are-using-to-support-your-argument-as |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
On-the-web--size-matters |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
One-way-to-avoid-people-using-eponymous-laws-to-pull-a-bavarian-fire-drill-on-you-is-to-produce-a |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Our-systems--even-on-relatively-longread-friendly-platforms-like-Medium--disincentivize-nuance |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Portable-identity-is-useful-only-insomuch-as-single-stable-identity-is-useful |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Post-mortem-of-a-fiction-generator--asemic-writing-with-some-properties-of-natural-languages |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Prize-money-is-sent--If-you-don-t-receive-it--leave-another-comment |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Punk---cosplay |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Ramifications-of-nearsightedness-in-tech |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
She-Awaited-the-Turkeys |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Slowly-creep-backwards-while-speaking-more-softly-and-with-a-greater-number-of-increasingly-long |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
So--there-s-a-nuance-here--regarding-UBI |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Some-chess-variants |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Some-less-modest-provisions |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Spanning-problem-space |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Tempting-Fate--an-asymmetric-card-game-for-psychics |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Thank-you-for-being-Prime---the-impossibly-beautiful-anime-hologram-stewardess-says--as-six-axis |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-biggest-argument-against-total-dismissal-of-the-remake-is-the-existence-of-remakes-that |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-command-line-and-GUI-replaced-voice-as-an-interaction-model-decades-ago--because-for-most-tasks |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-community-around-the-newsletter-is-still-pretty-active-on-slack--right |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-end-game-of-the-voice-UI--like-that-of-the-chat-UI--is-the-command-line-interface |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-hype-around-javascript-is-representative-of-a-more-general-and-widespread-problem--which-is |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-Lone-Gunman |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-Mythic-Function-of-the-Zombie-Apocalypse |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-only-path-out--as-far-as-I-can-see--is-to-use-system-2-thinking-to-perform-analysis-on |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-only-response-I-can-think-of-for-this-is-that--while-Putin-almost-certainly-wants-to-think-of |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-perils-of-identity |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-religious-right-is-a-strange-beast--with-strange-internal-contradictions-mirroring-the-greater |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-return-of-the-No-Budget-Film-Contest |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-thing-about-pair-programming-is-that-it-s-similar-to-other-closely-collaborative-creative |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-Value-of-Subtle-Communication--Toward-a-Secular-Materialist-Model-of-Chaos-Magick |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-way-to-the-hangins-that-spiders-liked-breaking-over-holloway-s-was-satisfyingly-gothic-in |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-web-is-a-glorified-marketing-platform--sure--but-do-we-want-it-to-be |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-winners-have-been-announced--https---medium-com--enkiv2-announcing-the-winners-of-the-2017-no-bu |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-winners-have-been-announced--https---medium-com--enkiv2-announcing-the-winners-of-the-2017-no |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
The-winners-have-been-announced |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
There-are-links-to-the-PDFs-of-the-three-generated-comics-in-the-third-to-last-paragraph--the-one |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
This-comment-wasn-t-intended-as-snark |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
This-fits-into-a-wider-pattern |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
This-is-why-I-always-say-that-if-we-want-an-idea-of-how-life-will-be-under-UBI--we-should-look-at |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Those-of-us-working-in-prose-generation-have-come-to-the-conclusion-that-neural-nets-and-other |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Transclusion-is |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Visible---Invisible-Architecture |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
When-the-best-option-for-providing-a-service-is-awful--that-indicates-an-opportunity-for |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
While-large-corporations-have-the-resources-to-do-large--cross-cutting-messages--the-profit-motive |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
While-your-analysis-of-control-structures-here-seems-accurate--I-can-t-really-agree-with-the-idea |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Yeah--Just-as-I-think-honest-economists-are-aware-of---careful-about-these-myths--supporting-them |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
You-don-t-really-need-to-go-to-4chan-for-this |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
You-mention-a-study-where-12-volunteers-were-subjected-to-E |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
Server |
garden/evan/ |
@evan |
privilege |
garden/ | |
meditation-for-programmers |
garden/ | |
garden/ | |
garden/ | |
garden/ | |
2020-10-18 |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
Flancia |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
hope or hype for art |
garden/flancian/hope or hype for |
@flancian |
2024-05-27 |
garden/flancian/Journal/Day/ |
@flancian |
markov blankets |
garden/flancian/markov |
@flancian |
reality has a surprising amount of detail |
garden/flancian/reality has a surprising amount of |
@flancian |
search and annotation are complementary |
garden/flancian/search and annotation are |
@flancian |
shambhala: the sacred path of the warrior |
garden/flancian/shambhala: the sacred path of the |
@flancian |
social coop tech group minutes |
garden/flancian/social coop tech group |
@flancian |
systemd |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
tabs |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
the great tab purge of 2020 |
garden/flancian/the great tab purge of |
@flancian |
tools for thinking |
garden/flancian/tools for |
@flancian |
urbit |
garden/flancian/ |
@flancian |
2021-08-24-leadership-not-exit |
garden/forshaper/_posts/ |
@forshaper |
Search and Seizure |
garden/forshaper/notes/pages/Search and |
@forshaper |
Awakening-From-the-Meaning-Crisis |
garden/houshuang/content/ |
@houshuang |
Branding |
garden/houshuang/content/ |
@houshuang |
2020-10-12 |
garden/jakeisnt/journals/ |
@jakeisnt |
2021-01-04 |
garden/jakeisnt/journals/ |
@jakeisnt |
2021-01-05 |
garden/jakeisnt/journals/ |
@jakeisnt |
camera |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
employment |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
emulation |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
essays |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
etc |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
ethical-web |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
generative-art |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
git |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
haskell |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
health |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
longform-computer-texts |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
machine-learning |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
messaging |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
nix |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
org_mode |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
quantified-self |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
ricing |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
terminal_ui |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
web_design |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
wiki |
garden/jakeisnt/pages/ |
@jakeisnt |
android-misc |
garden/karlicoss/android/ |
@karlicoss |
biology-misc |
garden/karlicoss/biology/ |
@karlicoss |
human-body |
garden/karlicoss/biology/ |
@karlicoss |
cooking |
garden/karlicoss/food/ |
@karlicoss |
food-misc |
garden/karlicoss/food/ |
@karlicoss |
health |
garden/karlicoss/health/ |
@karlicoss |
nutrition |
garden/karlicoss/health/ |
@karlicoss |
backups |
garden/karlicoss/infra/ |
@karlicoss |
exports |
garden/karlicoss/infra/ |
@karlicoss |
file_sync |
garden/karlicoss/infra/ |
@karlicoss |
infra |
garden/karlicoss/infra/ |
@karlicoss |
linux |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
logic |
garden/karlicoss/math/ |
@karlicoss |
math-misc |
garden/karlicoss/math/ |
@karlicoss |
memex |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
mind |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
misc |
garden/karlicoss/misc/ |
@karlicoss |
travel |
garden/karlicoss/misc/ |
@karlicoss |
music |
garden/karlicoss/music/ |
@karlicoss |
astronomy |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
classical-mechanics |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
physics-misc |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
qft |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
quantum |
garden/karlicoss/physics/ |
@karlicoss |
orgmode |
garden/karlicoss/pkm/ |
@karlicoss |
pkm |
garden/karlicoss/pkm/ |
@karlicoss |
spacedrep |
garden/karlicoss/pkm/ |
@karlicoss |
bash |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
fp |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
javascript |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
programming-misc |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
python |
garden/karlicoss/programming/python/ |
@karlicoss |
webext |
garden/karlicoss/programming/ |
@karlicoss |
axol |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
cannon |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
exobrain |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
misc |
garden/karlicoss/projects/ |
@karlicoss |
qs-misc |
garden/karlicoss/quantifiedself/ |
@karlicoss |
qs |
garden/karlicoss/quantifiedself/ |
@karlicoss |
dictation |
garden/karlicoss/soft/ |
@karlicoss |
emacs |
garden/karlicoss/soft/ |
@karlicoss |
git |
garden/karlicoss/soft/ |
@karlicoss |
tostudy |
garden/karlicoss/study/ |
@karlicoss |
think |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
toread |
garden/karlicoss/ |
@karlicoss |
The Scrum Guide |
garden/KGBicheno/Agile/Agile/Resources/The Scrum |
@KGBicheno |
Josie's Bot Ethics Framework |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Feminist Chatbot/Josie's Bot Ethics |
@KGBicheno |
NLP Citations for 'The Pile' |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/FOSS Projects/EleutherAI/NLP Citations for 'The Pile'.md |
@KGBicheno |
Opinions on AI replacing jobs |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Opinions on AI replacing |
@KGBicheno |
Origin stories of AI in News Media and Journalism |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Origin stories of AI in News Media and |
@KGBicheno |
How AI amplifies an employee's role |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Watson AI Overview/Module 1 - How Watson AI works/How AI amplifies an employee's |
@KGBicheno |
jury-instructions |
garden/law/ |
@law |
homi k bhabha |
garden/luciana/homi k |
@luciana |
Indianismos e indigenismos en Hispanoamérica |
garden/luciana/Indianismos e indigenismos en Hispanoamé |
@luciana |
2021-03-05 |
garden/luciana/journal/ |
@luciana |
migración y sociolingüística a través de las prácticas y los discursos de hispanohablantes en el s xxi |
garden/luciana/migración y sociolingüística a través de las prácticas y los discursos de hispanohablantes en el s |
@luciana |
Nation-state, transnationalism, and language |
garden/luciana/Nation-state, transnationalism, and |
@luciana |
raymond williams |
garden/luciana/raymond |
@luciana |
Semiotics. The Basics |
garden/luciana/Semiotics. The |
@luciana |
dunbars number |
garden/maya/dunbars |
@maya |
knockoffs |
garden/maya/ |
@maya |
fedidev |
garden/melanocarpa/fedidev.myco |
@melanocarpa |
forge |
garden/melanocarpa/forge.myco |
@melanocarpa |
forum |
garden/melanocarpa/forum.myco |
@melanocarpa |
fresh |
garden/melanocarpa/fresh.myco |
@melanocarpa |
markup |
garden/melanocarpa/markup.myco |
@melanocarpa |
thinkpad |
garden/melanocarpa/thinkpad.myco |
@melanocarpa |
ода_электрочайникам |
garden/melanocarpa/ода_электрочайникам.myco |
@melanocarpa |
twitter |
garden/moa-party/_notes/ |
@moa-party |
2020-05-11 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
2020-05-16 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
aid-in-reverse |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
algorithmic-bias-and-racism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
algorithmic-bias |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
beyond-the-horizontal-and-the-vertical |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
bristol-approach |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
building-my-own-indieweb-system |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
capital-strike |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
centaur-chess |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
centralised-applications-are-authoritarian |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
communicative-socialism-digital-socialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
end-of-history |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
ethical-consumerism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
false-consciousness |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
four-futures |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
governable-stacks-against-digital-colonialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
guerrilla-technology |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
henrik-huseby |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
improving-my-emacs-writing-mode |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
inventing-the-future |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
2020-11-15 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
liss-c-werner-cybernetics-state-of-the-art |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
logics-of-resistance |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
mckenzie-wark-general-intellects |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
org-mode-and-gtd |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
principles-for-ethical-technology |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
anarchist-cybernetics-raw-highlights |
garden/neil/raw-highlights/ |
@neil |
reclaiming-the-stacks-how-ict-workers-can-contribute-to-a-transition-to-ecosocialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
skills |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
social-coop-spring-2022-strategy-session |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
social-industry |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
solid |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
some-books-ive-read |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
synthesis-of-horizontalism-and-verticalism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-cybernetic-hypothesis |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-dispossessed |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-matrix-of-convivial-technology-assessing-technologies-for-degrowth |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-preston-model |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-quantum-thief |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-sane-society |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-spectacle |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-stack-as-an-integrative-model-of-global-capitalism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
to-file |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
trying-to-install-a-custom-rom-on-sony-xperia-z1-compact |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
undoing-optimization-civic-action-in-smart-cities |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
unionization-of-creatives-at-vice-media |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
wealth-and-income |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
wealth |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
Active Listening The Master Key to Effective Communication |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Active Listening The Master Key to Effective |
@protopian |
Can we intentionally improve the world Planners vs. Hayekians |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Can we intentionally improve the world Planners vs. |
@protopian |
Have you tried making yourself a more interesting person |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Have you tried making yourself a more interesting |
@protopian |
Human History Gets a Rewrite |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Human History Gets a |
@protopian |
Inversion The Crucial Thinking Skill Nobody Ever Taught You |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Inversion The Crucial Thinking Skill Nobody Ever Taught |
@protopian |
Motherhood brings the most dramatic brain changes of a woman’s life |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Motherhood brings the most dramatic brain changes of a woman’s |
@protopian |
Reality has a surprising amount of detail |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Reality has a surprising amount of |
@protopian |
Relax, Not Everything is Out to Get You |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Relax, Not Everything is Out to Get |
@protopian |
The Secret Economic Lives of Animals |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/The Secret Economic Lives of |
@protopian |
Games |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Books/ |
@protopian |
Tweets From Bi Dyke Energy |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From Bi Dyke |
@protopian |
Tweets From Dr. Emily Anhalt |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From Dr. Emily |
@protopian |
Tweets From Jane |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From |
@protopian |
Tweets From Joe Edelman 🐝 |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From Joe Edelman 🐝.md |
@protopian |
Tweets From Venkatesh Rao |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From Venkatesh |
@protopian |
Drawing 2023-03-08 15.45.14.excalidraw |
garden/rel8/Excalidraw/Drawing 2023-03-08 |
@rel8 |
T4T S01E14 - Digital Gardening (Maggie and Rob) |
garden/rel8/T4T S01E14 - Digital Gardening (Maggie and Rob).md |
@rel8 |
hypercard |
garden/ryan/ |
@ryan |
20201229145547-karl_kautsky_as_architect_of_the_october_revolution_jacobin |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
karl-kautsky-as-architect-of-the-october-revolution-jacobin |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
_index |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/ |
@scalingsynthesis |
Atlas.TI |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/ |
@scalingsynthesis |
C- Compression facilitates synthesis |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Compression facilitates |
@scalingsynthesis |
C- Wikum allows you to summarize groups of comments on a Hacker News style forum |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/C- Wikum allows you to summarize groups of comments on a Hacker News style |
@scalingsynthesis |
Gigjam |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/ |
@scalingsynthesis |
Q- What are the most efficient routes to useful cross-boundary knowledge |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/Q- What are the most efficient routes to useful cross-boundary |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem solving |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition in insight problem |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Could a Neuroscientist Understand a |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Genuine semantic publishing |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Genuine semantic |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Information Foraging Video |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Information Foraging |
@scalingsynthesis |
R- Where the semantic publishing rubber meets the scholarly practice road |
garden/scalingsynthesis/content/R- Where the semantic publishing rubber meets the scholarly practice |
@scalingsynthesis |
20230628202317-train |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230628203055-stable_diffusion |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230803030116-software |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
20230814065500-cooking_repertoire |
garden/tekakutli-org/nodes/ |
@tekakutli-org |
grant proposal writing |
garden/vera-logseq/pages/grant proposal |
@vera-logseq |
blockchain |
garden/ | |
on-mount-stupid |
garden/ | |
proof-of-authority |
garden/ | |
wikihouse |
garden/ | |
gitcoin |
garden/vera/ |
@vera |
grant proposal writing |
garden/vera/logseq/pages/grant proposal |
@vera |
guifi |
garden/vera/pages/ |
@vera |
zebra ethos |
garden/vera/pages/zebra |
@vera |
2a Metadata surrogates are inherently arborescent |
garden/wilde-at-heart/content/pages/2a Metadata surrogates are inherently |
@wilde-at-heart |
agora-meet |
stoa/ | |
dodging-the-memory-ball |
stoa/ | |
fellowship-of-the-link |
stoa/ | |
wq7 |
stoa/ | |
Avalokiteshvara |
stream/ | |
bird |
stream/ | |
birding |
stream/ | |
birdphotography |
stream/ | |
birds |
stream/ | |
birdsofmastodon |
stream/ | |
birdwatching |
stream/ | |
bluesky |
stream/ | |
Distributed Cooperative Organisations |
stream/ Cooperative | |
empty |
stream/ | |
five Skandhas |
stream/ | |
insight that brings us to the other shore |
stream/ that brings us to the other | |
LocalNewsVoice |
stream/ | |
Moloch |
stream/ | |
monsterdon |
stream/ | |
nature |
stream/ | |
naturephotography |
stream/ | |
stream/ | |
photography |
stream/ | |
reddit |
stream/ | |
Revolution Coin |
stream/ | |
stream/ | |
SupportSpellow |
stream/ | |
syncForecasting |
stream/ | |
TotK |
stream/ | |
wildlife |
stream/ | |
wildlifephotography |
stream/ | |
26 |
stream/ | |
BGdesigninsmallbites |
stream/ | |
dalle2 |
stream/ | |
doguinhos fofinhos |
stream/ | |
flancia collective |
stream/ | |
know |
stream/ | |
möbius bagel |
stream/öbius | |
politics of complexity |
stream/ of | |
Ranulph Glanville |
stream/ | |
yoga with x |
stream/ with | |
SupportSpellow |
stream/ | |
From Nand to Tetris |
stream/ Nand to | |
26 |
stream/ | |
yoga with x |
stream/ with | |