📕 subnode [[@ankostis/todo]]
in 📚 node [[todo]]
- [[programming-ideas]]
- [[my-pc]]
- [[my-raspi]]
- [[my-androids]]
- [[PKDB]]
- [[shopping]] - whishes & offers
- [[sto-kokkino]]
- contribute to libreops.cc#[opencollective](https://opencollective.com/libreops/).
- "1st steps in programming" Presentation
- [[ankostis-jrc-work-till-april-2021]]
After 2021 vacations
- [v] August Timesheet
[v] MY TAX 2021
- [v] fill in noikia
[v] US stocks:
- [v] Collect all docs
- submit it 2020 tax
- [v] Review code Stefano Doumpoulakh (with Kyriakos)
- [v] pay school
- [v] cardano
- solana
- stake ETH
Astrobank review
- [v] pay off accounting MarMay 2021
- [v] Send reply
- submit docs through "branch-it"
- Follow up
- [v] Talk to Lo3as
- Talk to Babis
- Prius polizza: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGljlnSpsgpFSKrzNrrDSxKBqCV
- week 2
- week 3
- week 4
- week 5
- week 6
- [v] Google Play Dev account to be closed on Oct due to inactivity! OK, let it close
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-02-27.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
- [[ctzn]]
- [[yubnub]]
- [[agora search]]
- [[wikilinks everywhere]]
- [[federation]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-03-02.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
- further [[investigate]] [[agoras]]:
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-03-05.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
[[install]] [[promnesia]]
- [[pinned tabs]] could be specially tracked. are they? they could map to open tasks.
- [[answer]] [[will walker]]
- [[catch up]] with [[twitter]]
- [[catch up]] with [[vera]]
- [[catch up]] with [[ablueaeshna]]
- [[catch up]] with [[twitter]]
- [[find]] good [[javascript 2021]] review/primer
- what are the next steps for [[wikilinks everywhere]]?
[[install]] [[promnesia]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-03-06.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
read about [[gitbug]]
- try it perhaps
[[agora yaml]]
- sounds not so hard
read about [[gitbug]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-03-10.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
- [[answer]] https://twitter.com/waynenilsen/status/1369675810710429696
- [[agora server]]
- [[rss]]
[[agora search]]
- implement passthroughs to wp/google/etc -> ddg bangs or yubnub keywords
- [[catch up with email]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-03-13.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-03-13.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-03-20.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
- [[wikilinks everywhere]] -> [[next action]]
- [[autopush]] for nested lists of precisely the format of this one
- [[autopull]] in search results for all component tokens
implement pull [[transclusion]] as per [[creamy ricotta pasta with brocoli]]
- [[iframes]]
- but needs, of course, for sites to agree to this
- fix [[go]] + [[agora search]], make it accept and decode more useful combinations
- add support for [[wp]] and other commands a la [[yubnub]].
- make default node color be green as currently in 'not found'; it matches the [[digital garden]] theme
compile list of entities like [[open collective]] and [[patreon]].
- what's the [[class]]?
- [[write]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-03-23.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
- [[research]] [[meilisearch]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-11-28.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2023-09-04.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/2047.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/agora chapter.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/agora chapter.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/agora paper.md by @flancian
#push [[todo]]
- [[write]], this is a top priority in [[august 2022]].
- this should probably show up at the top of [[todo]] and not at the bottom!
pushed from garden/flancian/algorithm.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
Build an [[agora]]
- Assemble a [[distributed knowledge graph]].
Construct a [[dependency graph]] and a [[schedule]] of activities and contexts to execute in; to [[perform]]; to [[analyze]]; to [[troubleshoot]].
- This is the [[heart]] of the [[agora]].
- If there are circular dependencies in this graph, write down examples here in this note. Unsure if circular dependencies come up in human-level tasks very often, but they might.
- [[topological sort]] it.
- Move on through the [[priority queue]] or [[list]] as we can.
- Study theory of [[scheduling]]. I liked it when I was in college.
Explore [[protopoi space]].
- [[m prime]]
Build an [[agora]]
pushed from garden/flancian/codex editor.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
- make [[codexeditor]] [[auto pull]] [[codex-editor]].
pushed from garden/flancian/colin ward.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[todo]]
- I keep meaning to [[read]] him.
- [[anarchy in action]]
pushed from garden/flancian/debug registration issues.md by @flancian
#push [[todo]]
document in wiki.social.coop?
#push [[social coop tech group]]
- or designate better [[source of truth]]
#push [[social coop tech group]]
document in wiki.social.coop?
pushed from garden/flancian/registration form.md by @flancian
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/todo
- video call at meet.jit.si/todo