πŸ“š node [[fan]]
β₯… node [[agora]] pulled by user

Welcome to [[boris mann]]'s section of the agora!

We're experimenting with [[Connecting to the Agora]], and what some of the configurations and conventions are. The [[Anagora]] page has my notes and feature requests.


  • This document was mostly written in 2018. The Agora was then just a thought experiment. It has since grown to be a living project.
  • As late as 2020-10-17, the Agora barely existed as a concrete implementation -- it was not a single tool but rather many which you could use in tandem following a convention, which I provisionally named Agora Protocol.
  • As of 2022-01-02, a reference Agora is online on https://anagora.org . Using terminology gained and derived in the last three years (with the help of the Agora community!), I can now describe it as a [[knowledge commons]].

Regardless of implementation details, an Agora can be assembled out of off-the-shelf parts available on the internet, mostly for free:

  • Knowledge management tools used for the purpose of building a distributed knowledge graph, following the aforementioned convention based on lazily evaluated [[wikilinks]]. See https://anagora.org/agora-editor for a review of some of the tools in this space, or Roam Likes for an older take.
  • Social networks and the constructive bits of the internet as we have them, annotated and enriched using open tools and standards.
  • An explicit constructive social contract. For reference you can consult the anagora.org default.

If you are interested in collaborating on building Agoras or similar constructive spaces, please reach out or peruse the Git repository.

See also: https://flancia.org/go/agora-howto , https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1322619094563258370.html.


You can think of the Agora as a convention based social network; an optional, user-controlled annotation layer that can be applied over any internet platform which supports user-generated content.

I think one of the best possible uses for such a network would be to use it to pro-socially maintain a distributed knowledge graph tailored specifically to the goal of solving problems: those of its users and society at large.

Its users, as a cooperative group, could by default take a naive but rational approach to problem solving:

  • For each problem in the set P of all problems:
    • Describe it as thoroughly as possible.
    • Maintain a set of known or argued possible solutions, S(P).
  • For each solution in S(P):
    • Describe it as thoroughly as possible.
    • Maintain a set of resources (people, time, attention, money) needed to implement it, R(S).

Individual users could also declare their views on the state of the world explicitly: they define which subsets of P, S and R they agree with, in the sense that they believe they are feasible, true, interesting.

Users that agree on their defined subsets can then efficiently collaborate on solutions as they become available by pooling of resources.

We apply some good old recursivity and seed the Agora with the problem of how to build itself. That is, how to build a system that allows participating users and entities to collaborate optimally in the face of adversity (such as biases, irrationality and even actual ill intent)1.

The Agora should be built on a federated protocol to limit the harmfulness of diasporas. Groups might temporarily diverge in their views enough to want to run separate Agoras, but different Agoras should be able to cooperate on problems and solutions for which there is enough ideological alignment, and eventually merge.


I have a more focused and detailed unpublished document which will probably replace or complement this chapter soon.

I know the premise sounds almost like a joke: what the world needs is a new social network. The internet and social networks are technologies we are just barely learning to live with, and the recent cause of a lot of polarization and political escalation and Trump Being President2. It doesn't sound at first like we should add another stick to that particular dumpster fire. But hear me out.

We need a designated place in the internet where we can discuss ideas in a constructive way. In particular, where we can discuss possible strategies to face the problems that humanity is facing. This is already happening, for sure; but is it happening somewhere on the internet where everybody can contribute? I don't think so. If the Agora exists already, please point the way -- I'd like to get there, and building it from scratch would be hard. The network of universities and institutes are the closest we have and I love them, but the Agora should be fully open and available to all over the internet, so every participating individual can contribute work and thought. Of course the whole internet could be an Agora; but the internet as a whole is chaotic and disorganized and thus its implicit Agora is entangled with places that are not constructive and not safe. There must be a better way.

Nick Bostrom has a paper on existential risk where he talks about a kind of lottery of ideas; humanity is constantly playing this game, the metaphor goes, and drawing ideas out of big lottery wheels of Science and Technology and Culture. Some of the balls in this wheel are colored white; these are good ideas. They contribute to human good, and we're glad we found them.

There are also black balls, though. These are bad3. They are things that, on the whole, produce enough bad to be existential risks to humanity. Nuclear power seemed to be this for a while; perhaps mutually assured destruction could have resulted in an apocalypse. But it didn't! Aren't we lucky? If (and it's a big if) things stay this way, we got away with playing with something dangerous. Perhaps we can use the idea for whatever good it holds (cheap and relatively safe energy), or perhaps we decide to bury it underground in a big vault of ideas (this one doesn't have to ever spin again) that says Do Not Go There, Trust Us. For now, though, the idea might still turn out to be black; we could, perhaps, represent this situation as a grey ball of whatever shade we deem most likely.

We need a social network for discussing ideas. For talking about Bostrom's lottery urn, and what it has in it for us. In the Agora, we discuss ideas and their shades and merit; we discuss, first and foremost, ethics. We talk openly and clearly about how to best move forward as a society of humans, with the knowledge we've gotten and the resources we have.

What if social networks are grey? How dark is their shade? The high modernist in me wants to believe that the structured flow of information is more of a good thing than a bad thing. But we need to be cautious, and this is why I wrote this and you are reading it now.

I need your help.

In Flancia there is no poverty.

  1. To start with, discussion in the Agora should follow the tried and tested Principle of Charity.↩

  2. what if Twitter is already a decent Agora, and Trump just woke up to the fact that it's a superior meme transfer device sooner than others?↩

  3. White = good and black = bad is in the original paper. Now, an apology: I don't like the fact that our culture encodes bad things as black, it's associated with death, etc. I think associating black with badness is a bit trite in a world that puts so much stock on being a particular kind of yellow.↩


An agora, in its broadest sense, is a conceptual space where people attempt to bring an increased level of intentionality, explicitness, and mutual agreement to the principles and protocols for interacting in that space. A further aspect of the idea of an Agora is that it is a space which enables collaboration. In particular, it is a space that allows for collaboration guided by specific shared interests, without requiring the co-consitutients of the agora to be aligned more fully or generally in terms of their intentions, values, etc.

Some topics that the idea of an Agora is related to: [[transparency]] [[decentralized structures]] [[egalitarian principles]] [[judgement]] [[algorithms of interaction]] [[communication]] [[collaboration]] [[knowledge sharing]]

There are (infinitely) many possible variants of how this idea might be implemented in concrete, real-world situations. For example, an agora could be a space that is opened up inside a conversation between two people. Or it could be a collaborative project that is accompanied by specified rules. Or it could be a collective agreement about how to handle certain types of situations.

One variant of the idea of an Agora is a place where personal notes are shared, with the common goal of pooling information and sharing knowledge. One implementation of this idea is https://anagora.org . See also https://flancia.org/go/agora .

The term "Agora" and the basic idea come from [[Flancia]].

img side { lapin 77 {My visual take}}

Agora is a β€˜wiki like experimental social network and distributed knowledge graph’, so they said. I would say it's an aggregator of digital gardens and a community around it. Anagora is the first and biggest instance of it. [[Flancian]] was the one who created it and the software behind, but there were other good contributors. Thank you!

=> https://anagora.org

I'm part of it:. I also frequent the associated video conferences.

=> https://anagora.org/@melanocarpa | Melanocarpa in Agora => https://anagora.org/@bouncepaw-betula | My recent bookmarks in Agora

Agora makes a big emphasis on graphs and links. Their analogue of hyphae is called a node, nodes are generated from contents from multiple sites. There is also a cool notion of push/pull and go links!

//I was inspired by Agora's go links and implemented something very similar in [[Betula]].//

2022-01-18 I wrote the author an email about the possibilities of making Agora and [[Mycorrhiza]] compatible. 2022-03-06 Melanocarpa was added to Anagora, along with Mycorrhiza support. Furthermore, in 2023 proper support of [[Mycomarkup]] was added.

=> https://github.com/flancian/agora-server/commit/7783430aa33986186e9fd66ee858250b115e0d7e | Commit that adds Mycorrhiza support.

The Agorans also seem to be using [[git]]-based [[markdown]]-driven digital gardens mostly. It is the default choice for many, but luckily support for more formats was added. Mycorrhiza, for example, is supported! There is also [[Betula in Agora]].

= See also => Wiki => Social network => Digital garden => https://mycorrhiza.wiki/help/en/hypha => https://anagora.org/node => https://anagora.org/go => Flancia

You can't really talk about Agora without Flancia.


This looks like a really cool way of aggregating digital gardens into one place. To produce a community garden (or, an agora). Interesting to contrast with how a solely P2P way of connecting gardens might work, no central aggregator.

An Agora is a distributed, goal-oriented social network centered around a cooperatively built and maintained [[knowledge graph]]. The implementation you are currently looking at tries to assemble such a graph out of a collection of digital gardens.

– GitHub - flancian/agora

See also [[sister sites]].

See: [[What do I think about the Agora?]]

pull color="#b51f08"> <title>500 Internal Error wtf.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css"> <button class="pull-url" value="https://doc.anagora.org/css/center.css">">pull</button>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
    <div class="vertical-center-row">
        <h1>500 Internal Error <small>wtf.</small></h1>
β₯… node [[eff]] pulled by user
β₯… node [[gnu]] pulled by user


β₯… node [[linux]] pulled by user


The bog standard free software operating system. Runs everywhere. Good. Fast. Monolithic C kernel.

Understanding Linux performance Best Linux tips and tricks

Table of Contents

related [[infra]]

docker [[docker]]

[2018-06-15] docker system prune to cleanup

[2021-01-12] figuring out what takes disk space docker images | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker inspect | less [[docker]]

[2021-02-12] Docker compose port mapping - Stack Overflow

If you want to bind to the redis port from your nodejs container you will have to expose that port in the redis container:

version: '2'
      context: .
      dockerfile: DockerFile
      - "4000:4000"
      - redis
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile-redis
      - "6379"
The expose tag will let you expose ports without publishing them to the host machine, but they will be exposed to the containers networks.

[2021-04-14] apt-get clean and other strategies for keeping image size small? Β· Issue 35 Β· rocker-org/rocker [[docker]]

ok, so for debian/ubuntu images don't really need autoclean – it's already run automatically

[2021-05-02] Attach and Detach from Docker Container | HowToProgram [[docker]] [[drill]]

In general, to detach from a Docker container and leave it running, we can use the CTRL-p CTRL-q key sequence.

systemd [[systemd]]

debugging: systemctl --failed, journalctl

logs – for individual jobs you can see them via status (or sdj)
presistent is not showing anythin by default?

profiling: systemd-analyze blame

networking [[network]]

who uses local port

sudo ss -tulpn | grep 5060
sudo ss -anpt  | grep 8640

testing if port is open

netcat -l 5559

one the other machine

echo "TEST" | netcat host 5559

[2020-06-15] linux - Test if a port on a remote system is reachable (without telnet) - Super User

Nice and verbose! From the man pages.
Single port:
nc -zv 80

testing if port is open


install build dependencies: sudo apt-get build-dep package

cron [[cron]]

[2018-02-26] if cron fails to start a job, it will send the output to local mail

grep cron /var/log/syslog
tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep cron

[2018-05-10] mail subject – use bash comment operator

*:* TestJob; cron command

mind the space after colon!

sandboxing [[sandbox]]

docker is excellent for quick sandboxes (just use ubuntu:latest image or something) [[docker]]

firejail for network sandbox [[network]] [[testing]]

  • doesn't require root!
  • firejail --noprofile --net=none

udev [[udev]]

udevadm info /dev/sdc2

[2019-03-07] when you update rules file sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

[2019-03-07] to trigger the target script sudo udevadm trigger

[2017-05-08] Gateway means that the subnet is link-local i.e. there is no gateway involved, the packets are delivered directly to the target [[network]]


[2018-06-08] Linux ignores the setuid bit on all interpreted executables (i.e. executables starting with a #! line).

ok apparently setuid shell scripts are quite risky…

[2020-01-29] linux - How to make htop sort by PID

press > and select RES

[2020-01-24] logs - View stdout/stderr of systemd service [[systemd]]

Note that using the standard logging mechanism like this will not create persistent logs by default. To do that, you'll need to create /var/log/journal, and then run sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald

[2020-01-29] How to read memory usage in htop? - Server Fault [[drill]]


Hide user threads (shift + H) and close the process tree view (F5), t

[2020-12-04] linux - prevent system freeze/unresponsiveness due to swapping run away memory usage - Super User

If a process demands a lot of memory, the system moves all other process to the swap file. Including it seems, necessary processes like the X11 server or the terminal.

[2018-04-27] guide to XKB


whereis command [[habit]]

β₯… node [[wikis]] pulled by user




What is a wiki?

Quite an amorphous term these days.

soft security, editability of both content + metadata, recent changes, permalinks, editable namespaces. A healthy dose of eventualism

– SJ, Agora Discuss

Wiki is perhaps the only web idiom that is not a child of BBS culture. It derives historically from pre-web models of hypertext, with an emphasis on the pre. The immediate ancestor of wiki was a [[HyperCard]] stack maintained by Ward Cunningham that attempted to capture community knowledge among programmers. Its philosophical godfather was the dead-tree hypertext A Pattern Language written by Christopher Alexander in the 1970s.

– Can Blogs and Wiki Be Merged? | Hapgood

Wiki iterates not through the creation of new posts, but through the refactoring of old posts. It shows not a mind in motion, but the clearest and fairest description of what that mind has (or more usually, what those minds have) arrived at. I t values reuse over reply, and links are not pointers to related conversations but to related ideas.

– Can Blogs and Wiki Be Merged? | Hapgood

Is a personal wiki an oxymoron?

What wiki brought to these models, which were personal to start with, was collaboration. Wiki values are often polar opposites of blogging values. Personal voice is meant to be minimized. Voices are meant to be merged.

– Can Blogs and Wiki Be Merged? | Hapgood

Not so true for the personal wiki. Maybe a personal wiki is wiki software but with different values for the output?

Rather than serial presentation, wiki values treating pages as nodes that stand outside of any particular narrative, and attempt to be timeless rather than timebound reactions.

– Can Blogs and Wiki Be Merged? | Hapgood

This is still true for personal wikis.

πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context
β₯… related node [[2004 03 07 why rss sucks but its still fantastic]]
β₯… related node [[2005 06 28 my first video blog the eric rice fanboy edition]]
β₯… related node [[2008 01 16 i think i might become an rdf fan boy again]]
β₯… related node [[fan made adventure games]]
β₯… related node [[fantas]]
β₯… related node [[fantastic fungi]]
β₯… related node [[frantz fanon]]
β₯… related node [[poema de la infancia de alguien]]
β₯… related node [[steven fan]]
β₯… related node [[vilhjalmur stefansson]]
β₯… related node [[sports fans and data chewing bots]]
β₯… related node [[english_choking_infant]]
β₯… related node [[english_cpr_infants]]
β₯… related node [[frantz fannon]]
β₯… related node [[07_fancy]]
β₯… related node [[captain fantastic]]
β₯… related node [[frantz fanon against facebook how to decolonize your digital mind]]
β₯… related node [[stefano harney]]
β₯… related node [[fanfic]]