# Agora - A [[protocol]]. - #pull [[agora protocol]] - A [[platform]]. - #pull [[agora platform]] - A [[graph]]. - #pull [[agora graph]] - A [[commons]]. - **The Agora is a distributed knowledge graph and experimental social network.** - See [[go/agora slides]] if you'd like a 10' introduction to the key concepts. - See [[go/agora doc]] if you are interested and have half an hour :) - The [[Agora]] you're likely reading this in, https://anagora.org, is designed to be just one of many. - Anyone can run [[an Agora]] of their own if they so desire. This Agora is [[open source]]: [[go/agora]]. - To [[sign up]] for the Agora, which means volunteering your writing and media to it, please consult [[agora editor]]. - This Agora wants to be [[maximally inclusive]], but it is in its infancy; it is a [[work in progress]]. If you want to participate and can't, please also send email to signup@anagora.org to let us know. - Through projects such as [[Agora bridge]], we hope to make this Agora available for writing to anyone that has access to a [[digital garden]] or a social media account. - Follow an [[agora bot]] if you'd like to contribute to this Agora from [[social media]]: - [[mastodon]] https://botsin.space/@agora - [[twitter]] https://twitter.com/an_agora - If you want to learn more about the [[experimental]] nature of this Agora, please refer to [this Hacker News comment](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25577016). If you want to keep up to date with development, consider adding me on Twitter or Mastodon: [[flancian]]. - Agoras are spaces kept by communities with [[good intent]] while expressing explicit [[goals]] and open [[protocols]]. - This section, made up of items in a [[markdown]] list, is an example of an Agora protocol. - This [[agora protocol]] is a set of simple conventions on top of [[plain text]] or other [[supported formats]]. - #pull [[agora howto]] [[an agora]] [[agora doc]] - [[git]] https://github.com/flancian/agora - [[root]] https://github.com/flancian/agora - [[server]] https://github.com/flancian/agora-server - [[bridge]] https://github.com/flancian/agora-bridge - #go [[git]] - [[bugs]] https://github.com/flancian/agora/issues - [[bug]] https://github.com/flancian/agora/issues/new - [[nutshell]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1487110385446576134 - [[architecture]] https://social.coop/@flancian/108346148663576473