📚 node [[node]]


what each note in the [[agora]] is called

  • [[push]] (a [[node]]), as if meaning publishing to a [[topic]].)

    #push takes a [[node]], a [[node/heterarchy]] or a URL. The meaning of pushing to a node is to publish the blocks or context in the destination node; the reference Agora publishes them in a similar format to local resources, either preceding them or after them depending on configuration. The meaning of pushing to a heterarchy (or "path") is to request attaching the resource or context at a point of insertion identified by the heterarchy as an anchor, if one is found (essentially allowing to fine tune placement).

⥅ node [[everything2]] pulled by user


  • a [[site]].
    • [[go]] https://everything2.com
    • I spent many hours reading it in the early 2000s.
    • An inspiration for the [[agora]].
      • It doesn't have backlinks (IIRC), and it's fully centralized (and centrally conctrolled).
      • But it has a [[serendipity]] aspect to it (multiple takes in the same page; plus the table below to discover only fuzzily related content) that I want to bring into the Agora.
⥅ node [[sequential-wiki]] pulled by user

Sequential Wiki

  • Not a formal term, but I use it often. A sequential wiki is like a wiki page, but people contribute blocks of [[content]] instead of arbitrary fragments; and they maintain clear ownership and control over their blocks.
  • I call the [[agora]] a distributed sequential wiki. [[nodes]] are akin to sequential wiki pages. [[subnodes]] are user contributed blocks.
  • [[pull]] [[everything2]]

...Sequential Wiki Not a formal term, but I use it often. A sequential wiki is like a wiki page, but people contribute blocks of [[content]] instead of arbitrary fragments; and they maintain clear ownership and control over their blocks. I call the [[agora]] a distribu...

This is an excellent concept but I'm not sold on the name, simply because part of what's so powerful about this kind of thing is that the possibilities for sequencing are wide open. Like with the experimental upranking in settings -- maybe what I want to see first are my social contacts' blocks, people I "follow". Or maybe I want to pull in a ranking service that has experts vet medical info and be able to uprank based on that. Or maybe I want to most of the time see something like one of the above, but sometimes surf the recent content just for fun. You know? "Sequential" makes me think the order is important, I guess, but that might be overly programmer-brained, and probably I'm coming at this with different metaphors than you had in mind. Curious to hear your thoughts!

📖 stoas
⥱ context
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⥅ related node [[agora nodes]]
⥅ related node [[all nodes]]
⥅ related node [[backnoded]]
⥅ related node [[i could node in the agora all day and all night]]
⥅ related node [[javascript subnodes]]
⥅ related node [[js subnodes]]
⥅ related node [[mental nodes]]
⥅ related node [[mentalnodes]]
⥅ related node [[node club]]
⥅ related node [[node js]]
⥅ related node [[node outlines]]
⥅ related node [[node permutations]]
⥅ related node [[noded]]
⥅ related node [[nodes outlines]]
⥅ related node [[nodes]]
⥅ related node [[pulled nodes]]
⥅ related node [[py subnodes]]
⥅ related node [[root nodes]]
⥅ related node [[stoa nodes]]
⥅ related node [[stoa subnodes]]
⥅ related node [[subnode]]
⥅ related node [[subnodes]]
⥅ related node [[test node]]
⥅ related node [[testing node]]
⥅ related node [[weekly node club]]
⥅ related node [[agora node aliasing]]
⥅ related node [[node club tarot 2022 02 06]]
⥅ related node [[node club tarot]]
⥅ related node [[child dialogue nodes]]
⥅ related node [[fallback child node]]
⥅ related node [[node_(neural_network)]]
⥅ related node [[node_(tensorflow_graph)]]
⥅ related node [[tpu_node]]
⥅ related node [[adding a list of nodes in my garden that are well connected]]
⥅ related node [[node club tarot readings]]
⥅ related node [[node kata]]
⥅ related node [[nodes or patterns]]
⥅ related node [[unknown specializer org roam node]]
⥅ related node [[wikinode]]
⥅ related node [[journal nodes]]
⥅ related node [[node categories]]
⥅ related node [[node club season 1]]