- [[pull]] [[2021-03-05]] into [[weekly]]
[[vera]] asked about [[freenet]]
- she knows an [[oauth expert]]
- [[yoga breath]]
- [[dej]]
- [[mary lattimore]]
- [[wikidata]]
[[push]] [[done]] [[write]]
- [[exegesis]]
- [[tit for that with forgiveness]]
- [[x]]
- [[towards an agora]]
- [[revolution]]
- [[fonts]]
- [[lag]]
- [[merseilles]]
- [[flancia]]
- [[flower sermon]]
- [[agoras]]
- [[act well]]
- [[qr]]
[[push]] [[todo]]
read about [[gitbug]]
- try it perhaps
[[agora yaml]]
- sounds not so hard
read about [[gitbug]]
Must remember to use [[emmet]] more in Emacs. It's super handy. It's built into [[web-mode]] in spacemacs, which comes with the html layer.
Just went through the [[Quasar Framework]] intro tutorial. Really impressive, super easy to get up and running. Lots of useful components. I want to get a bit more familiar with [[Vue]] and work on my [[org-day-planner]] idea, and this is a fun way to do so so far.
That's good to know. But what I should work on first is the parsing of an underlying org file.
[[Codex]] 1 is one of a number of note taking [[tools for thought]] that I’ve been following on Twitter @codexeditor.
I hadn’t realized that the Codex Patreon was the main web presence other than the Twitter account. It’s actually great to see so many digital creators getting supported directly to build.
Which I’m going to have to figure out how to link to the [[Agora]] node that @flancian made. I should probably make an [[Agora FAQ]] page. ↩
Well, this [@ctbeiser Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/ctbeiser/status/1367879838145540098 ) will help point me towards lots of other notes to flesh out:
if you were making a syllabus on [[tools for thought]] what would be your key inclusions?
especially interested in ones beyond the “obvious list”:
- Englebart [[Augmenting Human Intellect]]
- [[As We May Think]]
- [[Plans and Situated Action]]
- [[Inventing on Principle]]
- [[Mindstorms]]
([[wikilinks]] added by me)
The video by @edelwax is pretty moving.
[@Dylan_Steck mentioned @edelwax recently](https://twitter.com/Dylan_Steck/status/1367623991704313857 ) as having coined [[Assisted Introspection]].
I don’t know how much deep study I’m going to do around these things. I’ve always been more about [[tinkerability]] and trying these things out in practice. And then maybe falling into the weeds of building out tech building blocks and standards and protocols.
More [[agora]] thoughts: what about pulling in openly licensed general purpose Git content?
For instance, terms.dev is a repository of software industry terms and definitions. It uses the [[Zola]] engine to build the live site, but the source is Markdown in git.
Researched into 3d [[pathfinding]] to write an [[AI]] that would play
[[Ocarina of Time]] [[randomizer]]s automatically.
Look into [[Lazy Theta*]], [[Progressive Octree]]s, and [[Edge-Corner Graph]]s: https://ascane.github.io/assets/portfolio/pathfinding3d-slides-en.pdf
Look into how to read Ocarina of Time's Scene Data: https://github.com/zeldaret/oot/blob/master/src/code/z_bgcheck.c
youre interested in the collision_check and bg_check systems
collision check handles the simple body collisions like cylinders, sphers, tris etc that are used for hitboxes, hurtboxes etc.
bgcheck handles the scene collision and more complex actor collision shapes—Fig
Looked at how to do a [[TAS]]-only trick in
[[Ocarina of Time]] to get Fire Arrows in the Max% Child
Max% Child is a [[speedrun]] category where as many items as possible are collected before becoming an adult.
Fire Arrows can be obtained by doing Get Item Manipulation in Desert Colossus:
first you boomerang the arch heart piece over to the oasis. Then you guay hover out of bounds to the left of the oasis, fall down and jumpslash back into the water box. Drown while floating up and revive with a fairy while still out of bounds in the water. When you float up to the surface quickly grab the heart piece during the fucked up fairy cam. Then stay there and wait to be damaged out of the pickup animation by a guay or leever
That's GID, then you guay hover in that state up to the silver gaunts chest to turn it into fire arrows, then you hover out of bounds AGAIN to hit the water and complete the gim
This is certainly boring and will take a lot of time
So good luck lmaooWe are talking HOURS of hovers
Learning the [[speedrun route]] for Max% Child: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yKPI4QPGug0p3Af1O7jZ5vdPUPmxlfQ3FvTSX60kIAY/edit?usp=sharing
I keep looking at [[Microlink]] so I guess I should at least post a quick journal log before I write it up more:
From the home page:
Browser as API Fast, scalable, and reliable browser automation built for businesses and developers. Proudly open source.
You can turn websites into structured data, take screenshots, turn pages into PDFs, and more. Power embeds, etc
The list of open source components is super interesting.
no [[work]] today! I swapped my [[wednesday]] free day for [[friday]] this week as I was oncall on [[wednesday]].
- I feel [[blessed]]
- [[flanboyant]]
- [[linksspringer]]
- [[crowdsourced chess]]
- [[federated ecosystem]]
- [[bardo]]
- [[hide tabs in firefox]]
- [[push]] [[agora plan]]
- I should probably learn [[prolog]].
- [[goggles]]
- vio a [[spoon]] en vivo
- [[pinafore]]
[[push]] [[done]]
- [[laundry]]
- [[backups]] and [[restores]]
- move [[moa]] to [[mysql]] in preparation for moa.party transfer
[[explore]] [[other agoras]]
- could be used to implement 'magic go links'? for example 'go wp'
- which [[open protocols]] is/will it be compatible with?
- [[catch up]] with [[bmann]]
- [[catch up]] with [[mastodon]]
- [[catch up]] with [[armengol]]
- [[catch up]] with [[jonathan]]
- [[catch up]] with [[metasj]]
- [[meet]] [[paul-frazee]]
- [[read]] [[open letter to foam]]
- [[loas]]
- pl [[pads]]
- [[world university and school]]
- [[codex editor]]
- [[write freely]]
- [[async chat]]
- [[unified inbox startup]]
[[push]] [[todo]]
[[install]] [[promnesia]]
- [[pinned tabs]] could be specially tracked. are they? they could map to open tasks.
- [[answer]] [[will walker]]
- [[catch up]] with [[twitter]]
- [[catch up]] with [[vera]]
- [[catch up]] with [[ablueaeshna]]
- [[catch up]] with [[twitter]]
- [[find]] good [[javascript 2021]] review/primer
- what are the next steps for [[wikilinks everywhere]]?
[[install]] [[promnesia]]
- Cargar horas en el Bridge
- Hacer tarea de alemán
Para el sábado
- Leer [[La aventura de la prueba de imprenta]] de [[Rodolfo Walsh]]
- Leer [[Cuento para tahúres]] de [[Rodolfo Walsh]]
- Leer [[En defensa propia]] de [[Rodolfo Walsh]]
Para el martes:
- Leer Park, Joseph Sung-Yul & Wee, Lionel (2017). [[Nation State, transnationalism and language]] (ILIAS) para [[Migración y sociolingüística a través de las prácticas y los discursos de hispanohablantes en el s. XXI]]
- Ver archivo [[Rosa_Latino_ILIAS]] y [[Transnacionalismo]]
- Leer documentos varios para [[Indianismos e indigenismos en Hispanoamérica: literatura e ideologías (s. XIX-XXI)]]
- Leer [[The King in Yellow]], ‘The Prophet’s Paradise’ y ‘The Street of the First Shell’
- Leer Nietzsche [[On the Genealogy of Morals. Excerpts]]
Para el miércoles:
- Leer Posch, Claudia - [[Rhetorical Analysis]]. in "The Routledge handbook of language and politics", 247-261.
- Leer Reisigl, Martin. [[Rhetoric of political speeches]], in "Handbook of Communication in the Public Sphere", 243-269
- Enviar una propuesta de tema y de grupo antes del miércoles por correo electrónico (para presentación Marcello).
Para el jueves:
- Ginzburg, Carlo, “[[Indicios. Raíces de un paradigma de inferencias indiciales]]”, Mitos, emblemas, indicios. Morfología e historia, Barcelona, Gedisa, 1999, pp. 138-175, en particular 138-149 y [9]: 156-159. [Livio-Fiona + Luciana]
- Chesterton, “La honradez de Israel Gow”, en El candor del Padre Brown. (141-162)
- Ernest Hemingway, “Los asesinos”
- Dashiell Hammet, “Camino de regreso” (1922) Y “Demasiados han vivido” (1932)
Para el viernes
- Mónica Bolufer (2018), “La historia de las mujeres y del género. ¿Por qué y cómo?”, Mujeres y hombres en la historia. una propuesta historiográfica y docente, Granada, Comares, pp. 47-75.
- Mónica Bolufer (2014), “[[Multitudes del yo: biografía e historia de las mujeres]]”, Ayer, 93/1, Los retos de la biografía, pp. 85-116.
- Lytton Strachey (1918), “Preface”, Eminent Victorians with four Portraits, New York, Garden City Publishing [También en traducción francesa: « Préface de l’auteur », Victoriens éminents [1918], Paris, Gallimard, 1933, pp. 15-17.
- Benjamín Jarnés (1929), “Nueva quimera de Oro”, Revista de Occidente, LXVII, 1929, pp. 118-122.
- Rosa Chacel, “Advertencia a Teresa” [1963], Obra completa. Artículos I, Valladolid, Diputación Provincial/ Centro de estudios literarios/ Fundación Jorge Guillén, 1993, pp. 155-168, en particular 158-162.
- Preparar presentación de Bolufer 2014, ver indicaciones en documento Biblio_Calendario.
[] Para la semana:
- Leer [[Cosmopolitanism]] de standford.edu
- Leer Immanuel Kant- '[[Perpetual Peace]]' and '[[Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitian Point of View]]'
- Leer Karl Marx - [[Communist Manifesto]]
- Escuchar clase 1 de Claviez
- Leer Benedict Anderson - '[[Imagined Communities]]'
- Johann Gottfried Herder -'[[Reflections on the Philsophy of the History of Mankind]]'
Backlog trabajo:
- Hacer documento con consultas comunes
- Artículo Aleixandre
- actualizaciones Web, Boris, Academia.edu
A [[list]] of things I try to do every [[week]].
- Review [[daily]], [[monthly]] for other scopes.
- [[pull]] [[weekly reviews]]
- [[pull]] [[agora feature requests]]
Plan the next week, start a note named 'week N' where N is the output of
date +%U
(this command consider weeks as starting on Sunday)- [[week 20]]
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2021-03-06
- video call at meet.jit.si/2021-03-06
2021 03 05
act well
agora faq
agora yaml
as we may think
assisted introspection
augmenting human intellect
edge corner graph
flower sermon
inventing on principle
lazy theta*
mary lattimore
oauth expert
org day planner
plans and situated action
progressive octree
quasar framework
speedrun route
the legend of zelda ocarina of time|ocarina of time
tit for that with forgiveness
tools for thought
towards an agora
web mode
yoga breath