📚 node [[trying out calfw blocks]]

trying out calfw-blocks

Trying out [[calfw-blocks]] as a means to [[Using org-mode for timeblocking]].

On my desktop, added a private spacemacs layer setting up calfw (based on https://github.com/dudelson/spacemacs-calendar-la) then extended it with some calfw-blocks setup.

On mobile:

  • added the calendar app to init.el - this sets up [[calfw]]
  • added [[calfw-blocks]] to packages.el
  • and then some setup in config.el.
(package! calfw-blocks :recipe (:host github :repo "ml729/calfw-blocks"))
(use-package calfw-blocks
  (defun ngm/org-day-blocks ()
    (cfw:org-create-source "medium purple")
    (cfw:org-create-file-source "Day" "/storage/emulated/0/org/day-2024-03-27.org" "green")
   :view 'block-day)))

Should check my version of the spacemacs layer in somewhere. And my doom init and config files.


  • does the agenda source not include overdue items?
  • if items A ends at xx:00 and item B starts at xx:00 then they're drawn with an overlap rather than contiguous
📖 stoas
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