a [[working group]].
- #pull [[social coop]] [[community working group]]
- #meet https://socialcoop.meet.coop/mat-ivs-47b-bbp
- #oncall https://share.mayfirst.org/apps/calendar/p/KG92DPwX3ww442AD/dayGridMonth/now
- #go https://www.loomio.com/socialcoop-community-working-group/
- #bugs https://git.coop/groups/social.coop/community/-/issues
- [[minutes]] https://www.loomio.com/d/yh0aFRbU/community-working-group-ops-team-minutes
[[onboarding]] from [[sam whited]]
[[registrations]] overall
- shared [[zoho]] inbox for registrations
check https://git.coop/social.coop/community/operations/-/issues for open issues, although the [[spam trap]]; can ignore meet.coop registrations
- example: https://git.coop/social.coop/community/operations/-/issues/633
- check open collective user exists; check it's not obviously spam
- use labels to track workflow (spam, in progress, approved)
- we wait for the next two oncalls, then we close as non responsive
- most people don't apply to loomio; most people don't do this unfortunately (yet?)
- but we have to approve applications to the organization as well
- now I'm an admin so I should get emails about new approvals pending
- approve if legit and maybe set a social.coop "flair"
- check admin@social.coop for activity (have it logged in in a separate window)
maybe post once or twice a week
- size of instance
- nudge people to go to loomio
- moderate mastodon instance as needed
[[registrations]] overall
- see also [[twg]].
From the wiki:
What?: Social.coop is is an experiment in user-controlled social media. It is a community hub for people interested in co-ops and development of free/libre social media - these define the common core field of discussion, though they are far from the only things discussed.
We primarily run a [[Mastodon]] social media server: one node in the [[Fediverse]], a federated network of social media applications which communicate using the [[Activity Pub]] and [[OStatus]] protocols.
Why?: What distinguishes us from most other social media there is that we are both funded and governed by our members: we are a co-operative. The organisation and running of the site is accountable to its members, and not only will we not be monetising our users by selling their data to third parties, but they decide what we do.
https://social.coop is the home page for the Mastodon server. I'm a member, my Mastodon account is @bmann@social.coop.
[[Open Collective]] is what they use to collect funds https://opencollective.com/socialcoop.
They use [[Loomio]] for organizational discussion and decision making https://www.loomio.org/socialcoop/
To join, fill out the application form. The main thing it asks for:
In up to 500 characters (the maximum length of a toot on Mastodon), can you tell us a bit about yourself? For instance, why you wish to join social.coop, and what hopes or aspirations you have for the site and/or your participation? We’d like to build a picture of how our members want to use the site.
social coop
a [[cooperative]].
- #go https://social.coop
I applied to join on [[2022-08-09]], got accepted on [[2022-08-10]] :)
- As of [[2022-05-11]] I'm a [[social coop admin]] and part of the [[tech working group]] and [[community working group]]. I am privileged to serve the community.
- #pull [[social.coop]] [[tech working group]] [[community working group]]
- https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1292401355118845952
[[social coop matrix]]:
#matrix https://matrix.to/#/#SocialCoop:matrix.org
- the [[space]], here you should find every room
#open https://matrix.to/#/#SocialCoop:matrix.org
- the [[open chat room]]
- #cwg https://matrix.to/#/#sc-cwg:matrix.org
- #twg https://matrix.to/#/#socialcoop-tech:matrix.org
#matrix https://matrix.to/#/#SocialCoop:matrix.org
[[social coop matrix]]:
- [[2021-06-07]] https://pad.disroot.org/p/Social.Coop_Strategy_Summit_%231?utm_source=discussion_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=new_discussion
The [[Mastodon]] instance that I use. Run co-operatively, kind of has a focus on coop related stuff.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/cwg
- video call at meet.jit.si/cwg