📚 node [[stars]]

Orion's Belt. [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Orion_Belt.jpg/800px-Orion_Belt.jpg source]

Naked, in the sky at night, We’ve watched you, burning bright. A hunter of the stellar skies Emerging, pleasing for our eyes.

I placed you there so long ago, A symbol of eternal woe, To brightly shine for all to see And pose the question, what are we?

For once you had the hue of men And strode across the firmament. We gazed into each other’s eyes Discovering truths amongst the lies.

But such perfection couldn’t be Without my brother’s jealousy. So he shot my star and you fell like lead Or iron stolen from my head.

So I put you back from whence you came And gave you my eternal flame. From stars we were made, insufficiently bright So we shared our shade to enhance our light.

[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion%27s_Belt#/media/File:Orion_Belt.jpg Webpage]

YOUTUBE BOZKYC9FNzA The night sky is full of stories. When you look up what do you see?

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