- [[ikiru]]
- [[poll]]
- [[robert haisfield]]
- [[tools for thought]]
- [[gustavo]]
- [[codex]]
- [[lorand]]
- [[obsidian plugins]]
- [[spiel]]
- [[do]]
- [[syncthing]]
Pretty excited to be reading in [[Free, Fair and Alive]] about the links they make between [[complexity science]] and the [[Commons]].
- I studied [[Evolutionary and adaptive systems]] way back when, and its nice when various themes of my life link together.
[[Preston]] is hiring a Social Value and Partnerships Officer. "The Social Value and Partnerships Officer will be responsible for extending and embedding social value activity and developing an Anchor Network." Looks like you basically work on [[Community wealth building]] all day, looks pretty good!
I've got [[RSS-Bridge]] set up to pick up RSS feeds from Facebook pages now. I subscribe to them in [[Aperture]] and can read them in my a [[social reader]] e.g. [[Indigenous]] . That, combined with some Twitter feeds coming from Twitter Atom, is letting me keep up with what's going on locally pretty well so far.
- Hey, it works for Facebook groups, too. Nice!
As I've mentioned before ([[Getting a phone]]), whenever I get a new (second hand) phone, I try to cross-reference repairability with [[LineageOS]] support. [[sustaphones]] is very handy in that it does just that (for battery replacement, at least).
Read: [[The Privatisation of Manchester]]
Since the dawn of the neoliberal period in the 1980s, however, public land has been subject to privatisation on a massive scale. In his recent book The New Enclosure, Brett Christophers found that a staggering 10% of Britain’s total landmass has been privatised during this period, equivalent to land worth £400 billion.
Libros para el próximo semestre que aún no conseguí:
- [[Castellano Moya]], Horacio, [[La metamorfosis del sabueso]]. Ensayos personales y otros textos, Santiago, Universidad Diego Portales, 2011. 9563141474
- [[Valencia, Leonardo]], [[El síndrome de Falcón]]. Literatura inasible y nacionalismos, Quito: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador, 2019. ISBN: 978-9978-77-448-9
- Volpi, Jorge, [[El insomnio de Bolívar]], cuatro consideraciones intempestivas sobre América latina en el siglo XXI. Barcelona: Mondadori, 2009. 8483068621
- [[Elinor Ostrom]]
- [[Cultura de la cancelación y Lo que el viento se llevó]]
- [[El Nuevo Rembrandt]]
- [[La Dama de París]]
- [[Richard Baldwin]]
- [[Protocolo de Nagoya]] Leí el Protocolo y lo subrayé usando Hypothesis. Debo leer artículo de Leila Levia (corto) y buscar algún análisis más. Luego escribir.
- [[Europa 2021-2022]]
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2021-05-15
- video call at meet.jit.si/2021-05-15
castellano moya
community wealth building
complexity science
cultura de la cancelación y lo que el viento se llevó
ding levery
el insomnio de bolívar
el nuevo rembrandt
el síndrome de falcón
elinor ostrom
ervin nyiregyhazi
europa 2021 2022
evolutionary and adaptive systems
free fair and alive
getting a phone
governing the commons
jonathan the utopian
la dama de parís
la metamorfosis del sabueso
melanie hawthorn
obsidian plugins
protocolo de nagoya
richard baldwin
robert haisfield
rss bridge
social reader
the privatisation of manchester
the sexual psychology of decadence
tools for thought
traficantes de sueños
understanding knowledge as a commons
valencia leonardo
yoga over the internet