ec-modelling-conferences |
garden/ankostis/JRC/ |
@ankostis |
2014-01-01-you-cant-outsource-product |
garden/bmann/_posts/blog/ |
@bmann |
This-fits-into-a-wider-pattern |
garden/enki/ |
@enki |
2021-12-29 |
garden/flancian/journal/ |
@flancian |
8 Architecture |
garden/KGBicheno/Artificial Intelligence/Feminist Chatbot/The Feminist Design Tool/8 |
@KGBicheno |
CEDA Workplace Inequality and GDP Boost Report |
garden/KGBicheno/Economics/Demographic Reports/CEDA Workplace Inequality and GDP Boost |
@KGBicheno |
Economics Resources Page |
garden/KGBicheno/Economics/Economics Resources |
@KGBicheno |
Employment And Jobs Report |
garden/KGBicheno/Economics/Employment And Jobs |
@KGBicheno |
Economic_Glossary |
garden/KGBicheno/Economics/Glossary/ |
@KGBicheno |
2020-07-05 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
alienation |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
all-watched-over-by-machines-of-loving-grace |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
alternative-economics |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
amazon-doesnt-care-how-you-heat-swimming-pools-ict-and-ecosocialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
amazon-ring |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
anchor-institutions |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
blogchains-and-hyperconversations |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
breaking-things-at-work |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
brian-merchant-blood-in-the-machine-the-origins-of-the-rebellion-against-big-tech |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
caliban-and-the-witch |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
capital |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
capitalism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
capitalists-need-labour-labour-doesnt-need-capitalists |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
care-work |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
cheap-labour |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
climate-change-as-class-war-with-matthew-t-huber |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
climate-revolution-how-do-we-transition-from-catastrophe |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
communicative-socialism-digital-socialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
community-wealth-building |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
conversations-with-gamechangers-cooperation-jackson |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
cooperation-jackson-webinar |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
cooperative-values |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
credit-union |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
critical-perspectives-on-digital-capitalism-theories-and-praxis-introduction-to-the-special-issue |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
critiques-of-social-media |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
cumbria-county-council |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
data-broker |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
digital-capitalism-online-course |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
digital-capitalism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
digital-parties |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
do-you-like-likes |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
eco-modernism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
economic-policy-in-response-to-big-tech-must-go-beyond-data |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
emilia-romagna |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
enclosure |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
first-and-third-world-ecosocialisms |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
forces-of-production |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
formal-subsumption |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
general-election-2019 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
gnd-vs-degrowth-live-panel-from-labour-conference-2021 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
grassroots-organising-101-w-sasha-josette-and-olly-armstrong |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
has-there-been-a-purge-of-the-leftwing-of-the-labour-party |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
how-degrowth-will-save-the-world-with-jason-hickel |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
how-would-you-include-free-software-in-community-wealth-building |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
inflation |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
inside-the-real-repair-shop-7 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
introduction-to-complexity |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
invasion-of-ukraine |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
is-the-uk-heading-for-a-recession |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
jackson-rising |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
2020-11-08 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2021-04-11 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2021-04-25 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2021-10-02 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2021-10-17 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2021-10-24 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2022-09-11 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2023-01-09 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2023-04-07 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2023-05-03 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2023-08-14 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2024-02-23 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2024-02-24 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2024-05-22 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2024-05-24 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
2024-06-03 |
garden/neil/journal/ |
@neil |
knowledge-commons |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
la-borde |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
labour-markets-must-be-socialized |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
labour-movement |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
labour-party |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
labour-theory-of-value |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
labour-under-keir-starmer |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
labour |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
labours-green-policies |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
can-municipal-socialism-be-labour-s-defence-against-ongoing-austerity |
garden/neil/literature-notes/ |
@neil |
looking-backward |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
maoism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
marcora-law |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
markets-after-capitalism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
marxism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
marxs-theory-of-metabolism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
monopolisation-of-ai |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
municipal-socialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
municipalist-social-media |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
my-commonplace-moodboard |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
nathan-schneider-on-cooperatives-and-digital-governance |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
new-towns |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
news-from-nowhere |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
online-content-moderation |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
otto-neurath |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
ours-to-hack-and-own |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
ours-to-hack-and-to-own |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
participatory-economics |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
platform-socialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
political-history |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
politics-and-the-north-west-of-england |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
prometheanism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
proprietary-empires-built-on-free-software |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
anarchist-cybernetics-raw-highlights |
garden/neil/raw-highlights/ |
@neil |
reclaiming-the-stacks-how-ict-workers-can-contribute-to-a-transition-to-ecosocialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
reclaiming-the-stacks-reading |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
rosa-luxemburg |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
screen-capitalism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
social-housing |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
social-provisioning |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
social-taylorism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
socialism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
socially-necessary-labour-time |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
socially-useful-production |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
solarpunk |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
stagflation |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
starmers-green-growth-plan |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
sustainable-consumption-of-goods-promoting-repair-and-reuse |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
taming-the-tech-giants |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
technology-should-be-liberatory |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-dispossessed |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-great-unfettering |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-humanization-of-nature |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-hunger-games |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-lucas-plan |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-next-uk-election-will-be-decided-in-the-north-of-england |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-police |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-preston-model |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-stack-as-an-integrative-model-of-global-capitalism |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-stack |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-virtual-class |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
the-web-of-death-ft-tamara-kneese |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
theory-of-value |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
tmk-bc5-mute-compulsion-ch-2 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
to-file |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
tony-blair |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
towards-a-liberatory-technology |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
towards-governable-stacks |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
tribune-winter-2022 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
trip-35-the-internet |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
uk-politics |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
uk-supply-chain-crisis-2021 |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
urban-mining |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
using-solar-panels-for-the-home |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
value |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
whats-the-difference-between-digital-commons-and-knowledge-commons |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
wind-farms-appeal-to-voters-across-the-parties |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
winter-of-discontent |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
worker-cooperatives |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
working-class-voices-season-two-with-emma-river-roberts |
garden/neil/ |
@neil |
A Problem of Allocation |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/A Problem of |
@protopian |
Age of Invention The Paradox of Progress |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Age of Invention The Paradox of |
@protopian |
Are successful authors creative geniuses or literary labourers |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Are successful authors creative geniuses or literary |
@protopian |
Egalitarianism - Inequality could be lower than you think |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Articles/Egalitarianism - Inequality could be lower than you |
@protopian |
A Christmas Carol |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Books/A Christmas |
@protopian |
Tweets From Clint Smith |
garden/protopian/Readwise/Tweets/Tweets From Clint |
@protopian |
alienation-for-marx |
garden/ryan/ |
@ryan |
20220721 |
garden/ryan/daily/ |
@ryan |
general-law-of-capitalist-accumulation |
garden/ryan/ |
@ryan |
20200607221703-a_world_to_win |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
20200611201816-capital |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
20200720200919-the_philosophy_of_living_experience |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
20201014222130-capital_vol_2 |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
20201129134741-a_companion_to_marx_s_capital_vol_2 |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
20210306155518-automation_and_the_future_of_work |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
20211012135649-battle_cry_of_freedom |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
a-companion-to-marxs-capital-vol-2 |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
a-world-to-win |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
automation-and-the-future-of-work |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
battle-cry-of-freedom-highlights |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
capital-vol-1 |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
capital-vol-2 |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
the-philosophy-of-living-experience |
garden/ryan/literature/ |
@ryan |
marxs-theory-of-surplus-value |
garden/ryan/ |
@ryan |
pierian-spring |
garden/ | |
fellowship-of-the-link |
stoa/ | |