πŸ“š node [[2024 02 03]]
  • [[Flancia meet]]
    • with [[bouncepaw]] we set up https://flancia.org/meet as a landing page for it, I like the result!
    • it made me revisit good old flancia.org after a while -- and it felt good. Maybe I should go back to writing more on it? I say, not for the first time.
  • [[AG]] is wonderful


  • The following was written by [[Lady Burup]]
  • (a lot of dashes/empty list items, unsure how she wrote all these)


  • (more :))



Back to regular programming :)


  • [[e acc]]:
    • Somehow I arrived at [[e acc]] ([[e/acc]] is not a good Agora link as slashes usually mean actions, and action e/ currently doesn't exist). I can instantly relate mildly with their utopian side I guess, even as I dislike many of their positions and their super-capitalist stance. Also [[Shkreli]] is involved, sigh.
    • [[techno optimist manifesto]]
  • I read (re-read? I don't think I've forgotten it, but I did read a lot of SSC at one point) [[Scott Alexander]]'s review of [[Age of Em]].


  • [[Mohammed Aldhari]]
  • [[AG]]
  • [[Lady Burup]] <- [[Burrup Peninsula]], which I found in a Firefox session and enjoyed once again :D
  • Also I found out that [[Flancia]] seems to actually be a common name in some countries?! Twitter search found a lot of people with Flancia in the name, some with accounts older than mine.
    • Nice plot twist, thanks universe as usual.


Please disable copyright enforcement in AI. I want to be able to ask LLMs to pirate things for me, or help me pirate them. [[I take full responsibility]], as some are wont to say ;)

I usually buy books in one format but want several. Many authors make it easy for me to give them money on Amazon, but then I want an epub. Etc.

In the meantime I have to go to https://libgen.is manually I guess?


I've been thinking of parsing this format in the Agora, meaning longer subnodes separated by -- in a newline -- and publish it to the [[Fediverse]] as individual posts :)


πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context