πŸ“š node [[assembly]]

Assembly languages are fascinating. We can define them as languages that are close enough to the metal for a processor to execute - distinctly, they are the low-level languages that users don't interact with directly, but that can be composed to form the minimal underpinnings of a system.

They must be resource-aware in some way.

An introduction to virtual memory - Internal Pointers


You Won’t Believe This One Weird CPU Instruction! - Vaibhav Sagar Anatomy of a Binary Executable Β· Matt Oswalt Keystone – The Ultimate Assembler: Multi-architecture assembler framework. Wild!



Architecture of Consoles | A Practical Analysis: Rundown of the architecture of a variety of consoles and how these systems are implemented. Wild!

XXIIVV β€” gyo: A small register machine. XXIIVV β€” uxn is similar. Write your Own Virtual Machine : ProgrammingLanguages CHIP-8 in Common Lisp: The CPU / Steve Losh, via Imran Nazar: GameBoy Emulation in JavaScript: The CPU Lisp CPU famicom-cookbook: A collection of tools and examples for nesdev


Douglas Hawkins β€” Understanding the Tricks Behind the JIT - YouTube: How does the JVM mitigate the runtime costs of dynamic features? It "spins up" with them for the most part!


How to write a (toy) JVM GitHub - aalhour/Assembler.hack: 16-bit machine code assembler for the Hack A… Multics Simulator GitHub - vascofazza/8bit-cpu: Schematics & code for my 74LS-based 8-bit MK1 CPU GitHub - michelhe/rustboyadvance-ng: RustBoyAdvance-NG is a Nintendoβ„’ Game Bo… Writing a CHIP-8 emulator with Rust and WebAssembly Excamera: ??


Statically Recompiling NES Games into Native Executables with LLVM and Go - A…


The radix 251 trick: Faster addition on modern CPUs.

πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context
β₯… related node [[2008 01 16 drupal association general assembly 2008]]
β₯… related node [[disassembly]]
β₯… related node [[assemblyism]]
β₯… related node [[citizens assembly]]
β₯… related node [[climate assembly uk]]
β₯… related node [[non destructive disassembly]]
β₯… related node [[peoples assembly]]
β₯… related node [[popular assembly]]
β₯… related node [[masm assembly]]