- [[work]] - [[social coop]] - [[twg]] - [[flancia]] - [[agora chapter]] - try to do at least one pomodoro of editing *in suggestion mode* - already did this -- it was the first pomodoro of the night! - it felt nice to just do it. I had reasons to procrastinate (like emptying the dishwasher and loading it) but I somehow persevered. - #push [[yoga with x]] - Bienvenidos! - [[El pueblo unido jamás será vencido]]! - [[Flancia]] es la revolución de la gente buena, definida como la gente que quiere ser buena. - Flancia trata de ser opcional. - Will probably happen around [[23 UTC]]. - [[UI]] - [x] Make better use of [[unicode]] :) - #push [[todo]] - [ ] [[executable subnodes]] - [ ] can totally work pretty much as is (in the branch) if we have an [[allowlist]] - add more effective [[default handler]] to agora server - [ ] it gives errors for /x/y for example, which I've been assuming works for a long while without actually having gone and made it work :) - #push [[agora chapter]] - [ ] my next [[drishti]] -> [[2022-12-04]] is the [[deadline]] for the next iteration - [x] answer [[editors]] - write email -- this was sent on [[2022-11-27]] in the end - [ ] answer follow up about the meeting, sounds nice - [x] start going through comments and incorporating learnings - note that UI improvements can yield more interesting screenshots - [ ] but at least one screenshot of an agora graph is long due - ;) - [[containers]] - [[coop cloud]] - [[abra]] - [[docker]]