# Algorithm - Underneath and above, enveloping and permeating an [[agora]] is an [[algorithm]]. - The [[algorithm]] of the [[agora]] is the set of best known [[procedures]] to improve the [[world]], scheduled [[rationally]] and [[compassionately]]. - When in doubt, think of the algorithm. Consider the following questions. - What am I supposed to be doing right now? According to whom? - What is the most urgent thing I need to solve? Is there anything I would want to have done later today? Check my calendar now. - Have I reviewed my [[daily]] routine? - Am I concentrated? Am I unable to focus? - [[push]] [[todo]] - Build an [[agora]] - Assemble a [[distributed knowledge graph]]. - A [[wikipedia]] of [[everyone]]. - This is the [[brain]] of the [[agora]]. - Construct a [[dependency graph]] and a [[schedule]] of activities and contexts to execute in; to [[perform]]; to [[analyze]]; to [[troubleshoot]]. - This is the [[heart]] of the [[agora]]. - If there are circular dependencies in this graph, write down examples here in this note. Unsure if circular dependencies come up in human-level tasks very often, but they might. - [[topological sort]] it. - Move on through the [[priority queue]] or [[list]] as we can. - Study theory of [[scheduling]]. I liked it when I was in college. - I like the fact that an [[oracle]] is the perfect [[scheduler]]. - Explore [[protopoi space]]. - [[m prime]]