📚 node [[2021 06 13]]
  • going back to daily note, weekly was giving me too much of an excuse to not have a daily routine. The every day creation of at least one note is beneficial to my mental health.


  • [[Decentralisation]]:

    As Vitalik Buterin once layed out, it helps to see decentralisation as having multiple dimensions, in his view these three: technical, political, and logical. A technically decentralised network with a single developer influencing its progress is politically centralised. And if all nodes have to share the same data (the modus operandi of blockchains) it is logically centralised.

    Redecentralize Digest — April 2021 — Redecentralize.org

  • What is [[Web 3.0]] actually.

  • [[Peer Production License]].

  • Read: [[At least 130,000 households in England made homeless in pandemic]]

    • And that was with the eviction ban - due to domestic abuse and loss of temporary accomodation. The eviction ban ended 1st June 2021 in the UK. There will probably be a lot more evictions.
    • I could perhaps use IndieKit as a Micropub endpoint - it pushes to git repos for content storage.
📖 stoas
⥱ context
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