πŸ“š node [[2021 05 07]]


I'm tired of manually auto pulling and auto pushing. I think [[auto push]] and [[auto pull]] need to happen.



I'm tired of manually auto pulling and auto pushing. I think [[auto push]] and [[auto pull]] need to happen.


Found [[ventoy]] that let's you put multiple [[iso image]]s on a boot medium like USB or DVD. Really handy to have a diagnostic iso like [[gparted]] in case something happens.

Finally got my [[vtuber]] setup working on windows. I had to dedicate 50gigs to my setup though


Primera nota desde [[Obsidian]].

[[Roberto Arlt]].

β₯… [[Recording 20210507015306.webm]]

Prueba de grabaciΓ³n del [[agora]]. [[Stephen Greenblatt]]

πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context
β₯… related node [[pasted image 20210507225851]]
β₯… related node [[pasted image 20210513173507]]
β₯… related node [[pasted image 20210530140711]]
β₯… related node [[pasted image 20210530140748]]
β₯… related node [[pasted image 20210530141507]]
β₯… related node [[recording 20210507015306 webm]]
β₯… related node [[20210429105507 my_programming_languages]]
β₯… related node [[20210506160735 oedipus_complex]]
β₯… related node [[20210507122748 for_loops_considered_harmful]]
β₯… related node [[20210518131807 project_urbs]]
β₯… related node [[20210522190746 power]]
β₯… related node [[20210526164307 marxism_leninism]]