πŸ“š node [[2021 04 05]]

Monday, April 5, 2021

We spent the sunny weekend outide beautifully. Now it's the time to [[do]].

Working on honing my [[daily meditation]] also working on [[daily routine]] I started [[roller skating]] finding new roomates in [[communal housing]] [[ownership vs commons]]


[Peter Clark @plc asks](https://twitter.com/plc/status/1378928541962706950 ):

I really want a simple, thoughtfully private, not owned by a tech conglomerate, photo sharing app that is really nicely designed. like instagram in 2010. does this exist?

I answered with links to [[Micro.blog]] and the [[Sunlit]] client and [[ActivityPub]] powered [[Pixelfed]].

I think Pixelfed is probably the strongest foundation, with the bonus that you could pull in [[Mastodon]] and other ActivityPub content that included photos for a broader network.

I’ve talked to some artists and for them it’s about other inspiring artists on the platform and... people who buy the work they post.

Some social networks β€” like art or styles of photos β€” simply aren’t niche, so where do network effects come from? How do we get started?

Stripe style documentation from [[Markdown]] written in [[GoLang]] and under the [[MIT License]].

Subdirectories and two new extensions to Markdown.

I would probably just use the same style and just use Jekyll as a more common and flexible [[SSG]].

10:23 first one in a long time

this is a good habit - I should really put some more time into it. For now, though, some essay ideas/sketches:

American Hypocrisy - Public and Open, Private infrastructure and lives

housing and infrastructure mismanagement we go big or go home, but going home is going big, buying large lots and properties, items in costco bulk. we value independence, so instead of taking public transportation we purchase cars, cars that we have no right or ability to repair we value the freedom to purchase property, property that prevents all of us from seeing the best views of the hollywood hills, keeps us from natural wonders

we're loud and proud, but purchase large amounts of private property

stockholm: all of the best views are public parks. hollywood: all the best views are from celebrity backyards. what is american exceptionalism but a desire to except all but the most privileged? it's a classic gamer's dilemma - we don't know what's best for us, so we select things that arel ocally optimal in the short term and stick to the status quo rather thna long term

email: we've bet on the wrong abstractions here, made the wrong optimizations for freedom. making decisions at the financial level rather tham optimizing it awau

Apr 3, 2021 4:52:33 PM Jake Chvatal <jake@isnt.online>:

housing and infrastructure mismanagement we go big or go home, but going home is going big, buying large lots and properties, items in costco bulk. we value independence, so instead of taking public transportation we purchase cars, cars that we have no right or ability to repair

we value the freedom to purchase property, property that prevents all of us from seeing the best views of the hollywood hills, keeps us from natural wonders

eventually https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2019/2/5/suburban-infrastructure-over-time

Finance is the wrong level of abstraction

Currency is a low level primitive; it was developed as a common abstraction to manage all transactions, standardizing trades - sheep for potatoes, tit for tat, etc. etc. However, it wasn't designed to manage things we know we'll have to handle anyways - involuntary transactions. America's lowered many things to the financial level that shouldn't be, fundamentally - in a sane "first world" society, no member should have to worry about healthcare finances, for example. Taxes should happen automatically, as they do in many other countries; they should flow through the authority and to you, not given to you and taxed much later - then punished for not being adaquetely satisfied. We shouldn't have to worry about money in and of itself. We should worry about the institutions that mandate that we spend more time with money and less time on what matters. Unnecessary financial management is a real issue and, IMO, really does lead to a decreased quality of life, itnroducing additional anxiety, etc.


πŸ“– stoas
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