a [[list]].
- #pull [[wikipedia]] and many [[wikis]] in general
- #pull [[Everything2]]
- #pull [[Less Wrong]], the [[Effective Altruism forum]] and many [[forums]] in general
- #pull [[Agoras]]
A [[list]].
- This [[agora]] is literally just [[an agora]]. There are many others, and many more are possible.
- Please [[push]] to this list to add items or write in the [[stoa]] below.
- #pull [[an agora]] [[other agoras]] [[many agoras]]
a [[site]].
- [[go]] https://everything2.com
- I spent many hours reading it in the early 2000s.
An inspiration for the [[agora]].
- It doesn't have backlinks (IIRC), and it's fully centralized (and centrally conctrolled).
- But it has a [[serendipity]] aspect to it (multiple takes in the same page; plus the table below to discover only fuzzily related content) that I want to bring into the Agora.
Less Wrong
I think I have a Wikipedia addiction.
Ever since I was a kid I loved picking up encyclopedias and just browsing, but Wikipedia has allowed me to take this to a whole new level. I've always been a curious person, and I've always sort of had lots of interests without seeming able or willing to go deep into them. Idle browsing of Wikipedia kind of suits me perfectly.
I wonder to what extent this has been counter-productive; it's so much easier to read the article in Wikipedia on some subject instead of going deeper (and, say, studying the subject with some degree of seriousness). Ideally reading the Wikipedia article would be the first step towards more reading on the subject, and I guess sometimes it is. But it seems like perhaps I've missed out on learning more about some subjects just because reading the Wikipedia article gives me such a "kick".
In any case, I enjoy knowing random bits of information about many subjects, so it's not all bad. I may just try to keep written down notes on topics that I find interesting so I can go deeper into topics that I go back to more often.
a [[project]].
- [[internet]] [[free]] [[encyclopedia]]
- by [[wikimedia foundation]].
- one of [[humanity's best]].
#wp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia
- In [[an Agora]], Wikipedia is top ranked [[by default]].
- You can also [[pull]] (transclude) it.
- [[poll]]
A final example of an actually existing real utopia isΒ the new forms of peer-to-peer collaborative production that have emerged in the digital era. Perhaps the most familiar example is Wikipedia. Within a decade of its founding, Wikipedia destroyed a three-hundred-year-old market in encyclopedias; it is now impossible to produce a commercially viable, general purpose encyclopedia. Wikipedia is produced in a completely noncapitalist way by a few hundred thousand unpaid editors around the world contributing to the global commons and making it freely available to everybody. It is funded through a kind of gift economy thatΒ provides the necessary infrastructural resources. Wikipedia is filled with problems β some entries are wonderful, others terrible β but it is an extraordinary example of cooperation and collaboration on a very large scale that is highly productive and organized on a noncapitalist basis.
β How to Be an Anticapitalist Today , Erik Olin Wright
- [[pull]] [[wiki]]
- [[pull]] [[wiki engines]]
- a [[list]]
What is a wiki?
Quite an amorphous term these days.
soft security, editability of both content + metadata, recent changes, permalinks, editable namespaces. A healthy dose of eventualism
β SJ, Agora Discuss
Wiki is perhaps the only web idiom that is not a child of BBS culture. It derives historically from pre-web models of hypertext, with an emphasis on the pre. The immediate ancestor of wiki was a [[HyperCard]] stack maintained by Ward Cunningham that attempted to capture community knowledge among programmers. Its philosophical godfather was the dead-tree hypertext A Pattern Language written by Christopher Alexander in the 1970s.
Wiki iterates not through the creation of new posts, but through the refactoring of old posts. It shows not a mind in motion, but the clearest and fairest description of what that mind has (or more usually, what those minds have) arrived at. I t values reuse over reply, and links are not pointers to related conversations but to related ideas.
Is a personal wiki an oxymoron?
What wiki brought to these models, which were personal to start with, was collaboration. Wiki values are often polar opposites of blogging values. Personal voice is meant to be minimized. Voices are meant to be merged.
Not so true for the personal wiki. Maybe a personal wiki is wiki software but with different values for the output?
Rather than serial presentation, wiki values treating pages as nodes that stand outside of any particular narrative, and attempt to be timeless rather than timebound reactions.
This is still true for personal wikis.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/known-agoras
- video call at meet.jit.si/known-agoras